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Dawn of war Remastered UPDATE

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#1 NecronLord

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Posted 12 June 2018 - 02:50 AM




So its been a while since i've been up here, but i've been talking to numerous people in the community. Currently i need 2-3 modders who know how to mod Dawn of war Soul Storm, so far we have a few potential veteran community members from the UA team willing to work on this new project, the goal is to get it published as an official build to replace the current meta in Dawn of war SS. Please see below for more details. my discord name is: Red#4059



The Goal:

  • This mod is for Competitive multiplayer for Dawn of war Soul Storm. This mod is FREE




  • $1500 - $2500 Entire Project




  • 3 modders who have at least 2 years experience working with the dawn of war 1 brand who can also do textures

  • Voice Actors with at least 1 year experience

  • Art Director - Sounds, maps, textures, icons & FXs





General Changes:


  • HD Models & Textures

  • New Visual Effects

  • Bug Fixes

  • Updated Models

  • Flyer units TBA (To be announced)

  • Enhanced Camera

  • New Units & Abilities




New Hero Units:

  • Kyrie (Autarch) Hero option tier 1 unit Abilities:1.5 jump that disrupts & causes damage medium area radius Medium cool down Eldritch Winds that cause damage & slow enemies medium area radius Long cool down must be researched at soul shrine. (Cost: 250 req / 100 power)

  • Swooping Hawks (Autarch path) tier 3 unit (Cost: 270 req / 160 power) 1.5 jump that disrupts & causes damage small radius



New Line Units:

  • (Requires Autarch Path) Wraithguard - tier 2 required: Mobilize for war research 4 infantry pop-cap (Cost: 175 req / 50 power)

  • (Requires Autarch Path) Dire Avengers - Tier 1 2 popcap (Cost: 145 req)


New Weapons:

  • Wraithblade option for wraithguard tier 3 upgrade (Cost: 25 req / 45 power)


Eldar Paths:

Each eldar player has the option to choose between the autarch path or the traditional farseer path each path has its own set of units. The selection is made from the HQ and takes 1s to finish. 



                 Autarch path Unlocks:



  • Kyrie Hero Unit can not be attached

  • Wraithguard (Anti Vehicle) tier 2 unit 

  • Dire Avengers

  • Dark Reapers

  • Banchees

  • Rangers

  • Warp Spiders

  • Swooping Hawks (Made from HQ) 

  • Avatar




  • All


Farseer path



  • Farseer

  • Fire Dragons

  • Guardians

  • Dark Reapers

  • Banchees

  • Rangers

  • Warp Spiders

  • Seer Council (Made from HQ)

  • Avatar



  • All


Race Changes:

  • Bone singer Wraith Tomb cooldown increased to 180s instead of 150s

  • Bone singer Wraith Tomb duration slightly decreased to 25s instead of 30s

  • Grenades cause knock back

  • Weapons Platform HP decreased to 900 instead of 1100

  • Dark Reaper build time slightly increased to 28s instead of 24s

  • Dark Reaper squad now comes with 4 units instead of 3

  • Dark Reaper Reinforce cost increased to 85 req instead of 70

  • Ranger cloak research build time decreased to 15s instead of 25s

  • Fire Prism jump ability changed to teleport, Radius increased

  • Webway Gate production cost increased to 130 req instead of 100

  • Webway Gate now generate a fleet of foot radius

  • Webway Gate can now teleport anywhere granting a fleet of foot radius

  • Webway Gate HP decreased to 800 hp instead of 1000

  • Fleet of foot is no longer a toggle on infantry units

  • Webway Cloak can now cloak units, units become uncloaked once they attack

  • Webway Cloak now has a duration. Duration lasts for 30s

  • Webway Cloak now has a cool down instead of a toggle. Cool down lasts 60s 

  • Eldar vehicles can now pass through into the webway

  • Dire Avengers start with a grenade

  • TBA (To be announced) Eldar nightwing removed


Replaced Models / Updated Models:


  • Wraithlord Updated Model

  • Webway Gate Updated Model


Space Marine:


