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Member Since 12 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 08 2007 11:34 AM

Topics I've Started

Lotr Str

12 June 2007 - 05:20 PM

I have been looking for it everywhere, in BFME2 data, and also with Final.Big.

Could you plz tell me where it is?


Skeletons and Models

09 June 2007 - 07:18 PM

Well, I am making a mod that needs whole new skeletons and skins.

The coding seems to be no problem, but the model creating is driving me crazy

I got G-MAX and I tried making an skeleton. Compare the results to a normal skeleton (aragorn):

Posted Image

I also got other probs on modelling, as that geometry is not flexible enough with vertex, etc

So, could you plz tell me how to make "normal bones" or even recommend a better free program?


New Hero Portraits and CommandButton pictures

04 June 2007 - 11:48 AM

Hello everybody.

I have been trying to find where to place my new Portraits and CommandButton New Pictures (like Gimli´s Axe Throw Pic) After investigating the .BIG files, I found out the CommandButton Pics come with Hero Portraits, so, how can I upload them to the Textures2.Big file in my mod?

I also have problems importing my portraits into the .BIG files.

Could you please help me solve this problem?


I tried to upload the pics I found, size being 88 Kb, but it doesn´t let me.

"The Sky has Fallen"