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Member Since 17 May 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 06 2007 04:09 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Remix Escalation Suggestion

02 November 2006 - 12:41 AM

Also, to the fine person who sent me a friend request on BF2142, I thaught I clicked OK to your buddy request, but I think now it may have accedently been the close button. If you send it again I'll accept it.

Nope you accepted, what kinda time u avaible to play?

I usualy play in the evenings and late at night. Of course right now I'm installing NWN2, so I might not be online for a few days, but I'll be around eventualy.

Im in the U.K so im at GMT , if your in the USA we might have some time issues as you could be - 6 hours behind if your at CST. but im sure ill see you sooner or later.

In Topic: Remix Escalation Suggestion

01 November 2006 - 09:16 PM

don't worry guy. I'm not abandoning the mod. I'm just short term sucked into some new games. I've been warning it was comming for a while.

Also, to the fine person who sent me a friend request on BF2142, I thaught I clicked OK to your buddy request, but I think now it may have accedently been the close button. If you send it again I'll accept it.

Nope you accepted, what kinda time u avaible to play?

In Topic: Remix Escalation Suggestion

20 September 2006 - 06:04 PM

Is it possible to change the game zoom so you can see more of the map on screen? if you could add this to remix it would be great as i find the current max zoom out level constricting.

In Topic: Remix Escalation Suggestion

09 August 2006 - 03:21 PM

Due to the lenght of this topic i dont know if this has been suggested before, but how about bringing back bonus crates similar to the ones in the older C&C games , if you dont know its a random box that spawns on the map every 5 mins that gives either money, promotion, firepower /speed upgrate , units , or explodes kill all units in a small area.

In Topic: Hero Characters

09 August 2006 - 03:05 PM

Not sure if this has been suggested before but how about a scavenger character for the GLA, he starts off with basic infantry stuff (like a machine gun and a small bomb to damage buildings but weak), and by picking up salvage he upgrades with ablitys like stealth, better guns(rocket launcher/sniper etc) , more powerful bombs (toxin bomb , and eventually nuke).