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Petition: Change Revora/GR Ban rules

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#21 Space

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Posted 01 September 2016 - 05:07 PM

We do not want GZ unbanned because of what we feel emotionally.

Yes, you do. You didn't even take one moment to read and understand the points of why the decision is as it is and why it will not be changed, and instead you try to roll in circles. I've seen communities less populated than KW, for games incomparably older, that banned destructive members, and they're doing fine still. The playerbase count is completely unrelated to the problem at hand, and it even won't be when the number of players playing KW in the entire world reaches exactly 1.
If GZ was truly beneficial to this community and if he truly "just wanted to play the game", he wouldn't actively try to divide it and sabotage it. Him saying he's contributing doesn't mean he is. His deeds speak against him. Petition to him, not us, like Mathijs said.

I like how you start by denying my intentions, it's as if whatever I say will be denied, how typical(of you). The playerbase is not completely unrelated. One more good players brings more competition, more viewers, and more players. About GZ being benifitial; yes he is benifitial, even now while banned, IN A WAY. Stop denying everything I say and please just let this discussion be between us and Mathijs. Of all the posts you've made on GR I can tell that you leave no room for the other person to explain his ideas/views; exactly like the way you opened up with your reply.

@Mathijs I'd like to discuss one final resolution with you, you can tell me (and GZ) your demands. This will be final attempt at helping GZ since apparently there is no room for arguments to be made. Inb4 PlokiteWolf "There is no argument".


#22 ~AngelOfDeath~


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Posted 01 September 2016 - 06:22 PM

My god, yet you wanna discuss this? Hasn't been clearly stated Green_ZERO's ban will not be lifted? One player, who can only talk about shit, won't change anything. Popular YouTube channel or not, decent player, it doesn't make any exceptions and means nothing. He broke most of Revora Rules and took a penalty for this. You can do nothing to change this. Furthermore, he has proven enough of times he doesn't want it himself and wants nothing else than be disruptive. Simply deal with it and keep living without him.

Edited by ~AngelOfDeath~, 01 September 2016 - 06:23 PM.

#23 Irenë Hawnetyne

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Posted 01 September 2016 - 06:35 PM

 One more good players brings more competition, more viewers, and more players. About GZ being benifitial; yes he is benifitial, even now while banned, IN A WAY.



He could always contribute... somewhere else?

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#24 Mrwhitey998

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Posted 01 September 2016 - 07:25 PM

Just like to say this. I don't think GZ should be banned but i understand why Revora have banned and will not remove it, have to mantain rules for the entire site, on person above these rules just destroys the reputation of the site.


Also, Gamereplays and presumably this site has such fucking relaxed rules. You can push the boundaries so hard and the mods or whatever they are called here let you off time and time again. If Green_ZERO has pissed them off, he must of been a complete retard lol. I have been on other forum sites and holy shit they are so strict lol. Even mentioning a topic in a thread that has nothing to do with it results in "STAY ON TOPIC" from the mods :> 

#25 Mathijs


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Posted 01 September 2016 - 08:25 PM

We do not want GZ unbanned because of what we feel emotionally. The fact is, the game simply has little playerbase and perma-banning an active player that benifits the game is simply not practical. The purpose of this petition/topic is not to unban GZ but to change the Revora/CNC Online rules with regards to banning. In a game ever so slowly dying it's not a smart choice to keep the rule of permanent ban. A real life example would be the fact that some countries don't have the death sentence while others do but... We are speaking of a video game here, a dying one more specifically. This petition asks you admins to just really think about it. Is a permanent ban worth it on a dying video game with a playerbase barely reaching 100 online players? Is it? Especially if we are speaking about a player that actually contributes time, money, and effort into keeping the game alive. I presented you this with facts and not emotions so please just think about it. Would a public apology and removal of past abusive videos suffice?

There is no need to change the C&C:Online rules. We're not going around lifetime banning everyone who looks at us wrong (despite what Green_ZERO and his cronies like to repeat to themselves). Green_ZERO is the only person on C&C:Online that has a lifetime ban, for reasons I have explained, ad nauseam, in my previous posts. That's one guy out of thousands of players, but it's also a guy you admire because of his content creation. Like I've said: it's a shame, but Green_ZERO was aware of the rules and the consequences for breaking them, and he's been consistently breaking them to this day, thousands of times.


