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DICE ruined Mirror's Edge

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#1 Guest_army_bloodcore_*

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Posted 29 April 2018 - 08:31 AM

Hello! I want to say that this game sucks! I didn't.
Compared to the first epic part with Japanese architecture, the second part just sucks. Please don't let any more of these games out.
No, I understand that in 2011 in Japan there was an earthquake and all the nuclear power plants were disconnected, and the Studio probably turned all the contracts with the Japanese (exactly I don't know, but I suppose such things visible from the outside), but I do... I loved the game because of this Japanese architecture and because of the bright colors. I took a gaming laptop, and I'm looking forward to be disappointed! It's awful, I'm desperate, and I'm depressed. Do something, please!
Although... maybe I'm wrong. In the end, you made a game about parkour, if you will tell me "go watch anime", I'm not going. The Japanese do not make good games since 2011, with the accident at the Fukushima-1. They make visual novels about relationships, it is not interesting and it sucks, even worse than Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Between Mirror's Edge Catalyst and the visual novels, I would still choose Mirror's Edge Catalyst. At least there's no sexual context in this game. I understand you made a game about parkour, and I was waiting for the second game about Japan... I understand that the nuclear power plants will not be launched. I know I can't find the girl. And my life gets better. It's total darkness. And all this puts me in the depths of despair!

Edited by army_bloodcore, 29 April 2018 - 08:33 AM.

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