Operation Skyhook – the Rebel Alliance operation to locate and destroy the DEATH STAR.
This campaign charts the earliest beginnings of the Rebel Alliance six months prior the Battle of Yavin and the events in A New Hope. Armed with nothing more than a handful of ancient or stolen warships and a wave of popular support from the provinces the Rebel Alliance takes on the might of the Imperial Navy.
As the Imperial Commander, you can choose where the final phase of the DEATH STAR construction programme takes place; either the penal colony of Despayre or the secret Maw Installation, both of which are heavily defended. The cost of this administrative decision is a mere $1 as everything is otherwise paid for. In addition to this project, the might of the Empire is at your disposal, at the forefront of which is an armada of Imperial-class Star Destroyers, which are common throughout the galaxy, and are the most prominent symbol of Imperial authority. Even the most ruggedly independent worlds have grudgingly accepted Imperial ways and Star Destroyers are now seen orbiting most major worlds.
Despite this obeisance, however, a number of worlds have seen fit to reject Imperial law and must be punished. In response the Emperor has initiated Operation Strike Fear to stamp out hidden rebel bases in the Outer Rim and suppress opposition. This offensive has already seen its first easy victory at Praadost II, beginning the Kwymar Suppressions. The remainder of the worlds around Telos IV should be relatively easy to take, especially given the additional support available from forces guarding the super-laser test facility at Toprawa.
While, ground commanders have reported heavier than expected casualties in recent ground assaults, fresh reserves in the form of AT-AT walkers have been made available to key strongholds.
The Imperial fleet at Toprawa takes Feriae Junction
Other key Imperial worlds include the mirkanite mines of Mustafar, the spice mines of Kessel, the slave pool of Wookies on Kashyyyk and Corulag, which houses both the Sienar Advanced Research Division and the Corulag Academy. By purchasing the Alpha/Delta/Eta product line some time after the Clone Wars, SFS is making incredible advances in the Twin Ion Engines, and a prototype Avenger model is now within reach. This new technology line might prove vital as recent reports indicate that a new class of rebel starfighter has been seen.
To counter this threat in the Mid and Outer rim territories, Darth Vader has assembled his personal attack squadron of 5 Star Destroyers over Eriadu, lead by his flagship, a Praetor-I class Star Battlecruiser. This assault fleet is in prime position to begin the hunt for Outer-Rim strongholds and crush the last remnants of resistance to the Empire.
Vader at Darknell
These assaults also serve an additional purpose; to distract rebel outposts and ensure the DEATH STAR is completed to schedule.
You win the game if you capture or obliterate all Rebel planets, but you lose instantly if the DEATH STAR is torpedoed. If all of the DEATH STAR’s escorts are destroyed, any Rebel starfighter Hero will do the job ~ and there are plenty out there ~ but these starfighter jocks are vulnerable to any competent Imperial Commander. Let’s hope so for your sake…
The Despayre fleet obliterates Axxila
“What of the Rebellion? If the Rebels have obtained a complete technical reading of this station, it is possible, however unlikely, they might find a weakness and exploit it”
“Any attack made by the Rebels against this station would be a useless gesture, no matter what technical data they have obtained. This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. I suggest we use it.”
Edited by Phoenix Rising, 10 December 2009 - 09:26 PM.