If contributing time, money, and effort into keeping this game alive grants people special privileges in deciding whether or not someone stays banned (which it doesn't, but just for the sake of the argument, let's pretend this is the case), then we, not Green_ZERO, would be the deciding factor still. Server costs are paid for every month out of our pocket, time spent moderating and maintaining the server comes from our free time, we organize events all the time, and it all takes a lot of effort to keep running. It's not an easy project we're keeping up for you guys. If time spent equals privilege, then Green_ZERO should certainly stay banned for the time he's wasted on our part.


The server activity argument simply doesn't ring true to me. There are games played every night of every day, there's no noticeable decline in our player numbers, and there are games much older than KW that have been alive for years with half its population. Plus, we are actively working on C&C:Online, organizing events and increasing our exposure. I can understand that being unable to properly play with a player you like negatively impacts your experience and that of the people around Green_ZERO, but that's his own fault, which again makes me wonder - why are you petitioning us to change, instead of him?


As to your final attempt at a resolution, there's no point. We have attempted a better resolution last month. Why on earth would I try again? What sort of blinders have got on that don't allow you to see what's clearly laid out in front of you? Green_ZERO was suspended for one single afternoon in February 2015 (of which he was informed prior to the event) due to his documented history of disrupting the exact type of event we were organizing at the time, broke his suspension (grossly), disrupted the event, was given another chance, broke the rules again, got perma-banned, and has since been slandering, harrassing, and spamming us, the magnitude of which I don't think you understand. We then gave him another chance, exactly the way you're suggesting right now, after lots of internal debate, and were rejected and ridiculed, and are even now being threatened by this guy.


He hasn't given us a single inkling of reason to change our minds - he's only made it worse and worse and worse. You have to wonder - if he just wants to play, why has he never approached us with respect and attempted to show us he's not the nuisance he comes off as? Why does he deliberately fuck up the second chances he's been given? Does he not realize he just seals his own fate, or does he just get off on being the renegade that gets to fuck with 'The Man' (even if 'The Man' is the sole reason you guys can even play this fucking game properly now)? He's either stupid, or an asshole. I have sympathy for neither. It's over and done with, and I suggest you move on.


Just like to say this. I don't think GZ should be banned but i understand why Revora have banned and will not remove it, have to mantain rules for the entire site, on person above these rules just destroys the reputation of the site.


Also, Gamereplays and presumably this site has such fucking relaxed rules. You can push the boundaries so hard and the mods or whatever they are called here let you off time and time again. If Green_ZERO has pissed them off, he must of been a complete retard lol. I have been on other forum sites and holy shit they are so strict lol. Even mentioning a topic in a thread that has nothing to do with it results in "STAY ON TOPIC" from the mods :>


This guy gets it.

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#26 Space

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Posted 01 September 2016 - 09:40 PM

I'm done. Only thing I had in mind was a public apology + removal of abusive content, but if that's not enough then there is nothing else I can offer. Well it should be HIM that is offering you this but whatever. Thanks, peace


#27 incapaisa

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Posted 02 September 2016 - 07:21 AM

So I am posting on Behalf of GZ..


basically he is saying that Mathijs you are basically Lying


That he was never contacted or approach a month ago regarding a possible solution.


Gz was never reached out too by PM or email.


Also it is a lie that he says he will continue damage the servers..if he is unbanned..as if he is unbanned he would have no motivation to do anything malicious.




Also that it is a lie when you say he does not want to get Unbanned and its ridiculous you state this when the truth is he just wants his old account active and be able to participate in tournaments and events.


He asks you post some proof of these pms or emails where he was contacted regarding a possible solution which you state happen recently.



He states that Toxicshock started the entire sequence of events here and he continued it as Revora switched hands from Gamespy and that this grudge caused the entire events which happened after.


He mentions once again that if unbanned he will have no reason to make accounts, cause disruption or make any actions towards the admins or revora.


He is regretful for the actions he has done in the past but also mentions that he is unfairly been treated.



This has all been communicated to me through skype and I am posting this on his behalf.



I assure I am neutral and not a fanboy nor a friend or enemy of gz....just a nuetral party who trys to be impartial in the best interests of the community.

Just a nuetral person in all this and more of a messenger than anything else.

#28 Plokite_Wolf


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Posted 02 September 2016 - 08:37 AM

So I am posting on Behalf of GZ..
basically he is saying that Mathijs you are basically Lying

This is typical of him. Whenever he's pressured, he says everyone is lying but him. Does he have any evidence for that? Of course not. Do people believe him for absolutely no reason without question? Sadly, yes.

