I just encountered an error and found a solution posting in case it helps.
I have 1920 by 1080 monitor and I was operating in windowed mode from when I was trying to get the game to start. I had the game resolution set to 1920 by 1080. Every time I played a game it crashed and I found that this occurred when ever I got too close to the bottom of the screen. Which made me remember that there should be a menu bar there for unit control. This bar was off the screen for some reason. I switched windowed mode off and now the menu bar is back and I am not getting the error. I also did not get the error when running in windowed mode at lower resolutions where the menu bar was still on the screen.
Solution: Alter resolution and Windowed mode on/off to ensure that "Unit control" menu bar is on the screen or you will get a cursor error when you get too close to the bottom.