Hi! I have the same issue, but I can't use VPN.
I already enabled DMZ, open UDP 16000, enabled UPnP, but I can't start the game because I have bad connection. When I disable DMZ I even can't connect to lobby, but NATNegTest.bat returns SUCCESS status and informs me that "You do not have to use port forwarding.".
I also read different forums almost one week and I tried different solutions like buy a network wire and connect it to PC, disabling all firewalls, uninstalling antivirus, opening all ports from 8080 to 65535 (also 443, 60 etc.), disabling all network adapters except main network card, disabling IP6 protocol and more and more (sorry, I can't remember all things).
So can you help me please or give some advices?
Thank in advance!
Win10, Steam, KW 1.02
Here is the LOG (CNCOnline_Log.txt):
----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Kane's Wrath
Kane's Wrath Install Path: D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Command and Conquer 3 - Kane's Wrath\
Started game with: ""D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Command and Conquer 3 - Kane's Wrath\CNC3EP1.exe""
Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT from Kane's Wrath. Detaching...
Found game.dat process. PID 653263286424165652442596111726044
*** Starting CA public key patching routine ***
CA public key is expected value.
Successfully patched CA public key.
*** Starting hostname hooking routine ***
Injecting DLL into game.dat process...
Result of injection: Code -1073741582