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Member Since 08 Sep 2018
Offline Last Active Oct 11 2018 12:05 AM

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In Topic: MO 3.3 // Campaign, Cooperative & Challenge Discussion

25 September 2018 - 03:36 AM


Thank you for making these! Made use of them on several occasions and I imagine here will be more in the future.

In Topic: MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

08 September 2018 - 04:34 PM

Since people keep feeding the fire, I feel compelled to point out:
arandompersons is stirring the pot; you're being had.

They might not intend to stir the pot, they may not even be aware they are stirring the pot, but they assuredly are stirring the pot. The former two seem unlikely at that, considering their aloofness, pedantry, and fallacious reasoning (replete with ad homs).

Everything that can be said about arandompersons complaints has been said: they are either playing in a way the game is designed to punish (as if it was vanilla Red Alert 2), or are lacking knowledge and unwilling to learn (the range and AA ballgames). Play more.

(At least this gave me an excuse to finally make an account.)


Just curiosity: why does it always should be? I don't understand it. I mean, I guess there are people who do not play PvP.

Games like Mental Omega are designed around PvP, as the AI is not able to optimize strategy by vice of it being designed by (in many ways constrained) designers. (Google "GIGO".) Players, on the other hand, have seemingly unlimited imagination when it comes to finding exploits, perfecting placement, optimizing unit compositions, and so on. Analyzing and responding to the latter thus leads to a more fine tuned experience, as there are more things to tweak and the process is, theoretically anyway, never ending.

Also, I object to the notion that PvC in MO isn't enjoyable/well balanced: the balancing from multiplayer trickles down to the singleplayer experience just fine. The issues are invariably with the AI being dopey, which, again, is an effect of GIGO and something Mentalmeisters is working on - think the skirmish AI utilizing drillers/stallions in 3.3.4.