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Member Since 17 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 04 2008 03:58 PM

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In Topic: Beta Release 3

04 February 2008 - 03:55 PM

Just wanted to add again, in case you're still making another update sometime, the tesla coil needs to have Burst=3 to be really like the old one.

Right now I'm guessing you have it on 150 damage and 1 burst, right? That takes about 1/3 HP off a tank, whereas the old one has burst=3 and could actually take a tank with the 3 bursts. That would explain why the soviets appear very weak in ICFRA relatively to their RA counterparts.

I wonder if Westwood forgot to give their RA2 coils burst attacks (I've tried it BTW and I think it's a little step towards a better balance in RA2+YR which no one seems to have tried in any balance mods that I know of). Normal attack is 200 damage, charged coil is 300 (I think)plus 1 extra range and a bit faster RoF.
This is still only half to 2/3 the streangth of a RA coil. Add to that that they gave the Allies a devastating all-round artillary AND gave them a better defence system (better RoF, dmg, range)...What were they thinking? Sorry, I still like to rant about how bad RA2 Soviets are. :/

In Topic: Beta Release 3

08 November 2007 - 01:58 AM

Oh, yes, Black Rose is absolutely right, and his criticism is astoundingly detailed as well! All hail his superior intelect!

I just blew up 3 computer opponents using mainly demo trucks(about 50 total) and some chrono tanks to wipe up the remains, and the only way to afford that is to use the Allied spy.
As a side note, I think RA2&YR should really have had a better economy for the Soviets(as well as other stuff they didn't get) since demo trucks cost alot(and in RA both Soviets and Allies have the same economy so no favorism there).

Also noticed that I needn't worry about spies since they only target my factories(I hear alot of "technology stolen" though I can't target factories with my own spies) and veterency is of course disabled in this mod.


P.S. I hate signing in, I'm lazy.