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LW:Age of Numenor Faction Index

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#1 Radspakr Wolfbane

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Posted 17 July 2011 - 03:06 PM

Lone Wolf: Age of Numenor's faction index

Khazad Dum

Edited by Radspakr, 17 July 2011 - 03:12 PM.

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#2 Radspakr Wolfbane

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Posted 17 July 2011 - 03:07 PM

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Gondor Soldiers
300 - Gondor Spearmen
600 - Citadel Guards - filling the Tower Guards old role as defensive units
800 - Fountain Guards (renamed Tower Guards,now considered semi elite)

Gondor Archers
Ithilien Rangers

Gondor Knights

Pelargir Marines - Strong units can toggle between Short spears and Short bows.
Cair Andros Swordsmen - Semi elite,strong attack 2 handed Swordsmen

Fort Defence - Special unit only available from Gondor Fort.

Gondor Trebuchet
Gondor Battering Ram


Gondor Farm
Gondor Blacksmiths
Gondor Barracks
Gondor Archery Range
Gondor Stables
Gondor Stonemakers
Gondor Marketplace
Gondor Workshop
Gondor Battle Tower
Gondor Sentry Tower
Gondor Well
Statue of Elendil - provides fear resistance
Statue of Isildur - provides attack boost

Gondor Watchtower
Gondor Fort - Strong defensive building manned by Fort Defence.


Earnur (The last king of Gondor)
Romendacil I
Eldacar(The King of Gondor during the time of the Kinslaying)
Earnil I


Palantir of Osgiliath

Arnor Allies - Summons 3 hordes of Arnor Patrolmen
Ithilien Woods

Might of Numenor - Units beome immune to fear,knockback and gain +50% armour for a time
Cloud Break
Northmen Allies - Summons 6 hordes of Northmen

Eagle Allies
Elendil - Summons Elendil High King of Gondor and Arnor
Hope - All units become immune to fear,gain 10% speed,150% experience gain for a time

The Last Alliance - Summons a force of Noldor Warriors and Numenorean Warriors


Combat Upgrades
Basic Training
Fire Arrows
Forged Blades
Heavy Armour
Horse Shields

Economy Upgrades
Iron Ore
Grand Harvest

Defence Upgrades
Numenor Stonework
Keep Arrows

Siege Upgrades
Fire Stones

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#3 Radspakr Wolfbane

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Posted 17 July 2011 - 03:07 PM



Arnorian Soldiers - basic infantry
Arnorian Home Guard - Hoplite type unit
Arnorian Sarrisas - Pike unit

Arnorian Archers
Arnorian Patrolmen - Peltast unit
Arnorian Rangers - Elite Ranged/melee

Arnorian Cuirassiers - Light Cavlary
Arnorian Chevaliers - Heavy Cavalry

Armoured Ram - armoured Battering ram
Arnor Siege Ladders
Arnor Onager


Arnor Farm
Arnor Barracks
Arnor Archery Range
Arnor Stables
Arnor Fountain
Statue of Isildur - attack bonus
Statue of Valandil - armour bonus
Arnor Workshop
Battle Tower
Sentry Tower
Watch Tower


Valandil (Third King of Arnor)
Arvedui - Last King of Arnor
Argeleb I - died fighting Rhudaur
Earendur - Last King of the United Arnor
Avarleg I - King during Angmar's first invasion


Palantir of Amon Sul

Gondor Allies - Summons 3 hordes of Gondor Knights
Shire Allies - Summons 3 hordes of Buckland Hunters

Might of Numenor - Units beome immune to fear,knockback and gain +50% armour for a time
Cloud Break
Lindon Allies - Summons 6 hordes of Lindon Warriors

Renewed Ties - Upgrades the Gondor Allies spell to include additional hordes and Earnur
Elendil - Summons Elendil High King of Gondor and Arnor
Hope - All units become immune to fear,gain 10% speed,150% experience gain for a time