That he was never contacted or approach a month ago regarding a possible solution.

Gz was never reached out too by PM or email.

Yes, there was an approach a month ago.


Witnesses: Phoenix, Masterleaf, Maze, Death_Sentence, and some others whom I can't recognize from the recorded Skype chat.

The chat can be downloaded here: https://forums.revor...-hey/?p=1034242

Also, ask Sparty alone on how many times he tried to resolve this problem before that, but got nothing but smack in return.

Also it is a lie that he says he will continue damage the servers..if he is unbanned..as if he is unbanned he would have no motivation to do anything malicious.

It is a lie that he has no motivation. What kind of message would we give out if we unbanned him? "If you're a destructive person who damages the server almost every single day, you're getting unbanned just because a dozen fanboys want to bail you and you have lots of subscribers"? "Those 10.000 or more duplicate accounts and dozens of hijacked accounts, as well as numerous crashed tournaments are forgiven just because you said in a very unconvincing way you're sorry, but did it again the next day"?

Also that it is a lie when you say he does not want to get Unbanned and its ridiculous you state this when the truth is he just wants his old account active and be able to participate in tournaments and events.

If that was the truth (which never is, coming from him), he'd have patiently waited for the original suspension to expire (which was already said to have been a day long) and not make a total ass of himself and wreak havoc in the user database. How does he explain account hijacking, for which he and the naive people who gave him accounts were banned? And why does he only do this during events?

He states that Toxicshock started the entire sequence of events here and he continued it as Revora switched hands from Gamespy and that this grudge caused the entire events which happened after.

GZ is never the culprit, eh? It's always ToxicShock, eh? If GZ didn't behave like he did and didn't sabotage the entire operation, he would never have been banned.

He mentions once again that if unbanned he will have no reason to make accounts, cause disruption or make any actions towards the admins or revora.

Then why does he keep doing it now????

He is regretful for the actions he has done in the past but also mentions that he is unfairly been treated.

The last time we heard him say that, he made at least 10.000 accounts over the course of about two years and never stopped, so I'm calling bullshit.


Also, he never defined his phrase "unfairly treated".

I assure I am neutral and not a fanboy nor a friend or enemy of gz....just a nuetral party who trys to be impartial in the best interests of the community.
Just a nuetral person in all this and more of a messenger than anything else.

Then why is it so hard for you to accept the fact that you're fighting a lost cause and defending someone who cannot in any way be justified?
Why does always the same crowd play with him when he's using dupes? Why do you feed his rage? Why don't you intervene to him? Why do you believe him?







To conclude: typical post from him, nothing but lies and desperate, stupid, unconvincing attempts at making himself look like the victim. No news here, everybody.

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#29 Pasidon


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Posted 02 September 2016 - 09:52 AM

I would like to go back to CGF123 for a moment.  What ban rules would you like changed?  I'm afraid you didn't mention that.  I would happily take your petition into account and help the community voice it's concerns, but I would like to know the rules you're referring to first.  If you're looking for a way to reverse the GZ ban decision, you should probably specify the rules he broke to get there.  In making a petition you expect us to take seriously, I expect you take the time and take it seriously first by mentioning what rules you're even referring to.

#30 OrbitalCommand

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Posted 02 September 2016 - 01:21 PM

Normally I don’t respond to post from PlokiteWolf as he is generally considered to be thoroughly uneducated to that of screaming child who believes that if he yells loud and long enough, then people will believe him. However, this particular poorly thought out post from him is so full of inconsistences and logical fallacies that I couldn’t help myself. Firstly, the Revora admins may simply just remove this post as it will likely not conform to their beliefs, yet allowing someone as blatant as PlokiteWolf to post already confirms how unfair their system really is (as long as the assholes are on your side its fine hey?).


So I am posting on Behalf of GZ..
basically he is saying that Mathijs you are basically Lying

This is typical of him. Whenever he's pressured, he says everyone is lying but him. Does he have any evidence for that? Of course not. Do people believe him for absolutely no reason without question? Sadly, yes.


Pressure is something that I clearly am not under, seeing as how I remain unaffected by the bans I can come and go as I please with little to no effort. The fact that I have repeatedly and genuinely tried to resolve this situation despite myself not requiring a resolution is proof in itself that I want to see this current scenario end. Revora admins may see this as mere gloating, yet it is simply a fact and should be taken into consideration if they too are genuine about a resolution.


