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Member Since 17 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active May 06 2009 03:16 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Welcome to the forums of Command & Conquer Destiny

30 May 2007 - 03:16 PM

I wasn't able to send or recieve PMs for the last while, so I probably didn't get it. It "should" be working now, so try PMing me and let's see if it works...

In Topic: Welcome to the forums of Command & Conquer Destiny

08 May 2007 - 08:37 PM


Just in case some of you guys forgot, I am one of the people helping CDMTX with his mod, particularly the SHPs. Because I can't seem to contact CDMTX through PMs, I decided to post a personal update here.

(In my case) Due to school, work, my car, and other things, not too much has gotten done. Hopefully if I can get in contact with cdmtx, there might be a release of new stuff soon.

I know everyone wants to see new stuff soon, so CDMTX will should release some new stuff soon.

To cdmtx:I need to talk to you privately as soon as possible...

In Topic: Slave Miner or Ore Refinery for Yuri's Empire

09 April 2007 - 04:02 PM


This is a useless off-topic post, but it's called TIBERIUM, not Tiberian. No offense to you O-Bolt, but how hard is it to spell a word correctly for a game you so greatly like?

Back to topic: Why give Yuri an ore refinery? There would be no point, and (I think that) no one would use it if you can use the slave miners...

I believe that that is just a waste of a country special.

Back to topic now:
Do you plan to add several Yuri countries for all of these country specials(Like Ore Refinery)?

In Topic: Slave Miner or Ore Refinery for Yuri's Empire

09 April 2007 - 05:08 AM


This is a useless off-topic post, but it's called TIBERIUM, not Tiberian. No offense to you O-Bolt, but how hard is it to spell a word correctly for a game you so greatly like?


Back to topic: Why give Yuri an ore refinery? There would be no point, and (I think that) no one would use it if you can use the slave miners...

I believe that that is just a waste of a country special.

In Topic: What you want to see in YR that you didn't

07 April 2007 - 12:52 AM

Or you could just make the "Alarm Weapon" target aircraft only...