The Last Alliance - Summons a force of Noldor Warriors and Numenorean Warriors


Basic Training
Fire Arrows
Forged Blades
Heavy Armour
Fire Stones

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#4 Radspakr Wolfbane

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Posted 17 July 2011 - 03:08 PM



Eregion Blademen - Infantry
Eregion Scythewielders - anti cavalry/infantry
Eregion Duelists - Knife wielding battallion

Eregion Axemen
Eregion Guardians - Shield horde
Ring Guards - Elite horde

Eregion Keeneyes - ranged

Eregion Borderwatch - Light Cavalry
Eregion Templars - Heavy Cavalry

Eregion Ladder Carriers
Khazad Ram
Khazad Ballista


Eregion Estate - produces resources
Eregion Ironsmiths - produces resources and provides upgrades
Eregion Garrison - Trains Eregion infantry
Eregion Quarters - Trains Eregion special infantry
Eregion Range - trains ranged units
Eregion Stock - Trains Cavalry
Eregion Well
Statue of Celembrimbor - provides fear restist and production boost for structres
Statue of Galadriel - Provides fear resist and armour boost
Eregion Emporium - Provides trade upgrades
Battle Tower
Sentry Tower
Watch Tower




Arms of the Khazad - allows Ironsmiths to provide upgrades

Lindon Allies
Taur Ereg - (Elven Woods)

Khazad Allies - Summons 3 hordes of Khazad Dum Wardens
Craft of the Khazad - Structures gain +50% armour and health
Cloud Break

Eagle Allies
Trade and Craft - Resource structures permanently produce double resources



Basic Training
Blue Fire Arrows
Forged Blades
Heavy Armour
Horse Shields
Hardened Blades - improves the weapons of Axemen, Guardians and Ring Guards


Eregion is a power resource faction similar to Isengard.
They have expensive but powerful units,players will only be able to field a small army at the start but by expanding their resources through Spells and expansion they will in time field a powerful army.

Eregion's Khazad Dum ties are heavily reflecting in their units and their spell list.
The Eregion special units are Dwarf trained,there are multiple Dwarf oriented spells as well.

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#5 Radspakr Wolfbane

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Posted 17 July 2011 - 03:08 PM



Forlond Warriors - Basic infantry
Forlond Spearmen -

Harlond Archers -
Harlond Rangers - Stealth horde
Lindon Wardens - Elite sword and bow

Mithlond Sentry - Pikemen
Mithlond Guards

Lindon Riders - Light Cavalry
Mithlond Swanknights - Heavy Cavalry

Lindon Minstrels - Support unit

Ladder Carriers
Battering Ram


Lindon Orchard
Forlond Training Grounds - trains Forlond infantry
Lindon Range - trains ranged units
Mithlond Barracks - Trains Mithlond units
Lindon Stables
Lindon Fountain - heals
Statue of Cirdan - fear resist and armour
Statue of Gil Galad - fear resist and attack
Lindon Workshop - builds siege weapons
Battle Tower
Sentry Tower
Watch Tower
Lindon Refuge - large defence structure guarded by Lindon Wardens


High King Gil Galad
Lord Elrond Halfeleven


Morning Mist

Elven Wood
Eregion Allies -

Song of the Lindar - all units become immune to fear,kb and gain auto heal
Cloud Break

Eagle Allies

Star of Earendil -


Basic Training
Heavy Armour
Forged Blades
White Fire Arrows
Knight Shields

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#6 Radspakr Wolfbane

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Posted 17 July 2011 - 03:09 PM

Khazad Dum


Khazad Dum Warriors - basic infantry
Khazad Dum Glaivers - strong infantry
Khazad Dum Halbardiers - anti Cavalry,monster
Khazad Dum Ironbows - ranged horde

Khazad Dum Doorwards - Shield units
Khazad Dum Beastbane - Anti monster horde
Khazad Dum Wardens - Elite horde

Khazad Dum Armoured Ram
Khazad Dum Scorpion
Khazad Dum Ladder
Khazad Dum Blitzer - Heavy Catapult


