Just wanted to add again, in case you're still making another update sometime, the tesla coil needs to have Burst=3 to be really like the old one.
Right now I'm guessing you have it on 150 damage and 1 burst, right? That takes about 1/3 HP off a tank, whereas the old one has burst=3 and could actually take a tank with the 3 bursts. That would explain why the soviets appear very weak in ICFRA relatively to their RA counterparts.
I wonder if Westwood forgot to give their RA2 coils burst attacks (I've tried it BTW and I think it's a little step towards a better balance in RA2+YR which no one seems to have tried in any balance mods that I know of). Normal attack is 200 damage, charged coil is 300 (I think)plus 1 extra range and a bit faster RoF.
This is still only half to 2/3 the streangth of a RA coil. Add to that that they gave the Allies a devastating all-round artillary AND gave them a better defence system (better RoF, dmg, range)...What were they thinking? Sorry, I still like to rant about how bad RA2 Soviets are. :/
Member Since 17 Apr 2006Offline Last Active Feb 04 2008 03:58 PM