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Cheshire Fox

Member Since 29 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2009 03:36 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: the biggest flamewar in history....

26 June 2008 - 05:09 AM


In Topic: Picture War!

23 June 2008 - 09:17 PM

Not to mention the fact that Yuri has already been used in this thread. So actually you seem to have failed at originality, just when it was getting good too. The skeleton thing was clever though.

Posted Image

In Topic: the biggest flamewar in history....

23 June 2008 - 09:14 PM

The children are back out to play I guess.

In Topic: Picture War!

18 June 2008 - 08:14 PM

Guys, the idea is that the picture beats the other picture. Not that you invent a ton of background information about your picture. This is done so that room is left for creativity and wit. Yes, we all know explosives will destroy most things, but maybe we can move beyond that.

In Topic: Irrelevant topic possibly concerning your image of homosexuality!

18 June 2008 - 08:10 PM

I'm not saying associating people by how they dress is a good thing, but it is true. And yes, subcultures and the habits of them go out of style and existence and they generally become mainstream and stop being "sub" and move into "pop". And yeah, white kids who dress gangsta do kinda have their own subsubculture. Even if you don't like subcultures and think the stereotypes existing about them are silly, you can't deny the fact that they do exist and people are identifiable as belonging to them by the way they dress. The lines around the existence of these subcultures is generally pretty blended, usually the only definite characteristics are in music taste and fashion sense. The longer these groups exist, the more assimilated they become and the less people who join them stand out. But if someone dresses in all black, torn up clothing with greusome images on it, dies there hair dark, covers themselves with chains, paints weird patterns on their faces, wears eyeliner, etc. they're pretty easily recognizable, and you'll go "Oh, there's a metalhead" because they want to be identified as such. Not everyone who listens to heavy metal is gonna dress like that, but if someone chooses to dress like that chances are they will listen to it. Subcultures come about because people want to look unique and separate, it's a way of expressing pride about your lifestyle. You can't deny that they exist, and always will. They float in and out of existence, but new ones always come about.