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DOW 1 4th Expansion


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#1 NecronLord

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Posted 06 April 2018 - 02:24 PM

So i wondering who do i talk to, to see if we could get a DOW 1 balance expansion that would include 2 new units for each race. This would be meant for competitive multiplayer. The changes have been thought out & are based on the current meta of DOW 1 SS (Soul Storm). I have spoken with roughly 50 users to get their feedback most of which are pros.


Each race would get either 1 new hero unit & 1 new line unit or abilities. Units to be added would be Hereos from DOW 3 to DOW 1, it would go as follows:


PATCH 1.7 NOTES 2018:


Kyrie - tier 2.5 required: Soul shrine & support portal only one can be built
2x jump that disrupts & causes damage medium area radius Medium cool down
Wind that cause damage & slow enemies medium area radius Long cool down

Wraithguard - tier 3 required: Mobilize for war research 4 infantry pop cap
Wargear can - be outfitted with blades or cannon



Bone singer Wraithtomb cooldown increased by 15%, only available on two bone singers
Weapons Platform HP decreased by 10%
Reaper build time increased by 5%
Guardians replaced with Dire-Avengers with grenade causes knockback, HP increased by 10%, Range DPS decreased by 5%
Ranger cloak research build time decreased by 5% 
Fire Prism jump ability changed for teleport, Radius increased by 2%
Web Gates production cost increased by 5%



Venerable Dred - tier 2.5 unit requires machine pit 3 vehicle pop cap only 1 can be built
Plasma Cannon discharge medium radius medium cool down

lascannon squad - tier 2 unit comes with squad of 3 with a set up time 2 infantry pop cap



Scout build time increased 5%, Range DPS decreased by 5%
Chaplain Healing aura decreased by 5%
Liberian smite radius increased by 5% 
Scout sniper damage increased by 5%, range increased by 3%


Bug Fixes: Double terminators



Gourgutz - tier 2.5 unit
1x Mechancial grab that taunts enemies
1x Can jump terrain with arm

DeathDred - tier 3 unit 3 vehicle pop cap



Stormboyz Melee DPS decreased by 5%
Ork Boyz Melee DPS increased by 3%, HP decreased by 5%
Burna Bomber Range DPS decreased by 5%
Killa Kanz unit walking speed increased by 3%

Killa Kanz now can be upgraded with a missle launcher



Imotekh the Stormlord - tier 1.5 only one lord can be available with a choice of regular necron lord for a early lord or a tier 1.5 necron lord with more HP & Melee DPS. 
3 new abilities 1 available in archive in tier 1.5 2nd ability available at tier 2 & last available at tier 3

tier 1.5 Temporary speed bonus units next to the lord gain a speed boost medium cooldown
tier 2 Deflects incoming projectiles has a medium radius medium cooldown
tier 3 All warrior & immortal units can teleport to his location long cooldown

Deathmarks - tier 1 Only one squad can be built - 2 infantry pop cap
Ability - Phase shift must be researched at summoning core for 25 power



Scarb build time decreased by 5%, HP increased 5%
Warriors now cost 50 power
Necron HQ generates 10 power
Necron tier 2 power research now cost 250 power down from 350 power
Necron Turret DPS decreased by 5%, HP increased by 3%
LP3 DPS increase 5%


Bug Fixes:

Double Monolith Bug
Deceiver sync error bug



Rubric Marines - tier 2 can not be put into a rhino - 3 infantry pop cap only one squad can be built
Fog of War - a deadly mists surrounds an area small radius when active range damage is decreased by 30%
Witch-light - Increases attack speed, eyes glow

Tzaangors tier 1.5 requires armory Melee squad only 1 can be produced 2 infantry pop cap



Slave unit walking speed now increased with forced labor
Raptor Melee DPS increased by 3%
Chaos Lord unit build time increased by 3%
Cultist Grenade damage Increased by 3%, Range decreased by 2%
Cultist HP increased by 5%



Bullgryns - tier 3 3 infantry pop cap only one squad can be built 
Commissar with Power Fist - tier 2 required tactica optional wargear



Bunker Weapons
1 slot range DPS increased by 3%
2 slot range DPS increased by 5%
3 slot range DPS increased by 10%
3 slot Field of Range increased by 3%

Techpriest HP decreased by 3%
Heavy Weapon Teams Lascannon DPS increased 3%
Commander build time increased by 10%
Commissar build time increased by 5%
Chimera Range DPS increased by 3%
Guardmen Grenade DPS decreased by 3%
Guardsmen build time Increased by 3%
IG global capping time decreased by 2%


Dark Eldar:

Lhamaean - tier 1 made from HQ 2 infantry pop cap only one can be built
Death Kiss: Medium radius poisons a area & decreases moral