That he was never contacted or approach a month ago regarding a possible solution.

Gz was never reached out too by PM or email.

Yes, there was an approach a month ago.


Witnesses: Phoenix, Masterleaf, Maze, Death_Sentence, and some others whom I can't recognize from the recorded Skype chat.

The chat can be downloaded here: https://forums.revor...-hey/?p=1034242


At no point in time has any Revora admin ever reached out to contact me or discuss the situation, the discussion with Pasidon was actually myself adding him so technically I was the one seeking the resolution (although Phoenix was the result of this conversation). There is no tangible reason or lie that you can come up with to explain this scenario and Pasidon sure as hell cannot deny it as I could simply post a screenshot of my Skype to prove it. Additionally, players such as Masterleaf and Phoenix both expressed extreme dissatisfaction with what Pasidon was conveying to myself during that particular conversation in question which they will both back me up on, Once again I can simply post actual screenshots of the conversation after Pasidon stormed out. Additionally, Mathijs mentioned the infamous last warning thread which I only came across after it was locked, not to mention his dates of a February ban are inaccurate as Shatabrick confirms a January ban. If you’re going to lie make sure your own systems are not contradicting each other.



Also it is a lie that he says he will continue damage the servers..if he is unbanned..as if he is unbanned he would have no motivation to do anything malicious.

It is a lie that he has no motivation. What kind of message would we give out if we unbanned him? "If you're a destructive person who damages the server almost every single day, you're getting unbanned just because a dozen fanboys want to bail you and you have lots of subscribers"? "Those 10.000 or more duplicate accounts and dozens of hijacked accounts, as well as numerous crashed tournaments are forgiven just because you said in a very unconvincing way you're sorry, but did it again the next day"?


Once again PlokiteWolf has demonstrated a severe lack of understanding on how all of this has started as he has basically constructed his own version of events to suit his as well as GameReplays needs. The amount of times I have seen him linking his notorious story of Green_ZERO which is probably just as credible as a five year olds finger painting is unreal, PlokiteWolf doesn’t even acknowledge the mocking he receives from the community on a daily basis. The fact is that this situation is completely unrelated to this current situation as it never involved any bans, nor Revora, nor ToxicShock and was essentially resolved at the time so stop digging it up. If you or any of the other admins actually knew the truth then you would want it to stay buried and out of the spotlight.


It is not my responsibility to prove that certain events didn’t exist, how exactly could I prove such a thing if no evidence exists to support a non-existent event. Once again PlokiteWolf’s intelligence comes into questions as to whether or not he possesses a mind capable of basic conscious thought. If Revora are claiming I stated that I do not wish to be unbanned, then it is their responsibility to prove it, not mine to disprove. However, as I am fully aware as to what has occurred I already know full well that I never said such things, then Revora will need to retract these statements.


He states that Toxicshock started the entire sequence of events here and he continued it as Revora switched hands from Gamespy and that this grudge caused the entire events which happened after.

GZ is never the culprit, eh? It's always ToxicShock, eh? If GZ didn't behave like he did and didn't sabotage the entire operation, he would never have been banned.


Clearly PlokiteWolf is diverting from the real question here as it would simply be too difficult for him to construct the appropriate lie. The grudge naturally stems from the GameSpy days in a time where banning someone because you simply don’t like them was not a valid reason. PlokiteWolf himself has demonstrated a significant amount of disruptive behaviour by defaming and attacking anyone who does not agree with his train of thought. Notably, the lack of specification or essentially vague explanations to what exactly it is I’m doing that disrupts such events should be of huge concern to Revora if they are serious about fairness. Typing smack or banter into the chat is hardly disruptive when every other player on the server is also doing it to a far worse extent than myself and don’t waste your time stating I spam chat as I have never done such a thing.


He mentions once again that if unbanned he will have no reason to make accounts, cause disruption or make any actions towards the admins or revora.


Then why does he keep doing it now????


This comment makes literally no sense at all and further outlines the severe lack of thought put into PlokiteWolf’s comments, I honestly cannot believe that Revora could ever take him seriously. PlokiteWolf’s comments are so unfinished that I swear this kid has the memory span of a gold fish, he literally couldn’t even complete his sentence before forgetting what he was supposed to write.


He is regretful for the actions he has done in the past but also mentions that he is unfairly been treated.

The last time we heard him say that, he made at least 10.000 accounts over the course of about two years and never stopped, so I'm calling bullshit.


