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Member Since 16 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 24 2008 10:16 AM

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In Topic: General Comments/Suggestions

08 February 2008 - 05:28 AM

lol, it was probably me that changed it to Rohan Eco, might I suggest each faction get their own forum? anyways...

If you look at arnor, their biggest flaw is they utterly lack early pikeman, their only pikeman come from a level 3 elven barracks, which is only obtainable through buying the second most expensive alliance upgrade, but I can easily see how that can be taken care of with the heroes, as they seem to rape cavalry.

Rohan's biggest downfall is the shear amount of money it takes to get diversified units on infantry to keep up pressure on a fast moving faction like goblins, that it becomes almost impossible.

In Topic: General Comments/Suggestions

07 February 2008 - 07:50 PM

Hey, just checking in over from MEC, just went through my first playthrough of the mod checking out the new stuff.

The one thing Ive noticed is that Rohan's economy is extremely weak with the stuff it requires to get diversified units from the barracks. Maybe, to really go back to the BFME1 way of things, have farms provide a food bonus that helps with the cost of units.

Ill post more as I sort out exactly what balances I see that are off.