Wracks tier 2 unit 3 infantry pop cap



Dark Eldar now can build webways, these dark webways are weaker then eldar webways, vechiles can not move through them with the exception of jetbikes
Dark eldar builder unit will be required to build structures instead of auto building
Dark eldar builder unit has the dark matter constructor ability (auto builds buildings) has a long cool down only 2 builders can have it.
Dark eldar builder build time decreased by 5%
Dark eldar builder build cost from 75 req to 90 req
Mandrakes build time decreased by 3%
Archon build time decreased by 2%
Scourges Range DPS increased by 3%, HP increased by 3%


Bug Fixes:

Archon vampire ability fixed



Fire Warriors Breacher Team - tier 2.5 unit 4 infantry pop cap only one squad can be built
Photon grenades that damage in a medium radius, medium cool down
Tactical Formation Increased melee & range attack speed & movement

MV71 Sniper Drones & Firesight Marksman - tier 1 unit 2 infantry pop cap only one squad can be built
Scanner a small radius that reveals the fog of war - tier 2 ability must be researched at path to enlightenment 
Auto detects stealth units



Stealth Suit build time decreased by 3%
Stealth Suit jump packs no longer need to be researched
Builder walking speed increased by 2%
Vespid build time increased by 2%
Kroot Leap now causes knock back
Commander HP increased by 5%
Firewarrior Range DPS decreased by 3%, HP increased by 3%
Firewarrior build time increased by 5%
Kroot build time decreased by 3%


Sisters of battle:

Missionary with Chainsword wargear - tier 1 requires armory
Crusaders - tier 2 unit only 3x can be built at once 2 infantry pop cap



Builder destruction ability damage decreased by 3%
Missionary Melee DPS increased by 3%
Sisters Squad DPS increased by 2%
Celestian HP decreased by 5%, Melta DPS decreased by 5%
Inferno Turret DPS increased by 3%

Edited by NecronLord, 06 April 2018 - 02:32 PM.

#2 fuggles


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Posted 06 April 2018 - 02:33 PM

Not sure what you are after? No one is likely to make an office patch anymore - you can ask relic or sega if you want. Or just use corsix and make a mod.

#3 NecronLord

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Posted 06 April 2018 - 02:35 PM

How would i go about asking relic or sega? I have a small team of game-developers that would easily make these changes. Also what is corsix?

#4 Unsociallobster

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Posted 06 April 2018 - 02:57 PM


#5 NecronLord

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Posted 06 April 2018 - 03:14 PM

Thanks, i don't see soul storm up there?

#6 fuggles


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Posted 06 April 2018 - 06:15 PM

It works, it's what we use. You can email them, or use social media but I would not be too expectant, especially as dow3 just tanked.

#7 NecronLord

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Posted 06 April 2018 - 06:33 PM

Does it allow for new units?


It works, it's what we use. You can email them, or use social media but I would not be too expectant, especially as dow3 just tanked.

#8 fuggles


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Posted 06 April 2018 - 07:13 PM

Yes, very easily. The hard bit is making the model in the first place.

#9 Norwegian_Loki


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Posted 06 April 2018 - 11:16 PM

I can point you to some tutorials if you want.

#10 thudo


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Posted 07 April 2018 - 03:36 PM

Adding DoW3 units to 1 would be superb but its a lot of work.. just getting basic items in like the mesh/skeleton + textures then what about all wargear and weapon upgrades then OE'ing it all so AE can call it cleanly?


Would love to have a dedicated team just to get DoW2 and 3 art assets down to 1 now that 3 is dead thanks to the massive blunderings of Sega and THQ. :thumbsdownsmiley: We can pick off their husks for the remaining useful bits.  :cool: 


Still.. how is this endeavour different from, say, the BugFix mod? Seems like its adding more art content.

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#11 NecronLord

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Posted 07 April 2018 - 04:00 PM

Hey well for one, i am trying to make it offical so that everyone is playing the meta, as well as there would be model updates. I got into contact with the lead designer who worked on SS and he forwarded us to GW.


Adding DoW3 units to 1 would be superb but its a lot of work.. just getting basic items in like the mesh/skeleton + textures then what about all wargear and weapon upgrades then OE'ing it all so AE can call it cleanly?


Would love to have a dedicated team just to get DoW2 and 3 art assets down to 1 now that 3 is dead thanks to the massive blunderings of Sega and THQ. :thumbsdownsmiley: We can pick off their husks for the remaining useful bits.  :cool:


Still.. how is this endeavour different from, say, the BugFix mod? Seems like its adding more art content.

