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Question on how stats work.

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#1 daxx367

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Posted 28 August 2017 - 08:44 AM

How does the armour stat effect the way units take damage? Along with how does the weapon's armour piercing effect that?

#2 Roderick


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Posted 28 August 2017 - 10:34 AM

Here is a very complete description




Base damage per second (Base DPS) is 


DPS = Damage * Accuracy / reload time


Damage is a random number between an interval of the minimum and maximum.


Accuracy is a reducing factor about the hit or miss efficiency which depends on the weapon and if the unit is either in motion or static.


The armor piercing is the behaviour of any weapon on the fourteen armor types (inf_med, inf_high, etc) as another reduction factor but this one depends on the target.


Actual damage per second is 


Actual DPS = Damage * Armor piercing * Accuracy / reload time

Edited by Roderick, 28 August 2017 - 11:03 AM.

#3 daxx367

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Posted 28 August 2017 - 10:47 AM

Right so does armour degrade or is it static? I ask because there is a armour_minimum field. 

#4 Roderick


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Posted 28 August 2017 - 10:57 AM

Good call, the armor and armor minimum are found in the target entity, not in the weapon. I think it affects the raw Damage before its modified by the armor piercing of the weapon and the accuracy of the unit.


Final Damage Multiplier = min( (100 - armour + armour_piercing_value) , (100 - armour_minimum) ) / 100




There say that armor = 100 and armor minimum = 0 (or 5) for high armored units are the most common parameters.

Edited by Roderick, 28 August 2017 - 11:02 AM.

#5 daxx367

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Posted 28 August 2017 - 11:10 AM

Mmmm, ok I don't think it works as I would like it. But it should be workable. I'm looking into making it easy to convert table top to DoW stat conversion, set of rules.

#6 Roderick


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Posted 28 August 2017 - 11:19 AM

Ok looking more thoroughly at both formulas I think the second modifies and expands the former


Damage modified by the armor factor is like this:


raw Damage value * armour factor, which is either


a) raw Damage value * (100 - target armor content + weapon_armour_piercing(%) )/100




b) raw Damage value * (100 - armor minimum)/100


the minimum of the two possibilities is taken as the reduction factor on the Damage value


In case of the default parameters target armor content = 100 and armor minimum = 0, the first possibility is


armor factor = (100 - 100 + weapon_armor piercing(%))/100 = weapon_armor_piercing, 


and the second is


armor factor = (100 - 0)/100 = 1


And the formula is expressed as


Modified damage = raw damage * min { weapon_armor_piercing, 1},


given that weapon_armor_piercing <=1, it is simplified as


Modified damage = raw damage * weapon_armor_piercing

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