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Member Since 03 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2015 12:43 PM

#1005039 Patch Switcher Asynchronous

Posted by Xelenos on 04 June 2015 - 02:13 AM

issue solved

#996295 How to register in ClanWars league

Posted by Xelenos on 01 March 2015 - 05:49 AM

I'm proud to tell you that we got more than 60 player in the league and 978 games played this tourney(February Month)

Here is the top3 of the two lader:




Congratulation to those champion, and here is the warrior lader:



Which you can see more here: http://www.clanwars....ings.aspx?GID=2


Thank you to all of those who joined the league Gl Hf people :)

#994023 disable CTRL+Number thing

Posted by Xelenos on 06 February 2015 - 05:26 PM

hotkey can be changed, and i repeat myself for the second time i got the solution, but do as everyone you and your friend download 1.06 pat or download the patch switcher, for 1.06 you just have to go to windows button then all the program then electronic arts then bfme2 then push "upgrade english site" and you will got 1.06.


i will make a tuto soon

#993952 disable CTRL+Number thing

Posted by Xelenos on 05 February 2015 - 10:05 PM

I will be clear, if you use 1.00 like all retard of 1.00 community that your issue.

1.00 is the patch the most unbalanced and bugged of the game if you don't want to transit to 1.06 who is better but still unblanced it's good for you, or like a smart player and like all the player who play on the server you should just play 1.08 like 99% of people on the server.



gl hf for your issue i play with shortcut building etc etc and i never got this issue.


PS:I have the solution to your issue.

PS²: you press "h" and you got your fortress