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Member Since 15 May 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2010 07:46 AM

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In Topic: The second great Religion debate.

02 January 2010 - 11:49 AM

Some good points, though I cannot agree it fully:

It's like telling a person who has autism that they need to act like "everyone else" and not display any symptoms or issues.

I've never said that gay should hide or what should do with them. I only have said that I don't like them. :umad:
The treatment part was a joke obviously at first. :mellow:
Though putting autistic people and homosexual in same position, then do you think that autistic people should not treated if possible? :o

Can you see how a belief or opinion should not affect policy?

There was a this study and I'd love to see more studies to make a proper policy, but I'm afraid that people are too scared to study it further since they would be bashed down. The laws are always voted on someones opinion in the end. It's the same thing when you go to buy a car, in the end you got the one that feels good.

I'm kind of tired of speaking about homosexuals, can we change the subject back to topic please? This has nothing to do with religion anymore. :(

So you'd prefer to go back to the "good old times" where husbands cheated on their wives with prostitutes and the wives simply had to accept that? Praised be the bourgeois family of old.

I never said that! Don't put words to my mouth. I merely stated, that people are giving up too easily.
"You shall not commit adultery"

The hypocrisy!
"I don't want you to adopt a kid because it will suffer from the bullying people with attitudes like mine will give it".
You're not really listing that as a reason, are you?

Say that to Rob too then.

In Topic: The second great Religion debate.

02 January 2010 - 10:22 AM

We're obviously suppose to find a spouse and reproduce, are we not? If not, then there wouldn't be any humans. The homosexuals are not diease, they have a disease, mutation or whatever you like to call it. It's a like any other psychologial disease, thus perhaps they should be treated. :mellow: The only thing I'm afraid, is the faith of children they might adopt. Just think about what kind of role model their father and father are giving. And not to mention all the bullying the are going to get. Obviously as a christian I want them to brought to christianity and taught that way. Though I can admit, that it's better to gay as parent than no parent at all, but heterosexual parents should have the priority.

I of course accept the re-marriage families, but have to say that there is many times problems with ex-husbands and ex-wives. And nowdays they just quit marriages far too easily. First argument and that's it.

There is also cancer in the animals, so should we not do anything about it with humans then?!

Shall we get back to christianity or are we going to continue with studying my view towards gay further?

In Topic: The second great Religion debate.

02 January 2010 - 09:50 AM

Yes, they are allowed to marry (register the relationship) as some non-christians also do, but not in church to a holy matrimony and it's okay to me. They are indeed allowed to adopt children as well, which I do not accept. Imo, every child needs a both biologial parents as it's meant.

About your post, the homosexuals are mutated as the study Swedish (promised land of homosexuals) also notes. So it's not only my opinion. You can always deny the science too, but then we're pretty far from real discussion. Of course we can study this more, but at least for me it makes sense. Rest of the stuff of your comment I can agree.

What this has to do with religion btw? Should this thread rather be renamed to Homosexual debate now or are we going back to christianity at some point...? :mellow:

PS. Please put your comments to smaller chapters, it's really hard to read it. :umad:

In Topic: The second great Religion debate.

02 January 2010 - 09:24 AM

I don't duck down, I rather turn my cheek when I got tired of offensive languages and bashing. :umad:

Who said I hate them? I just don't like 'em as I already said. Damn, that post was good. Answer to two posts, at least. :mellow: Discriminate? Please quote my words so I can see where I told that they should be put to jail, killed or forced to something? Christianity is a LOT more about new testament, so quotes form the old one won't do. And I also said, that it's more to me a personal matter to dislike them since I found them unnatural.

In Topic: The second great Religion debate.

02 January 2010 - 08:58 AM

I'm just demanding some answers in a "kind and polite way", the way the kid wanted the questions. :mellow:

Calling me a kid or a lier? Is it really that hard to write a polite comments. I guess I'm the only one who follows the forum rules or whatever they are.

SPEAKING with EVERY other WORD in CAPITAL does NOT seem LIKE very POLITE or MAKE it ANYMORE readable, hmmm?`Ask your mother how to speak to adults before calling a man double your age to a kid. :umad: And answer to your so called questions I've already answered in my previous posts, again. The conversion is not going anywhere as far I can tell, so that it's then.