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Grey Goo's 4th patch: the ballance patch

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#1 Banshee


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Posted 28 March 2015 - 04:10 AM

A couple of days ago, Greybox has released the first ballance patch for Grey Goo. Here's the official notes on it with a long list of changes:

The first balance patch is here!

Here is the finalized list of changes going into the first major balance update released on Tuesday March 24th. These include revisions inspired by the testing done on our Public Test Branch. See the previous balance details here.

Any changes labeled with [PTB] resulted from data collected during the Public Test Branch.

Due to the number of balance adjustments we are implementing with this patch, both 1v1 and 2v2 ranked leaderboards will be reset upon the update's arrival. Your Elo matchmaking rating and win-loss records will be wiped during this reset, allowing you the opportunity to test your skills in a new season.

The formed Goo, Repair Subroutine Upgrade, and Sentinel Repair Upgrade regeneration effects now only activate when the units and structures are not actively taking or dealing damage.
Targeting priorities have been re-factored to prioritize units over structures in most cases.

Beta Faction

Air Canister Upgrade

[PTB] Range down from 450 to 350


[PTB] Health up from 100 to 110
[PTB] Damage down from 11 to 9
[PTB] Movement speed down from 120 to 115

Stealth Sniper Upgrade

Range down from 500 to 425
Stealth is now always active outside of combat and will reapply 8 seconds after combat ends.


Health up from 130 to 140


Damage down from 25 to 20
Range up from 750 to 800
Armor penetration down from 3 to 0
AoE radius down from 150 to 125


[PTB] Rate of fire down from 1.75 to 1.5
Range down from 650 to 550
Long-Range Ballistics Upgrade range down from 1200 to 900
Long-Range Ballistics Upgrade damage down from 35 to 25


[PTB] Damage down from 40 to 24


Health down from 100 to 75


Rate of fire up from 0.5 to 1
Ammo up from 4 to 5
Cost up from 270 to 315


Ammo up from 2 to 3
Damage down from 75 to 50
Nimbus Napalm Upgrade now lasts 5 seconds down from 5.5
Nimbus Napalm Upgrade AoE radius down from 250 to 200


Shot timings have been shifted to have a smaller cast time and a longer cooldown. Rate of fire remains the same.
Cost down from 675 to 600

Hand of Ruk

Range down from 2000 to 1500


Armor down from 3 to 0
Build time up from 25 to 30
[PTB] Pillar cost up from 50 to 90
Pillar health down from 1250 to 1000
Straight cost up from 50 to 90

Small Power Hub

Health up from 300 to 400

Medium Power Hub

Build time down from 50 to 45

Large Power Hub

Health down from 900 to 800

Repair Pad

Heals for 15 every 2 sec up from 20 every 5 sec
Build time down from 50 to 30
Cost down from 500 to 300
Health down from 1500 to 1000


Rearms aircraft 1 ammo every sec up from 1 ammo every 2 sec
[PTB] Build time up from 30 to 35
[PTB] Cost up from 240 to 245


Health down from 1000 to 750
[PTB] Extractor size reduced to match the Human Extractor


[PTB] Health up from 80 to 120
[PTB] Movement speed up from 100 to 125


[PTB] Creates Harvesters every 20 sec up from 15

"No-Build" Influence Radius

Small Hub radius increased from 400 to 600
Medium Hub radius increased from 400 to 600
Large Hub radius increased from 500 to 600
Headquarter radius increased from 800 to 1000

Goo Faction


Range down from 250 to 200


[PTB] Health down from 125 to 115
[PTB] Rate of fire down from 1.25 to 1


Damage down from 25 to 18

Small Protean

Health up from 150 to 160

Small and Large Protean

Slow enemies by 50% down from 90%


Damage down from 10 to 6
Range down from 1500 to 1000
Projectile speed up from 150 to 200
Projectile Endurance Upgrade AoE radius down from 100 to 75
Projectile Endurance damage down from 5 to 2
Projectile Endurance range down from 1500 to 1000


[PTB] Rate of fire down from 1.75 to 1.5
[PTB] Damage down from 42 to 36
[PTB] Health down from 155 to 150
Movement speed down from 120 to 105
Target damage and splash damage have been separated. Splash damage down from 42 to 15 but target damage remains the same.


