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Member Since 17 Jun 2003
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In Topic: Were is Gamemate

28 November 2007 - 11:13 PM

All assets (graphical) are free to use. Download will be up for as long as it is allowed and does not become a liability.

@Apollo: Not recieved any email, feel free to resend or PM. I will reply as soon as I can.

I have to agree with Xeno, it is far from the end of the world that I leave. There are several people more than capable to learn what I did, it is not exactly rocket science :mad2:

Sorry for any unanswered PM´s just been too busy.

In Topic: Were is Gamemate

23 November 2007 - 08:26 AM

I am not looking for attention....

I was planning to write down the full reason to why I am leaving. It summarise as no time, maybe you have not noticed but the updates on the mods I help out with has decreased quite some. When you feel that you do not help the teams and just slow them down, then it is time to leave. I hope that RS team finds a new 3d artist, the mod really brings out a potential of the YR engine that is just amazing.

Truly sorry for the people I have let down with this decision, but I got to live too. Sacrificing most of the social life just for an hobby does not work in the long run. Anyway good luck all and I will still visit and follow the mods progress.

@ Gaffel: Write so everyone can understand you :) Translation: "Is this a joke by the RS team, that they only know of? When you get back at Christmas or what the fuck do I know with a new release. As if you have been raped, can´t even write a last letter."

No it is not a joke. No I won´t be back to modding, I will be around if someone wants advice though. I had plans to write something, I am not sure if you can imagine how hard it is to leave something you done for a vast amount of years (with high dedication I might add...)? Let alone explain it to people that you are letting down?

In Topic: I Want One

14 October 2007 - 04:23 PM

I could make a really extreme FL version that just screams brutality :)

In Topic: Beta Release 3

14 October 2007 - 12:49 PM

Good luck with university :xcahik_:

Looking forward to testing this version. Every bit finished counts, even if not as much as you wanted it will please most of the people following this :)

In Topic: A mysterious sighting revisited

14 October 2007 - 11:09 AM

Ah I see, will try to mimic that then and have a poll to see what people prefer :)