Khazad Dum Mine - Produces resources can be customised (more info below)
Khazad Dum Trade hall - Produces resources
Khazad Dum War Hall - Trains Infantry and Ironbows
Khazad Dum Ward - trains Khazad Dum elite infantry
Khazad Dum Great Workshop - builds Siege weapons
Statue of Durin the Deathless - increases armour,fear resist
Statue of Azaghal - increases attack,fear resist
Battle Tower
Sentry Tower
Watch Tower
Watchfort - Large defensive structure manned by Wardens


Durin III - The first bearer of the Dwarven Rings and King during the War of the Elves and Sauron
Durin IV - King during the Last Alliance and joined the battle
Narvi - Builder of the Doors of Moria,friend to Celbrimbor



Great Mines of Khazad Dum - Allows the Mines to be upgraded
The forges of Khazad Dum - Double resources from Mines for a short time

Eregion Allies - Summons 3 hordes of Eregion Templars
Horn of Khazad Dum - All enemies are stunned
Durin's Relic

Trade and Craft - Resource structures permanently produce double resources
Mithril Found - Allows the Mithril Mine upgrade



Basic Training
Hardened Blades
Heavy Armour
Steel bolts - Increases the damage of Ironbow attacks and does additional damage to structures and monsters
Steel Shields - Increases the armour of Doorwards,Beastbane and Wardens
Steel Bucklers - Increases the defence against arrows and pikes of Warriors,Glaivers and Halbardiers.

Iron Mine - Upgrades the Khazad Dum Mine to produce Iron making upgrades cheaper
Stone Mine - Upgrades the Khazad Dum mine to producce Stone making structures cheaper
Gem Mine - Upgrades the Khazad Dum min to produce gems increasing the amount of resources gained

Mithril Mine - Upgrades the Khazad Dum Mines to produce Mithril greatly increasing wealth.

Khazad Dum is an expensive but powerful faction that have many upgrades to make their strong fighters even stronger.
They also have upgrades increasing the Wealth of Khazad Dum.

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#7 Radspakr Wolfbane

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Posted 17 July 2011 - 03:09 PM



Northmen Warriors - Basic infantry
Nortmen Defenders - Shield unit
Northmen Spearmen - spear/pike unit

Northmen Bowmen - ranged
Northmen Yeomen - strong ranged

Eotheod Riders - Cavalry
Eotheod Archers - Cavalry Archers

Northmen Ladder Carriers
Northmen Battering Ram


Northmen Farm
Northmen Hall
Northmen Training Range - Builds Ranged units
Northmen Stables
Northmen Well
Statue of Vidugavia - armour boost
Statue of Marhari - attack boost
Northmen Workshop
Northmen Marketplace
Battle Tower
Sentry Tower
Watch Tower


King Vidugavia



Gondor Allies - Summons 3 hordes of Gondor Knights
Hasty Defence

Hill Fort
Fortitude - powers up heal,grasslands and Gondor Allies adding 3 extra hordes and Vinitharya
Cloud Break

Eagle Allies
Muster the Northmen



Basic Training
Forged Blades
Heavy Armour
Fire Arrows

Grand Harvest

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#8 Radspakr Wolfbane

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Posted 17 July 2011 - 03:10 PM



Mordor Fighters
Mordor Archers
Mordor Pikemen

Morgul Black Uruks - Elite infantry
Morgul Shieldbearers - defensive infantry
Morgul Captain - Support unit

Mountain Troll
Drummer Troll
Battle Troll

Battering Ram
Siege Tower


Slaughter House
Lumber Mill
Mordor Orc Pit - builds Fighters,Archers,Pikemen
Mordor Troll Cage
Mordor Armoury - Provides Basic Training,Fire Arrows,Morgul Armour,Forged Blades
Morgul Den - Builds Morgul Units
Mordor Siegeworks

Mordor Sentry Tower
Mordor Watchtower


Gafthuk - Orc hero


Eye of Sauron

More Orcs

Call the Horde
Machines of War - Allows the Lesser Siege Works to be built,and Grond to be buildable

Nazgul Allies
Dark Influence
Nazgul Allies (Mordor has 2 copies of this spell with the 3 native Nazgul bringing it to 9)

The Lord of the Ring - Sauron with the One Ring


Basic Training
Fire Arrows
Troll Training

Battle Troll Upgrades:
Hammer Upgrade
Sword Upgrade
Axe Upgrade

Mordor remains much the same with only a few slight changes.
It loses a few heroes and the Troll Captain spell is replaced by a second Nazgul Allies spell.

