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Member Since 14 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Jul 07 2006 08:03 AM

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Can Judas truly be considered evil?

15 February 2006 - 06:52 AM

I recently saw a movie where this kid mocked the bible and said Judas was actually a good guy. He said that if he didn't betray Jesus then Christianity may not actually have been created. He also said that if he didn't betray Jesus then the cross would have just been considered an evil execution device. I thought about this and the kid might have been right. If Judas did not betray Jesus and inadvertently allowed Jesus to die for our sins, Christianity may not be as strong as it is now. Christianity could have turned into something like the pagan beliefs of ancient Europe. The cross would not be a religious symbol if Judas did not betray Jesus to his death through crucifiction. The cross would not have rallied and inspired the Crusader troops, and this may have allowed Islam to spread into Europe (not that there's anything wrong with it). Judas may have inadvertently created and strenghtened Christianity. So can Judas truly be considered evil?