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ghost squad

Member Since 28 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Aug 28 2006 11:05 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: FNN

06 August 2006 - 10:28 PM


today a man was killed by bees. his friend saw the whole thing while he was going the the market. this is what the friend said " i was gong to the market a...and i saw Bill. he saw me and waved and walked into a bush and triped. then he landed on a bee hive i guess. then i saw a fury of yellow things cover Bill. i went to help him by punching every bee in the face. i guess the bees understanded that when u r punched the face u go away and the bees left

and now the weather........ its going to be raining sh*t all week so board up those windows

In Topic: 00 Nobody Maps and Missions

03 August 2006 - 11:57 PM

there was 1 when bob and steve save christmas huh never saw it but i saw the wia 2

In Topic: 00 Nobody Maps and Missions

03 August 2006 - 08:31 PM

a lighting bolt from the gods lol a flash gernade. they r the best agents around

P.S. will u submit ur soul to me????? and who is submiting his soul????

In Topic: 00 Nobody Maps and Missions

02 August 2006 - 11:45 PM

lol loved the third WIA. do u by any chance watch g4 tv and x-play?

In Topic: Unit/Weapon suggestion

01 August 2006 - 11:35 PM

i think they weill look like a normal inf but a little bigger like a metal suit for an inf( o man i want one now) i cam up wit some other ideas for battle armor.

1. Striker
it is a light battle armor that has a mech gun and a sholder mounted cannon that can take out a humvee in 4 shots. the point of this unit is to renforce the front line because it will be pretty fast to reach the ffront line in time to even help. the striker would be best used in groups. there would also be a stealth uprade so that it can aslo be used to ambush. Price: 1000

2. Storm
this is a support unit armed with nothing but a sholder mounted missile rack. it will need to knel down to start firing its LRMs ( Long Range Missile) like the nuke cannon. it will shot 8 missiles rapidly but only 3 out of the 8 will even hit the targeted enemy. the rest will hit the area near the enemy. it's normal speed is a ranger speed but there is an upgrade that will let the missile payload be 12 but will render the speed of the storm to be a tankhunter speed. Price: 1400

3. Ghost
the main use of this armor is to lay mines, but these minnes are different. the mine pops up and run to the enemy. the mine will take a couple secs before running at the enemy so u can kill it. it wont have much life and when destroyed it wont explode. now bak to the ghost, it can also repair other battle armors, it can c other mines and disable them, and it willl have a claw that can hack into enemy tanks and building causing the object to shut down but once the claw and the object isnt attached anymore the object is bak online. there will be an upgrade that will allow the ghost to jumpjet but the distance wont be far. Price: 2000

man cant wait till i c little suits of armor take down a whole army of tanks and still be able to rush into a base :lol: