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Member Since 21 May 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 03 2020 12:51 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Custom map thread.

03 November 2020 - 12:49 PM

Mission for 3 players


Objective: Destroy the enemy




Unit Count: 0

Credits: 5 000

Tech Level: 10

Game Speed: Recommended 5 Faster


Short Game: off

MCV Repacks: off

Stolen Tech Units: off

No Naval Combat: on

Mental AI Boost: off

Immune Oil Derricks: off

No Spawn Previews: off


Build off ally bases: off

Superweapons: off

Ally change ingame: off

Crates appear: off

Limited MCV: off

Permanent radar: on

Conyard start: off


Players: Haihead, positions 1,2,3 in 1 team


AI: USSR, positions 4, 5 in 1 team

In Topic: Custom map thread.

17 May 2020 - 09:16 AM

3 Custom Missions for 3 players


Objective: Destroy the enemy



1. Manhattan




Unit Count: 0

Credits: Recommended 20 000 along with Hard AI and Mental AI boost

Tech Level: 10

Game Speed: Recommended 5 Faster


Short Game: off

MCV Repacks: off

Stolen Tech Units: off

No Naval Combat: on

Mental AI Boost: Depending on your liking

Immune Oil Derricks: off

No Spawn Previews: off


Build off ally bases: Depending on your liking

Superweapons: off

Ally change ingame: off

Crates appear: off

Limited MCV: off

Permanent radar: on

Conyard start: off


Players' faction: Russia, spots 1,2,3 in one team

AI's faction: US, spot 4 (AI's difficulty depending on your liking)



2. Wild West and The Caribbean Island (HARD)




Unit Count: 0

Credits: 5 000

Tech Level: 10

Game Speed: Recommended 5 Faster


Short Game: off

MCV Repacks: off

Stolen Tech Units: off

No Naval Combat: on

Mental AI Boost: off

Immune Oil Derricks: off

No Spawn Previews: off


Build off ally bases: off

Superweapons: off

Ally change ingame: off

Crates appear: off

Limited MCV: off

Permanent radar: on

Conyard start: off


Wild West:

Players' faction: Russia, spots 1,2,3 in one team

AI's faction: US, spot 4


The Caribbean Island:

Players' faction: US, spots 1,2,3 in one team

AI's faction: Latin Confederation, spot 4