Also, he never defined his phrase "unfairly treated".


Unfairly treated, do you require a dictionary or the education to read one? ToxicShock has been attempted to ban me for years, well before Revora ever came into the picture, this is common knowledge. Throughout late 2014 he made multiple attempts to halt me which further worsened the already tense relations and at this point it was only a matter of time before he once again repeated his mistakes. I existed long before ToxicShock without incident and once he joined the community we then found a colossal amount of problems which had never previously existed prior to his arrival. Banning’s, suspensions, over moderation, degradations of events, malicious conduct on competing events, abuse towards modders and mapmakers, not to mention the players. ToxicShock has done it all and when the questions gets ask “It’s all Green_ZERO’s fault”, but in reality I’m not the one pulling the trigger that’s executing the community. Actions speak louder than words and what does the community see me doing in comparison to Revora, ToxicShock and the other admins? Once you view this from the community’s perspective you will see that I do nothing but good for the community and while Revora and GameReplays also do some good, the majority of the time you are fisting the community under the table. The morale of the story, stop banning and abusing people in my name, take responsibility for your own actions. I didn’t start this situation, but I have too much integrity to accept a lie as the resolution.


Well, that was a very long post, I didn’t even get to type about how I still want to be unbanned. Basically, Revora need to view this from my perspective also, I have also been wronged and mistreated over a long period of time prior to the ban. While Revora may never receive the full true story, they need to understand that simply unbanning me is still a valid solution. From my perspective, everything I have done was a necessity to keep playing the game I love, the game I have grown up with for almost ten years of my life. Revora will not lose any credit from this, there will be no victory parades from myself, the community paid a heavy price to get this far and unbanning me will go a long way to immensely improving Revora community relations.


This is Green_ZERO asking to Revora to unban me and resolve this situation.


Also, why haven’t you just unbanned my forum account so I can post responses, not cool.

#31 Plokite_Wolf


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Posted 02 September 2016 - 02:05 PM

Normally I don’t respond to post from PlokiteWolf as he is generally considered to be thoroughly uneducated to that of screaming child who believes that if he yells loud and long enough, then people will believe him.

Now where did I see that before... Possibly in a whiny Australian manchild who goes on rampages when things aren't going his way... Could be, I dunno.

The fact that I have repeatedly and genuinely tried to resolve this situation despite myself not requiring a resolution is proof in itself that I want to see this current scenario end. Revora admins may see this as mere gloating, yet it is simply a fact and should be taken into consideration if they too are genuine about a resolution.

Circumventing a ban, taunting and slander doesn't qualify as trying to resolve the situation.

At no point in time has any Revora admin ever reached out to contact me or discuss the situation

Again very typical, simple denial he expects his faithful sheep to believe simply on his word.

Once again PlokiteWolf has demonstrated a severe lack of understanding on how all of this has started as he has basically constructed his own version of events to suit his as well as GameReplays needs. The amount of times I have seen him linking his notorious story of Green_ZERO which is probably just as credible as a five year olds finger painting is unreal, PlokiteWolf doesn’t even acknowledge the mocking he receives from the community on a daily basis. The fact is that this situation is completely unrelated to this current situation as it never involved any bans, nor Revora, nor ToxicShock and was essentially resolved at the time so stop digging it up. If you or any of the other admins actually knew the truth then you would want it to stay buried and out of the spotlight.

Everything I posted in the thread you refer to was based both on the things I witnessed, what GR staff before me witnessed and what existed in the staff room and senior staff room, and those are quite good sources on everything that is not available to the public eye. All the decisions are there. Also his warn log, which is visible by any moderator and senior+ staff member.

Also, try better to prove how "wrong" I am, because the way you post is a simply laughable "I didn't do it, I swear!"
Innocent people go all over the place trying to prove their innocence - liars just make constructs like this.

The grudge naturally stems from the GameSpy days in a time where banning someone because you simply don’t like them was not a valid reason.

"Simply don't like"? Please. Again, you're the only person sentenced to a permaban on C&C:Online. Let that sink in a little on how much shit you've caused.

It's also not like you don't ban people from your own YouTube channel just because you don't like them spreading the actual truth.


the lack of specification or essentially vague explanations to what exactly it is I’m doing that disrupts such events should be of huge concern to Revora if they are serious about fairness.

I actually did, in the same thread you referred to earlier. You entered rooms you weren't supposed to be in and preventing matches from starting, you spammed the chat lobby with useless drivel that made organization difficult, and, since your ban, you used other people's accounts to play in tournaments (something you continually brag about on your channel).