Range up from 800 to 1000
Damage down from 400 to 300

Catalyst Vents

Grant 160 health per pickup to the Mother Goo and Proto-Purger up from 85

Mother Goo

Stealth detection range down from 800 to 400
Armor penetration down from 10 to 0
Max health has increased from 1300 to 1600
Health per size has increased from 200 to 320
Catalyst digestion health per second up from 5 to 8
First size max health down from 500 to 320
Initial Mother Goo starting health down from 400 to 240


[PTB] Starting health down from 2000 to 200 to maintain build time from Catalyst Vent change.

Human Faction


[PTB] Health up from 115 to 140
[PTB] Damage down from 8 to 7
Build time up from 20 to 25
Cost up from 100 to 125


Damage down from 6 to 5
[PTB] Health down from 100 to 95


Armor down from 3 to 0
[PTB] Range up from 350 to 375
[PTB] Damage down from 3 to 2
Health up from 75 to 90


[PTB] Range up from 350 to 400
Movement speed down from 95 to 90


[PTB] Cost down from 440 to 385
Damage down from 30 to 23
Range up from 800 to 900
Armor penetration down from 3 to 0
AoE radius down from 150 to 100
Mine (default) no longer has stealth
Mine duration down from 12 to 3 sec
Proximity Mine Radar Upgrade mine duration down from 18 to 9 sec


Movement speed down from 130 to 110
Damage down from 42 to 24


Damage level one DPS down from 50 to 10
Damage level two DPS down from 60 to 40
Damage levels one and two now last 3 seconds up from 2


Damage down from 125 to 60
Ammo up from 1 to 2
Rate of fire up from 1 to 2
Cost up from 300 to 350

Mine Drop Upgrade

[PTB] Armor penetration down from 3 to 0
[PTB] Mine no longer has stealth
[PTB] Mine duration down from 10 to 6


Health up from 75 to 100
[PTB] Movement speed down from 275 to 250
[PTB] Vision up from 1000 to 1200
[PTB] Cost up from 75 to 105
[PTB] Build time up from 25 to 35


Movement speed down from 400 to 375
Armor penetration down from 6 to 0
AoE radius down from 75 to 50
Damage up from 13 to 20
Rate of fire up from 0.5 to 1.25

Aircraft Repair Upgrade

Repairs 8% every sec up from 5% every sec


Movement speed up from 50 to 75
Explosion interval health threshold down from 500 health to 300 health

Repair Subroutine Upgrade

Repairs 10% every 5 sec up from 5% every 5 sec

Air Pad

[PTB] Cost up from 60 to 80
[PTB] Build time up from 15 to 20
Rearms aircraft 1 ammo every sec up from 1 ammo every 2 sec


[PTB] Health up from 250 to 300


Build time up from 75 to 120
Cost up from 750 to 1200
Cooldown up from 150 to 180
Now has a visible 5 second charge up telegraph and an audio queue before activation


Armor down from 6 to 0
Build time up from 30 to 40
Pillar cost up from 30 to 80
Pillar health down from 1000 to 750
Straight cost up from 30 to 80
Regeneration up from 15/sec to 25/sec

Human Sentinels

Now have a population of 1
Take 10 seconds to teleport up from 5

Artillery Sentinel

Range down from 1750 to 1000
[PTB] Damage up from 15 to 20
[PTB] Health up from 250 to 300
Armor down from 6 to 3

Anti-Heavy Sentinel

Armor down from 6 to 3

Anti-Air Sentinel

Damage down from 8 to 4
Armor down from 6 to 3


Health down from 1000 to 750


[PTB] Movement speed down from 130 to 125


[PTB] Creates Harvesters every 10 sec up from 7.5

"No-Build" Influence Radius

Core radius increased from 800 to 1000

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#2 Pasidon


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Posted 28 March 2015 - 06:57 AM

This was the FIRST balance patch?  I would have hopped to see this ages ago.  The Grey Goo faction seemed to be massively powerful for a bit too long.  But it looks like they did absolutely slash some health and damage values down for the faction, so it's probably more reasonable now.

#3 Banshee


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Posted 28 March 2015 - 06:27 PM

Goo was nerfed in this patch. They've just made the Mother Goo a bit more healthy to prevent rushes, but almost everything else was nerfed there. I guess they've acknowledged the original power of the Goo in the first months.
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#4 Mathijs


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Posted 28 March 2015 - 06:54 PM

Hmm yes the Goo was quite overpowered. I played a few online matches with them and won despite not knowing what I was doing. They were too good.

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