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Member Since 09 Sep 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2009 01:49 AM

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In Topic: My new mod for cnc 3, forums for it are almost done.

07 April 2008 - 04:23 AM

Acutally in fact i do have some models from a mod that i did, but then died :(
due to team leacking, and some of my members left due to problems.

It was mainly the same idea, you know future combat system stuff.
but with a different story.

If you want me to post the models i can do that, but my models are on my other computer.

In Topic: My new mod for cnc 3, forums for it are almost done.

07 April 2008 - 03:57 AM

Well my old story was something like this.

In 2007 a treaty was signed by both North American nations (America, Canada and Mexico)
The Treaty was about economic Co-operation and military sell offs between those 3 governments
At the same time the USA army was testing and releasing some of its future combat system vehicles in to the open battlefield. Which it showed some positive results well in an open combat
Environment. The signed Treaty did not go well for some nations which some of those countries had always opposed the American foreign policy, in Canada there was a demo rally against
The proposed bill a few weeks later Militia Groups had been getting phone calls and they have also been getting mails about to overthrow the Tyranny government. However there was a new militia commander that has joined the movement. The New commander of the Militia has made a promise that there will be new Revolutionary change around the world.

So mainly what happend in north america is that there was a amigo meeting where the 3 north american leaders meet
each other. When that happend, a bill was secretly passed in congress that would eliminate any opposition to the government plans of creating there plans for the north american union. And that is why National Resistance Force was createad.

As for my old story what do you think of it? is it to political? that is the reason i changed it. But now i understand you all want to play in different areas. You will as matter of fact.

Future Combat: Global Crisis Phase 1: Takes place in North America
Future Combat: Global Crisis Phase 2: Takes place in Europe

as you can see, Future Combat: Global Crisis Phase 2 will take place in Europe with the New european faction, as for the gameplay, i was thinking example ( a helicopter base building type, a helicopter will be developing your base)

And as for the Captureable Civilian Buildings yes there are benefits from them.
for one instance in one of some the missions you will face you will have to capture a radio station or at least a radio tower in a usa army base, to call for more back up.

Oh and what are the russians are doing in this mod you may ask?
Well they are like a liberation front army in the eyes of some citizens, but they also have a different agenda for coming in america.

Do you have any production work done other than concept.
Working on them.

Well heres my forum.

Updates will posted on the forum.