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Member Since 18 Mar 2018
Offline Last Active May 19 2018 09:02 AM

Topics I've Started

get my old accout back

18 March 2018 - 09:43 AM



I just went to the IRC and posted this:

[10:39] <Nod0n> Hi, I have use Nod0n on the online servers in the past, maybe long ago, can't realy remember. Nod0n is my normal nicname at a lot of stuff (youtube, twitch, steam). I can't remeber my mail adress or my password for it. I have multiple mail adresses: tuorhuor(at)gmail.com, a(at)tuor.org, tuor(at)tuor.org, *(at)tuor.org...
[10:39] <Nod0n> Is there any possibility, that i can use the nicname Nod0n again? (right now i'm using Nodon... But I would prefer Nod0n...
Then I noticed, i'm the only one online...
If it's not possible, it is how it is. But if yes, I would be thankfull. :)