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C&C Generals Zero Hour connection problem "unable to connect with other plyers" error.

Best Answer Mike Bronsink, 14 March 2017 - 10:22 PM

I fixed my own connection problem:

1. These steps: https://www.gamerepl...port-forwarding

2.  Made a static ip adres as in the link above(you have to use this ip for your forwarding, otherwise you will get difficulties).

3. Forward the ports with the "Port forward network utilities" program. You also can check if the ports are open with this program. 
4. Added Zero Hour in my firewall as exception.

5. Instal the latest gentool.
6.  Port forwarding in your router as in the link above:  UDP ports: 4321, 27900. 16000

7.  Port forwarding in your router as in the link above: TCP ports: 80, 6667, 28910, 29900, 29920  

8. check if they are open with the utilities program. 

9. Apply the settings in the Zero Hour options (as in the link above)

10.  Restart your computer. 

Step 3 did it for me. I hope it helps others also. If you have any questions, feel free to reply.

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#1 Mike Bronsink

Mike Bronsink
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Posted 02 March 2017 - 11:11 PM

Hello everybody, i hope someone can help me with my connection problems: 

What version of the game are you using?

Generals Zero Hour downloaded from Origin. 


What kind of error do you get and at what time?
Connection problem when i want to play a game online. I can make a server and people can join, but when everybody accept and i start te game i get the "unable to connect with other players" error. I tried several times with random people, but always with the same result. My ping is green in the server and lobby. 

What operating system are you using?
Wndows 10. 


What router i have?
Draytek Vigor 2132 FVn connect to optical viber.

Cable connected to the router. 


Your error log file. This can be found by typing %TEMP% into your Windows search bar. The file you need is called CNCOnline_Log.txt. You may upload it into your post or copy and paste its contents.

My file is empty and has 0 kb?


If you cannot connect to other players, also do this: Disable port forwarding and DMZ in your router.Download the connection diagnostic tool here: http://server.cnc-on.../NATNegTest.rar. Extract it into a folder and double-click on the .bat file Copy-paste the output to your help topic.

Using server nntest.cnc-online.net:30000

Bound to local port 55519

Bound to local alternate port 55520

Resolving hostname 'nntest.cnc-online.net'...

Resolved server host to be ''

Sending client INIT from port 55519 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000

Received server INIT [910576]

Our public address is

Sending client INIT2 [910576] from port 55520 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000

Received server INIT2 [910576]

Our alternate public address is

Sending cient START [910576] from port 55520 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000

Received server START [910576]

Server extra port is 40000

Sending client PING [910576] from port 55519 to nntest.cnc-online.net:40000

Received server PING(2) [910576]

Received server PING(3) [910576]

Received server PING(4) [910576]




Received 3 pings from nntest.cnc-online.net:40000.

NAT negotiation works with your router and connection.

==> You do not have to use port forwarding.

Press any key to continue . . .

Terminate batch job (Y/N)?


What i also did:

- installed the latest Gentool

- Added Zero Hour in my firewall as exception.

- These steps: https://www.gamerepl...port-forwarding
- Made a static ip adres as in the link above.
- Port forwarding as in the link above:  UDP ports: 4321, 27900. 16000 (checked if they were open wit port forward network utilities program, and they are). 

- Port forwarding as in the link above: TCP ports: 80, 6667, 28910, 29900, 29920  (checked if they were open wit port forward network utilities program, and they are NOT). 

- Applied the settings in the Zero Hour options (as in the link above)

- Try to play with no firewall > same result, can't connect with other people. 


What didn't succeed:
- Open port TCP 80 in my router. My router gives the error "Your port configurations here have collided with the port configurations in the Management webpages, Do you wish to proceed? (attach file 1). Then i click OK and get an system maintenance management screen (attach file 2). I click "ok"aggain" and then reboot the router. I look if port tcp 80 is in the opened port list in my router: it isn't there. Also when i run the port forward network utilities program, it says port TCP 80 is not open. 


- Open ports TCP  6667, 28910, 29900, 29920 just as the UDP ports. The port forward network utilities program says these TCP ports are not open. I did the same as the UDP ports but why aren't they open? (attach file 3). The difference with the TCP 80 port is that these ports are in the port list (just as the UDP ports) in my router though..


- Instal the latest patch from this forum. I downloaded Zero Hour yesterday from Origin and in Origin it says it's up to date. (Does it come with the latest patch when i download it?) I get the error: "missing or invalid registry / INI entry" (attach file 4)


My questions:

- Does the Zero Hour download in Origin come with the latest patch?

- Who can help me to open TCP port 80 in my router?

- Why can help me to open TCP ports 6667, 28910, 29900, 29920?
- Who can help me to connect with other people, are there any steps left for me to do? 


I think google is also tired of my sh*t ;-)


Sorry for my bad English, but every help is welcome. If you have any questions, feel free to reply!

Greetings Mike.

Attached Thumbnails

  • 1.jpg
  • 2.jpg
  • 3.jpg
  • 4.jpg

Edited by Mike Bronsink, 02 March 2017 - 11:49 PM.

#2 Mike Bronsink

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Posted 14 March 2017 - 10:22 PM   Best Answer

I fixed my own connection problem:

1. These steps: https://www.gamerepl...port-forwarding

2.  Made a static ip adres as in the link above(you have to use this ip for your forwarding, otherwise you will get difficulties).

3. Forward the ports with the "Port forward network utilities" program. You also can check if the ports are open with this program. 
4. Added Zero Hour in my firewall as exception.

5. Instal the latest gentool.
6.  Port forwarding in your router as in the link above:  UDP ports: 4321, 27900. 16000

7.  Port forwarding in your router as in the link above: TCP ports: 80, 6667, 28910, 29900, 29920  

8. check if they are open with the utilities program. 

9. Apply the settings in the Zero Hour options (as in the link above)

10.  Restart your computer. 

Step 3 did it for me. I hope it helps others also. If you have any questions, feel free to reply.

#3 ToxicShock


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Posted 14 March 2017 - 10:48 PM

If only all of the topics in here were like that. :D

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#4 Mike Bronsink

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Posted 17 March 2017 - 03:29 PM

If only all of the topics in here were like that. :D

Yeah, that would be to easy  :thumbsuphappy:

#5 domi0098

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Posted 12 April 2017 - 01:00 PM


Edited by domi0098, 12 April 2017 - 03:12 PM.

#6 fi.30

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Posted 12 May 2020 - 07:21 PM

I had every single problem u wrote about.

so now the key to that problem was Buying the Portforward software? (im using the same btw)


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