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#9 Radspakr Wolfbane

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Posted 17 July 2011 - 03:10 PM



  • Carn Dum Recruits
  • Carn Dum Raiders
  • Rhudaur Defenders - Shield horde
  • Rhudaur Bowmen - ranged horde
  • Hill Spearmen - Spear unit
  • Hill Axemen
  • Wolfmen - Berserker type unit
  • King's Men
  • Black Knights
  • Angmarim Captain - support unit
  • Draugrim
  • Battering Ram
  • Siege Ladder
  • Iron Catapult


  • Iron Mines - Produces resources
  • Slavepit - Produces resources (food)
  • Carn Dum Dwelling - Builds Carn Dum Orcs
  • Rhudaur Barracks - Trains Rhudaur units
  • Chief's Tent - Trains Hillmen units
  • Witch King's Hall - Trains Black Numenorean units
  • Black Altar - Trains Draugrim
  • Carn Dum Vault - Provides upgrades
  • Black Shrine - Builds the Draugrim
  • Dark Well - heals
  • Battle Tower
  • Sentry Tower
  • Watch Tower


Gimilzor - Black Numenorean Lord
Zimalthor - Leader of the Rhudaurim (Andunaic name original name is Belegion in Sindarin)
Witch King
Dubholc - Hillmen Chieftain (trans - Dark/Dark haired wickeness - Gaelic)
Dubtriath - Hillman (trans - Dark chief)

Black Iron Crush - A strong melee attack with a stun
Captain of the Black - +150% damage and +150% exp
Black Training - Grants exp to Black Numenorean units

Zimalthor the Usurper
Cold Iron Spear - melee attack that slows and weakens armour of heroes
Leader of Rhudaur - +150% damage and +50% armour to Rhudaur units

Leader of the Hillmen - +150% damage and 15% speed to nearby Hillmen
Arm the Wolfmen - Upgrades the Wolfmen to use Flaming Torches
Plunder - Resources from kills

Train the Hillmen - grants exp to Hillmen units
Glare - when attacked Dubtriath has a chance of fear stunning nearby enemies

Witch King of Angmar
Lord of Angmar - Pos:150% damage, 200% exp,50% arm Neg:Lose all fear and kb resistance
Fear Armour - when attacked the WK has a chance of using a fear stun
Witchcraft of Angmar - Summons a powerful evil curse that slows enemies and over time summons Draugrim (channel spell)
Hour of Angmar - a powerful AOE magic spell that freezes units in place
(Passive skills:heroes do little damage to Witch King, WK does poison damage on attack)

Hill Troll King
Troll King Roar - fear stun
King of Trolls - +150% damage and +50% armour and kb immunity for nearby Trolls.
Creep Crush - A powerful attack that demolishes creeps
Crushing Stomp - aoe attack with stun and knockback


War chant


The Witch King of Angmar - Unlocks the Witch King
Iron Muster - (CTH for Angmar Orcs)

Hill Troll Allies - Summons 4 Hill Trolls
Dark Influence
Hill Troll King - Summons the Hill Troll King

Cruel Winter - All enemies lose leadership,lose damage,fear stunned


Basic Training
Cold Iron Arrows - Cold Iron deals additional damage to structures and heroes.
Cold Iron Blades - Cold Iron deals additional damage to structures and heroes.
Cold Iron Armour
Cold Iron Tower Arrows

Removed the Cult units.

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