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Drogoth's Old Animations and Model Rigging

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#1 drogoth232


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Posted 14 May 2015 - 09:52 PM

When I left BFME modding, all I knew how to do was coding. Went into SSBB modding that's exactly what I did for a while. Got bored with only doing basic stuff and taught myself a bit of animating. Along the way, I taught myself a bit of model rigging as well. I'll probably put up two posts: one for animations and other for models


Animations from First to second spoiler are newest. Everything after that are relatively old ones.


11 animations total.


Second, fourth, and fifth spoilers have very large gifs





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#2 drogoth232


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Posted 14 May 2015 - 09:57 PM

Model Rigging stuff:


DISCLAIMER: I ripped the models myself. I also have all the games that the models are from. As per usual, I will not be distributing the models because reasons.


Zed from League of Legends over Sheik. Wasn't completed and when I realized that there would be coding issues that would be impossible to fix, I dropped it.


Zack Fair from Final Fantasty 7: Crisis Core over Ike using a custom animation (which I no longer have)


Sothe from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn over Sheik


Wait... what?

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