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Member Since 14 Sep 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 28 2020 01:26 AM

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In Topic: MO3.3 SUPPORT // Game or Client Crashes & Launch Issues Megathread

28 April 2020 - 01:26 AM

reinstalled YR and works fine now 

In Topic: MO3.3 SUPPORT // Game or Client Crashes & Launch Issues Megathread

27 April 2020 - 01:42 PM

so hey its been a very long while if anyone remembers me but I needed help launching the mod I get to the load screen it loads about a quarter full and crashes and takes me back to client running on windows 10 as well also noticed theres missing text messages on load screen


tried reinstalling it gamemd is unmoddifed outside of changing out resolution and the XP compatibility thing



[01:36:24] Syringe

[01:36:24] ===============
[01:36:24] WinMain: arguments = ""gamemd.exe" -SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN"
[01:36:24] WinMain: Trying to load executable file "gamemd.exe"...
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Retrieving info from the executable file...
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Executable information successfully retrieved.
[01:36:24] exe = gamemd.exe
[01:36:24] pImLoadLibrary = 0x007E1220
[01:36:24] pImGetProcAddress = 0x007E1250
[01:36:24] pcEntryPoint = 0x007CD80F
[01:36:24] dwExeSize = 0x0049A110
[01:36:24] dwExeCRC = 0x1610F33F
[01:36:24] dwTimestamp = 0x3BDF544E
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Opening gamemd.exe to determine imports.
[01:36:24] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs();
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: "Ares.dll"
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Calling "Ares.dll" ...
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Answers "Found an unknown game patch. Ares 2.0 is not compatible with other patches." (1)
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: DLL load was prevented: "Ares.dll"
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: "cncnet5.dll"
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Done (1 hooks added).
[01:36:24] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run("-SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN");
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::Run: Running process to debug. cmd = "gamemd.exe -SPAWN -CD -LOG -SPAWN"
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::Run: Allocating 0x584 bytes...
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::Run: pAlloc = 0x001C0000
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::Run: Writing DLL loader & caller code...
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::Run: pcLoadLibrary = 0x001C0000
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::Run: Entering debug loop...
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Could not retrieve ProcAddress for: cncnet5.dll - MZ
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Finished retrieving proc addresses.
[01:36:24] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Creating code hooks.
[01:36:32] SyringeDebugger::Run: Done with exit code FFFFFFFF (4294967295).
[01:36:32] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run finished.
[01:36:32] WinMain: Exiting on success.
I am using my first decade cd and yuris revenge is working at the final patch (unless I'm missing something)