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Member Since 03 May 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 16 2005 10:34 PM

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In Topic: "Superweapon ready" with scripts

16 January 2005 - 03:07 PM

^Good point. I do not know if playing a speech file will play it globally among players..

Testing would help.


Speech Files are played global... I tested it.

In Topic: I'm confused about a Script.... Please advice...

14 January 2005 - 11:28 PM

At first glance it looks fine to me. Why not look at the challenger mode maps when the SW Gen gets her SW killed she taunts. That might lead you somewhere.


Well, didn't help that much, the Map uses the same Tag, only with the Difference that there the CommandCenter got a <Unitname> but in Skirmish, you can't name Buildings with those Names :(

In Topic: More Bugs Found In EAs Scripts

05 September 2004 - 03:55 PM

I said that the WGShells and FR's are cut in ZH actually, and that is a Fact, isn't it? :p
I know that my Scripts are really weird, but that started with downloading the sorted SkirmishScripts.scb from SDI :p

In Topic: More Bugs Found In EAs Scripts

05 September 2004 - 02:55 PM


Yes, this is what i saw too :p But only in GC....

In Topic: More Bugs Found In EAs Scripts

05 September 2004 - 02:49 PM

Neutron mines? ive never ever seen it, and infernos (well the ? sign is there for a reason)
I wouldnt even call that a laserlock though... id call it DOOM! the range over a screen away lol


mmmmhh..... it can be that i re-added the N-Mines my own, don't remember atm :p I enabled every single Upgrade for the AI that they can posses :)
That Issue with Alexis wanting Composite Armor is because she has actually a Paladin in their Arsenal :umad: Which I made buildable for her too :p

Hehe DOOM seems appropriate somehow for that :p