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Member Since 16 Mar 2007
Offline Last Active May 21 2014 03:04 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Changing AOD Arrival Time when Playing Minas Tirith Good Campaign (BFME1)

25 February 2014 - 06:30 PM

Thanks very much, Lusta. This worked. However, you don't have to start the campaign from the beginning to test this. Since I've been testing changes I've been making to Minas Tirith, I simply saved the campaign just before the conclusion of Shelob's Lair. That's the story line just prior to Minas Tirith. When I tested your suggestion, I resumed the game at the conclusion of Shelob's Lair and proceeded on to Minas Tirith.

In Topic: Increase/Decrease Command Points

09 February 2014 - 03:17 AM

Hello and welcome, Max. First, have you searched the forum for this topic or taken a look in the tutorial section of the Third Age? If not, please do so as you may find what you are looking for. If so, please provide a bit more detail with regards to what you've done. I looked at the link you provided and it appears that those directions are having you directly modify the original game, which is not advised. Most folks (including myself) would recommend that you make use of the "-mod" command so that you can create a modified version of the game without touching the original.

In Topic: Spell Time Checker

24 January 2014 - 03:34 AM

I agree with Radspakr. The best I could suggest would be a unique multi-level FX that changes as the timer runs down.

In Topic: Just installed, get this error

21 January 2014 - 05:25 AM

Hello, Richie. I'm going to guess that you've installed your game on a laptop with a wide screen (or one that is using a resolution that was not around when the game originally came out). If that's the case, the game won't be able to make sense of it and will crash. Download the attached file and place it in your "My Battle for Middle-earth Files" folder. Open the file and where it says "Resolution" enter the screen resolution you're using (1024 x 768 in the attached example but don't type the "x"). Save the file and then restart the game. Does this fix the problem?

In Topic: Unit changes to Child Object (and back again)?

15 January 2014 - 06:31 AM

Echo, I'm not sure if this may be of interest to you or not, but one way to improve the rate by which heroes gather experience is to modify the default object.ini file, as indicated below.




            ; This will farm out any experience we gain to nearby units.

            Behavior = ShareExperienceBehavior ModuleTag_DefaultShareExp

                  Radius            = 200; Meneldil changed original 100.0

                  ObjectFilter      = ANY +HERO

                  DropOff           = 1.0; Must be one or zero.




Increasing the shared experience radius allows heroes to receive experience points over a wider range.



Regarding another of your questions, when you asked about removing a model condition, are you talking about doing that in the attribute modifier ini file? If so, you may want to see if the "LurtzCripplingStrike" modifier is doing what you want. It has a "ClearModelCondition" command line. Another thing to consider is how Aragorn's "Blade Master" code works (e.g., specific attribute modifier is used and is coordinated with specified model conditions). Also, you may want to look at how weapon and armor upgrades work.


Another area to look at with regards to model conditions is the command button codes. For example, look at "SpecialAbilityLurtzCarnage." You'll see that it requires a certain model condition to be in place in order for this to work. You can also use "DisableOnModelCondition" to prevent the command from working. One way I've made use of these types of codes is when I provided Faramir a "Blade Master" ability. You would naturally only want it to work when his model is using a sword and not a bow. Of course, for these to work, there has to be a corresponding model in the hero's ini file.


Attribute modifiers can also be stopped/started in the hero's ini file in the "SpecialAbilityUpdate" behaviors.


Sorry if this is something you already know or if I'm misunderstanding what it is you are trying to do.