Typing smack or banter into the chat is hardly disruptive when every other player on the server is also doing it to a far worse extent than myself and don’t waste your time stating I spam chat as I have never done such a thing.

That's not at all why you were banned. Otherwise, we'd have banned half the playerbase across all five games by now.

This comment makes literally no sense at all and further outlines the severe lack of thought put into PlokiteWolf’s comments, I honestly cannot believe that Revora could ever take him seriously. PlokiteWolf’s comments are so unfinished that I swear this kid has the memory span of a gold fish, he literally couldn’t even complete his sentence before forgetting what he was supposed to write.

This is evasion of a valid question just because he doesn't like it and because he wants to put me in a negative light. Very apologetic and civilized for the self-proclaimed "Hero Of The Community".

Throughout late 2014 he made multiple attempts to halt me which further worsened the already tense relations and at this point it was only a matter of time before he once again repeated his mistakes. I existed long before ToxicShock without incident and once he joined the community we then found a colossal amount of problems which had never previously existed prior to his arrival. Banning’s, suspensions, over moderation, degradations of events, malicious conduct on competing events, abuse towards modders and mapmakers, not to mention the players. ToxicShock has done it all and when the questions gets ask “It’s all Green_ZERO’s fault”, but in reality I’m not the one pulling the trigger that’s executing the community. Actions speak louder than words and what does the community see me doing in comparison to Revora, ToxicShock and the other admins? Once you view this from the community’s perspective you will see that I do nothing but good for the community and while Revora and GameReplays also do some good, the majority of the time you are fisting the community under the table. The morale of the story, stop banning and abusing people in my name, take responsibility for your own actions. I didn’t start this situation, but I have too much integrity to accept a lie as the resolution.

"already tense relations" - who caused them and with what, smartass? Oh wait, I explained that already.

"he once again repeated his mistakes" - those "mistakes" being...?

"I existed long before ToxicShock without incident and once he joined the community we then found a colossal amount of problems which had never previously existed prior to his arrival." - completely wrong. You were a problem during Jcd007's administration in 2013, and you had an inexplicable grudge with him that led you to a rampage, for which you were kicked from staff (methuselah kicked you, as per the warn log). You then started slandering on your YouTube channel and never stopped. Bans and moderation were even mild to what you were supposed to get at the time. Bans and moderation exist everywhere on the Internet, and you not liking them is a completely different thing. You knew the rules, you intentionally broke them and tried to portray yourself as the victim afterwards.

"abuse towards modders and mapmakers," - are you referring to your bullshit video from 3 years ago? One I debunked a year ago in the thread you yourself referred to?

"Actions speak louder than words and what does the community see me doing in comparison to Revora, ToxicShock and the other admins? " - you are losing trust and popularity, while GR, Revora and C&C:Online is still standing.

"I do nothing but good for the community" - explain your destructive attitude, behaviour, words and deeds. What have you tried to do to end all this? Did you try changing your behaviour? Did you stop making dupes? Did you stop taking other people's accounts? Did you stop lying about us? Get real.

Well, that was a very long post, I didn’t even get to type about how I still want to be unbanned.

No, everything you do implies you want this to continue because you like playing the victim while destroying what we're trying to build.

While Revora may never receive the full true story

Oh, they have it alright. And the entire joint Revora/GR staff here on C&C:Online sees what you're doing. No pitiful words you make from your ten-thousandth dupe will change that.

Edited by Plokite_Wolf, 02 September 2016 - 02:09 PM.

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#32 Mathijs


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Posted 02 September 2016 - 05:26 PM

I'm locking this thread temporarily, to avoid further clutter. Green_ZERO, we'll get back to you ASAP. Stay tuned.

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#33 ICT



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Posted 20 September 2016 - 08:40 AM

Having re-read this topic I see no reason to unlock it anymore. Instead, a comprehensive answer has been given in a separate thread, and further enquires will be redirected, ignored or deleted.


Thank you for your patience.

"To know what question we may reasonably propose is in itself a strong evidence of sagacity or intelligence. For if a question be in itself incongruous and begs for uncalled-for answers, it holds, sometimes, besides embarrassing the proposer, the disadvantage to seduce the unguarded listener into giving absurd answers, and we are presented with the ridiculous spectacle of one (as the ancients said) milking the he-goat, and the other holding a sieve beneath."

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