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Member Since 26 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 18 2007 05:44 PM

Topics I've Started

Worst decision possible....

17 January 2007 - 01:39 AM

I'm talking about the news saying that you will abandon the current project to get back to the C&C universe and wait for Tiberium to be released.

Speaking in your interest, because in many modding years i'm now prepared to such bad news, i think this was the worst decision that could be made.
You have abandoned a project that wasn't the only to change the entire universe of the game but for sure the most interesting. And this in particular because W40K fans like me long awaited a game similar to this mod.
Many RTS have been developed in these years but the're all the same. Now with EaW you had the fantastic idea to change your aims from C&C to introduce players in a completely new enviroment that marries greatly with the original. Your decision is simply a step down. Something like a devolution, because models for Tiberium will only be the graphical part of a poor project that is based on an and boring game style. If i want and RTS in 40K universe i'll keep playing Dawn of war. The ace in this mod was the space, an element that is too often forgotten in these games. Now you decided to make a mod that already exists and is called Dawn of War. You won't have better graphics neither... I think your mod won't be so much popular in the future.
Sorry for this exlpoit but i thought that a comment was necessary. In particular because the community loses an interesting and innovative modification that even software houses never kept in mind...

Only war 2 map question

27 June 2006 - 06:57 AM

My question is this: if you're really goin' to create all the races we've seen in the previews like IN, Orks, Necrons, Nids, SM, Tau how big the map will be ???