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Member Since 04 Sep 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2016 04:52 AM

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Adding extra bonuses to Spellbook Cloudbreak super power

05 April 2016 - 03:37 AM

Hello, I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me edit the Cloudbreak superpower.  My idea is that I would like it to apply I guess a leadership bonus or bonuses of speed, damage, and armor for the duration of the Cloudbreak.  This way when it activates I would have it apply to infantry and heroes.  The problem is the only example is that of the EyeofSauron superpower.  This has both an antiledarship to affect enemies, and a leadership to effect allies.  The problem is that I don't get how the two are combined.  To get an understanding on how the Cloudbreak superpower I have looked at the files attributemodifier.ini, system.ini, specialpower.ini  Now, I thought i could just add to the already existing attributemodifer for Cloudbreak, and add the damage, speed, and armor.  Although, I finally came across the system.ini file that gives the behavior for Cloudbreak and it says its an antileadership and that it applies to +any +infantry +cavalry +monster -hero enemies.  So if I were to just add to the existing attributemodifier, wouldn't it give speed, armor, and damage to everyone else and not my guys?  Any help would be appreciated.