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Member Since 11 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2017 09:31 PM

#993016 Statistics.

Posted by Njrage on 27 January 2015 - 01:03 AM

Okie so my group is currently at 125 members, not all of them are active but I can't force people to play lol... anyway, my group is helping the community stay active and i've mentioned the point that gr will not update unlike t3a towards gr players. They aren't going to listen untill they see some proof. So soon as you guys get stats going ill be able to get many many many more gr players to join. Whatever other plans you guys may have, I would love to get some notice that way I can advertise and bring more people into the t3a servers. Keep up the amazing work that you guys are doing, me and my group are behind you all the way. Also we've been using skype and although it has been a wonderfull way to get games going I can't help but to think there could be a better more efficient way. People get a little sketched out when i ask them to add me on skype and they get annoyed by the constant new messages in group before realizing they can turn of the notification setting. If you guys know of or can create something similair without the issues that skype has it will help me expand the community even further.

#985040 Looking for people to play with

Posted by Njrage on 24 November 2014 - 06:28 AM

I have a group of 50 members so far on skype, the people you saw where probably in my group actually. if you want someone to play with add me on skype and i'll add you to our group. We normally play on 1.08. My nick on skype is njrage