Today is a proud day in the history of Petrolution. The old tattered, coffee stained page that was Petrolution has been carefully torn out and laid to rest under an Oak tree overlooking the sea. In it's place, a new page is being written. Brand New, ready to be filled with activity and content that is exciting, informative and useful. A new day has dawned my friends, and the horizon is looking gorgeous!
Just over two years ago Petrolution was launched originally. Over it's time it's been a steady rock in the community providing resources to the people it served. Today, we're ready to transform Petrolution into a Petroglyph Modding Resource Hub!!.
From this day forth we shall endeavour to bring to you the most up-to-date information about the modding of Petroglyph's Games. We aim to provide full coverage, modding guides and tutorials, resources and tools at your fingertips and a helpful community where you can ask for help with anything related to the modding of Petroglyph Games.
We have completed a brand new original website for Petrolution. It's jam-packed full of awesome features awaiting you. We've incorporated a very flash article system that was originally built by 2playgames that allows you to login with your Revora Username and password to begin sharing and commenting on articles, tutorials, mod pages and files. There are many features to take advantage off so check out the Help Page to find out more about them.
I'd like to take this time here to thank everybody that's played a part in both the development of the new Petrolution site - and in the development of the Petrolution in general. If I miss anyone out, I apologize. Remember, I'm only New too
- AdmiralGT - The original vision behind Petrolution. Founded and put together the original version of the site and set the standard for future Staff.
- Torn - Torn did the graphical design for the first Petrolution template, his work is greatly appreciated.
- Banshee - The Supreme Banshee, without Banshee Petrolution would have collapsed a long time ago. He has held it together and has spent a lot of time supporting the site. Banshee has also helped a lot with the development of the new template, we can't really thank him enough. Thanks brother
- Mastermind - MM has been a key influence of Petrolution, while he may not be the great frontman he's been around, updating news and keeping things running smoothly.
- Phoenix Rising - PR is the only member of the former Petrolution staffing team that is still here. A great modder and we look forward to working more closely in the future.
- Brad - Brad is probably relatively unknown to many of you - but he is a great friend of mine and has done the graphical work for Petrolution v II. He is also going to stay on and support the website as a community leader and moderator. Cheers Brad!
- Jeeves - A wealth of information regarding CSS & XHTML development. His support of me coding up this website has been highly valuable. Without his assistance this release date would be many many weeks into the future.
- Dark Lord of the Sith - DlotS has helped a lot with the development of the new look Petrolution. His assistance in many areas is greatly appreciated.
I'd also like to introduce the new staff members here at Petrolution.
- Bex - Bex, or swgbex is an acomplished and respected modder for the Empire at War series. Particularly notable with his work in the Imperial Assault 2 mod for FOC and documentation on's modding tools. Bex will continue modding with Universe at War and will provide help in the forums to anyone that asks to the best of his ability. He has also written and reproduced many modding tutorials for Petrolution.
- Kelathin - Kelathin is a well known member of the Petroglyph fan community and has joined us on Petrolution to help out wherever he can. He is a skilled modder and heads up the Judgement of The Jedi mod for Universe at War. Kelathin will be providing support on modding related issues in the forum as well as helping our community go forward into the future.
Brad has been introduced above
And so this about wraps it up. Welcome to the new Petrolution, stay tuned for much new content to come. Here's to a new Day
Edited by Duke, 26 February 2008 - 07:53 AM.