Updated: February 19, 2024
The purpose of this thread is to account for all current DoW1 projects to ensure the UCS ranges do not overlap/over step one another. Balance mods are obviously excluded.
Adeptus Mechanicus 15215000 - 15215770 Adeptus Mechanicus (Warekit) 10190000 - 10199999 Alien Hunters: Deathwatch 17560000 - 17569999 - Expanded range (May 16/18) Amalgamator 18010000 - 18011000 - requested by Lemontree (Mar 22/20) - increased range by 100 (Nov 30/21) - increase range by 500 (Jun 26/22) Angry Marines 32785000 - 32787999 - requested by Jojo (Jun 28/19) Beastmen 25510000 - 25510231 - requested by Добрыня Никитич (Aug 08/20) Blood Angels SS 15010000 - 15012497 Black Templars 15200000 - 15204999 Campaign Addon 8000000 - 8099999 - requested by AndO3131 (Dec 28/22) Campaign Expansion 20000000 - 20005000 - requested by 3rd crusade best crusade (May 18/20) Chaos Daemons 16000000 - 16003850 Chaos Renegades 17550000 - 17552999 Dark Angels 16670500 - 16672999 Dark Eldar Mod 19010020 - 19010067 Death Guard 15020000 - 15021999 - FIXED (was in conflict with Emperors Children @ 15001000 - 15001999) Death Korps of Krieg 42500000 - 42502999 - requested by Gambit (Jun 30/21) Eldar Craftworlds 16035000 - 16037999 Elysians/Harakoni 32790000 - 32793000 - requested by Jojo (May 02/20) Emperors Children 15000000 - 15002999 - decreased upper limit to an even '15000000' - requested by Gambit (Jun 14/19) Emperors Children 14997000 - 14999999 - Last Stand Support - requested by Gambit (Aug 11/20) Fallen Angels 16680000 - 16682999 - requested by Gambit (Oct 14/19) Genestealer Cult 16005000 - 16009999 - requested by Miros (Nov 20/17) Harlequins 16030000 - 16031996 His Righteous Mod 17010000 - 17011999 Imperial Fists 16118000 - 16119999 Inquisition: DaemonHunt 16020000 - 16023049 Iron Warriors 15008000 - 15009999 Knight Houses 11100000 - 11110000 - requested by meatshi3ld (Feb 19/24) Legio / Adeptus Custodes 16700000 - 16702999 - requested by Kimberly (May 08/18) Legion of the Damned (old) 15029000 - 15030999 Legion of the Damned (new) 17115000 - 17115212 Malice/Malal/Sons of Malice 16070000 - 16080000 - requested by Fuggles (Sep 04/22) Night Lords 17750000 - 17752999 Orks of Armageddon 10180000 - 10189999 Penal Legions 26510000 - 26519999 - requested by Cneus (Feb 19/24) Praetorians 30000000 - 30000459 Rage (Khorne Mod) 61500205 - 61500617 Rage (Appended Range) 88800000 - 88809999 - requested by Gambit (Jul 26/20) Raven Guard 16200000 - 16205000 - requested by Kekoulis (Sep 18/21) Redemption of Krieg 15090000 - 15099998 Red Scorpions 19000000 - 19005000 - requested by IW42 (Apr 28/20) Relictors 18995000 - 18999999 - requested by IW42 (May 28/20) Salamanders 16115000 - 16117999 Space Wolves 18110000 - 18112999 Space Wolves: 13th Company 18011500 - 18012999 - FIXED (was in conflict with Blood Angels SS @ 15011500 to 15012497) Steel Legions 16010000 - 16019365 Steel Legions (Extra Range) 16050000 - 16060000 - requested by Kekoulis (Aug 24/22) Strongholds 7000000 - 7099999 Survival 17471000 - 17479999 Tau Enclaves 15015000 - 15017999 Thousand Sons 15003000 - 15005439 Tyranids 16025000 - 16029999 Tyranid Swarm 17950000 - 17952550 Ultramarines 15300000 - 15305999 - Expanded the range another 3000 lines to include additional content. (Feb 04/2019) Unification 5799995 - 5809999 - Expanded the range another 7000 lines to include additional content. (Aug 27/2020) Vostroyan First Born 19066000 - 20000000 - Expanded the range to the new limit (Dec 02/2022) WitchHunters 9000000 - 9004999
