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Member Since 27 Jun 2018
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2019 06:04 PM

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In Topic: Ping / Connection Issues C&C 3 KW Origin Ultimate edition

06 July 2018 - 02:26 PM

Okay , i´ll try that. knowing german bureaucracy its gonna take like 3 months.


anyways , thanks for the help.

In Topic: Ping / Connection Issues C&C 3 KW Origin Ultimate edition

05 July 2018 - 09:24 PM

Im kinda confused , the log said that i didnt Need any more port forwoarding as i opened 6500 - 65535 via UCP and TCP.


Edit: so im using a DMZ Right now , that doesnt help either

Edit 2: So there is a Forum post About a Windows update causing Problems, i try the fix , that didnt help either

Edit 3: I deactivated IPv6 in my router Setting , since someone said that that could be a possible Problem.didnt help either.

Edit 4: VPN didnt help either.


This honestly makes me so sad , this has been the game from my childhood.I remember spending days and days playing it.Well anyways , i still appriciate the time you took to help me!

In Topic: Ping / Connection Issues C&C 3 KW Origin Ultimate edition

05 July 2018 - 03:48 PM

Do you have any suggestions? Anything i can do aside from the Things i already did?