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Hosted game visibility in ZH

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#1 boggintuff

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Posted 29 November 2016 - 02:56 AM

So my friend and I recently have a few wonderful games since we have bee reconnected with the game. 

We have had minimal issues thus far that we have been to work out through support and and stuff.


Tonight we were both in the same room, we each tried creating a game with a password like we always do and neither of us could see each others game to join.

Multiple refreshes, multiple game restarts, and multiple online logins.


We have yet to get a game tonight. This is the first and only instance in 3 days of playing that we have had this issue to this extent. 


Is it a server bug or something?

#2 ToxicShock


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Posted 30 November 2016 - 09:11 AM

So it is password protected games that do this? You seem to be aware that hosted rooms in Zero Hour can take a while to show up (that's just how the games are), but this is more than that?

Nothing has changed at our end recently, so I am thinking that it must be something at one of your ends that has changed.

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#3 boggintuff

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Posted 30 November 2016 - 10:12 PM

Yes password protected games. Yes we are aware that hosted games take some time to show up. Usually less than 45 sec in our experience. However, on the day in question we weren't seeing our hosted games show up for 5+ minutes until we backed out and reattempted. We both had attempted multiple times. Even with game restarts.

We hadn't had this issue at all prior to the day in question, not even once and no changes were made to our machines at all from the night before to the next day.