Occupied Ranges (sorted)
Unification 5799995 - 5809999 - Expanded the range another 7000 lines to include additional content. (Aug 27/2020) Strongholds 7000000 - 7099999 Campaign Addon 8000000 - 8099999 WitchHunters 9000000 - 9004999 Orks of Armageddon 10180000 - 10189999 Adeptus Mechanicus (Warekit) 10190000 - 10199999 Knight Houses 11100000 - 11110000 - requested by meatshi3ld (Feb 19/24) Emperors Children 14997000 - 14999999 - Last Stand Support - requested by Gambit (Aug 11/20) Emperors Children 15000000 - 15002999 - decreased upper limit to an even '15000000' - requested by Gambit (Jun 14/19) Thousand Sons 15003000 - 15005439 Iron Warriors 15008000 - 15009999 Blood Angels SS 15010000 - 15012497 Tau Enclaves 15015000 - 15017999 Death Guard 15020000 - 15021999 - FIXED (was in conflict with Emperors Children @ 15001000 - 15001999) Legion of the Damned (old) 15029000 - 15030999 Redemption of Krieg 15090000 - 15099998 Black Templars 15200000 - 15204999 Adeptus Mechanicus 15215000 - 15215770 Ultramarines 15300000 - 15305999 - Expanded the range another 3000 lines to include additional content. (Feb 04/2019) Chaos Daemons 16000000 - 16003850 Genestealer Cult 16005000 - 16009999 - requested by Miros (Nov 20/17) Steel Legions 16010000 - 16019365 Inquisition: DaemonHunt 16020000 - 16023049 Tyranids 16025000 - 16029999 Harlequins 16030000 - 16031996 Eldar Craftworlds 16035000 - 16037999 Steel Legions (Extra Range) 16050000 - 16060000 - requested by Kekoulis (Aug 24/22) Malice/Malal/Sons of Malice 16070000 - 16080000 - requested by Fuggles (Sep 04/22) Salamanders 16115000 - 16117999 Imperial Fists 16118000 - 16119999 Raven Guard 16200000 - 16205000 - requested by Kekoulis (Sep 18/21) Dark Angels 16670500 - 16672999 Fallen Angels 16680000 - 16682999 - requested by Gambit (Oct 14/19) Legio / Adeptus Custodes 16700000 - 16702999 - requested by Kimberly (May 08/18) His Righteous Mod 17010000 - 17011999 Legion of the Damned (new) 17115000 - 17115212 Survival 17471000 - 17479999 Chaos Renegades 17550000 - 17552999 Alien Hunters: Deathwatch 17560000 - 17569999 - Expanded range (May 16/18) Night Lords 17750000 - 17752999 Tyranid Swarm 17950000 - 17952550 Amalgamator 18010000 - 18011000 - requested by Lemontree (Mar 22/20) - increased range by 100 (Nov 30/21) - increase range by 500 (Jun 26/22) Space Wolves: 13th Company 18011500 - 18012999 - FIXED (was in conflict with Blood Angels SS @ 15011500 to 15012497) Space Wolves 18110000 - 18112999 Relictors 18995000 - 18999999 - requested by IW42 (May 28/20) Red Scorpions 19000000 - 19005000 - requested by IW42 (Apr 28/20) Dark Eldar Mod 19010020 - 19010067 Vostroyan First Born 19066000 - 20000000 - Expanded the range to the new limit (Dec 02/2022) Campaign Expansion 20000000 - 20005000 - requested by 3rd crusade best crusade (May 18/20) Beastmen 25510000 - 25510231 - requested by Добрыня Никитич (Aug 08/20) Penal Legions 26510000 - 26519999 - requested by Cneus (Feb 19/24) Praetorians 30000000 - 30000459 Angry Marines 32785000 - 32787999 - requested by Jojo (Jun 28/19) Elysians/Harakoni 32790000 - 32793000 - requested by Jojo (May 02/20) Death Korps of Krieg 42500000 - 42502999 - requested by Gambit (Jun 30/21) Rage (Khorne Mod) 61500205 - 61500617 Rage (Appended Range) 88800000 - 88809999 - requested by Gambit (Jul 26/20)