#12 NecronLord

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Posted 07 April 2018 - 04:01 PM

That would be great, especially if you have any for adding new units with textures. 



I can point you to some tutorials if you want.

#13 thudo


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Posted 07 April 2018 - 04:10 PM

I got into contact with the lead designer who worked on SS and he forwarded us to GW.

Wow I am quite shocked that after all these years they actually... cared... :wub: even if a tiny little.. 


I'm "cautiously" optimistic of course as we've been down this road many a time for a decade+. :shiftee:

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#14 NecronLord

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Posted 07 April 2018 - 04:31 PM

Well i am also a creative director & given i have experience in reaching out to entities, that could be a deciding factor.



I got into contact with the lead designer who worked on SS and he forwarded us to GW.

Wow I am quite shocked that after all these years they actually... cared... :wub: even if a tiny little.. 


I'm "cautiously" optimistic of course as we've been down this road many a time for a decade+. :shiftee:


#15 thudo


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Posted 07 April 2018 - 04:34 PM

I think I can be the resounding voice of others here and say we very much look forward to working with you going forward!


All help is absolutely appreciated.

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#16 NecronLord

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Posted 07 April 2018 - 04:47 PM

As of right now, there are two options on the table a Remastered version of DOW 1 or a DOW 1 4th expansion.


The remastered version of DOW 1 would use the Essence 3.0 game engine, this is the same engine used in DOW 2 & 3.


The remastered would include the following & price range would be $29.99 to $39.99. It would be nice to gather thoughts from the community.


The remastered version would include the following.
Current Meta from Soul Storm 
Changes would include:
Flyers would not be controlled but instead would be a call in ability for the races with a cool down. Given the poor implementation of flying units in soul storm & the limitation of the Dawn of War 1 engine. We have seen the community respond well to the proposed changes.
Updated Models for some of the races
The models would be taken from Dawn of war 3
2 new units for each race & or abilities 
Bringing in some heroes from the space marine, eldar & ork races & abilities from Dawn of War 3.
Balance Fixes to the Soul Storm Meta
This would include taking some utilities from each race from Dawn of war 3 & mixing them with Soul Storm (Dawn of War 1) mechanics. 
Eldar: Their webway gate functionality along with their mobility
Space Marine: Their Orbital Bombardment control
Orks: Their Waah Banner mechanic
In including these mechanics to the soul storm meta along with other changes like unit attributes, & tech tree reworks. A preliminary list of changes has already been compiled. 
All DOW 1 Maps from all 3 expansions 
4 DOW 3 maps
1 New Race

Edited by NecronLord, 07 April 2018 - 04:48 PM.

#17 fuggles


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Posted 07 April 2018 - 04:52 PM

The biggest problems will be needing a modeller, some of those suggestions not being possible and some just being wrong!

I would love them to go back to soulstorm, but it makes no real sense I suspect. People would only grouse that ua was not made official.

#18 NecronLord

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Posted 07 April 2018 - 05:02 PM

Could you explain a bit ? We technically were not planning on going back to Soul Storm but the idea was to have Soul Storm serve as the base Meta. The whole purpose is to make a remake not a completely different game. Although we are certainly taking very small bits as far as race mechanics go & fussing them with current race mechanics. The goal is to preserve Dawn Of War 1 meta.


The biggest problems will be needing a modeller, some of those suggestions not being possible and some just being wrong!

I would love them to go back to soulstorm, but it makes no real sense I suspect. People would only grouse that ua was not made official.

#19 thudo


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Posted 07 April 2018 - 05:08 PM

Whooaaaaa you lost me at..


The remastered would include the following & price range would be $29.99 to $39.99. It would be nice to gather thoughts from the community.


I didn't start modding 1 back in 2004 to make profits or sell anything: this has been strictly for the art and love of all things that are 40K and offering what no other 40K game for any platform offers. This has been first and foremost a "peace-meal endeavour" from Day Zero for me. Others.. gather they feel the same.


I have deep concerns doing any kind of "selling" as then we run headlong into copyright issues: a plethora of a hornet nets I don't have time or energy to work the logistics on (I'm quite stacked enough for work).


Still.. willing to hear more on this but "money" is a No-Go Zone for me as its too dicey an affair.

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#20 Gambit


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Posted 07 April 2018 - 05:20 PM

Others.. gather they feel the same.


Still.. willing to hear more on this but "money" is a No-Go Zone for me as its too dicey an affair.

Brother Thud parallels my thoughts precisely.

"Money" is out of the question - we are just enjoying are favourite hobby here. :thumbsuphappy:

Your idea is interesting, and should pass to SEGA itself, I think.


By the way, have you tried any mod of ours? You may find it interesting!

-In search of Papasmurf...

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