New Upgrades:

  • Venerable Dred - tier 4 Upgrade Increases the HP of dreds from 4780 to 5200 (Cost: 350 req / 350 power)

  • Tier 3 Plasma Upgrade deals high DPS to a single unit (Cost: 50 req / 90 power)


New Infantry Line Unit:

  • lascannon squad - tier 2.5 unit comes with squad of 3 with a set up time 4 infantry popcap (Cost: 220 req / 25 power)



Race Changes:

  • Scout build time increase to 15s instead of 12s, Base Damage decreased to min 10 instead of 10.6 and max to 11.5 instead of 12.9, scout cap time slightly decreased by 3 secs

  • Land raider Machine Spirit Ability now Reduces ranged damage received by 60% for 10 seconds instead of 40% to 15 seconds.

  • Chaplain Healing aura decreased to 20 and 5 instead of 25 and 10

  • Liberian smite radius slightly increased to 15 instead of 10, cooldown increased to 90s instead of 75s

  • Space Marine HP slightly increased to 400 instead of 390

  • Drop Pods Now Cause damage & disrupt upon impact

  • Assault Space Marine now use leap which causes a small amount of damage upon landing

  • Landspeeder tempest will stay as is

  • Landspeeder build time increased slightly to 37s instead of 30s

  • Predator lascannon fire rate slightly decreased to 2s instead of 3s

  • Terminator Squad now come in 5. 1 Squad member can be upgraded with rocket pods

  • Terminator Close Combat Squad now come in 5. 2 members can be upgraded with power claws

  • Terminator teleport time slightly decreased to 3s instead of 5s and 2s to attack instead of 5s to attack


Race Bug Fixes:

  • Double terminators




New Vehicle Unit:

  • Warbiker Mob - Fast attack tier 1 unit requires at least two war banners, 2 popcap, only 1 can be built can also decap, has medium range and does medium amount of damage to buildings. Produced from HQ (Cost: 160 req / 30 power)

  • Mek Gunz: Kustom Mega-kannon - tier 3 unit 3 vehicle popcap (Cost: 170 req / 250 power)


Race Changes:

  • Stormboyz Melee DPS slightly decreased to Min 39.5 instead of 43.3, max 55.0 instead of 57.3, Min.D 3.50 instead of 3.75

  • Ork Slugga Boyz Melee DPS increased  Min 29.5 instead of 32, max 35.0 instead of 41, Min.D 3.3 instead of 3.8

  • Killa Kanz unit walking speed increased to 16 instead of 14

  • War-banners now gain a taunt ability that lasts for a duration if it isn't destroyed upon charging up, the ability grants a temporary speed boost and damage increase to nearby units. While the banner is charging the banner is vulnerable and takes on bonus damage.

  • Shoota Boyz now can throw grenades after being researched has a small radius and low damage

  • TBA (To be announced) Burner Bommber now is an ability that affects a large radius, with a long cool down, from the warboss.


Replaced Models / Updated Models:




  • Ork Settlement (HQ)

  • Ork  Waaagh! Banner

  • Pile O Gunz

  • Da Boyz Hut

  • Da Mek Shop


  • Killa Kan




New Hero Unit:

  • Imotekh the Stormlord - tier 1.5 only one lord can be selected / available per player with a choice of regular necron lord for a early lord or a tier 1.5 necron lord with more HP & Melee DPS. Imotekh the stormlord has 1 teleport with a larger radius then the regular necron lord. medium cool down. Can ONLY  transform into the deceiver. ONLY has 5 abilities Can NOT use the other artifacts. (Cost: 220 power)

5 New Abilities Exclusive to Imotekh the Stormlord available through archives only 3 can be selected permanently:


All abilities require archives


  • Transdiminesional Displacement Tier 1.5 Temporary speed bonus units next to the lord gain a speed boost long cool down (Cost: 80 power)

  • Tesseract Labyrinth Tier 2 Creates a Pocket dimension that throws a selected target into oblivion has a long cool down. Can not be used on commanders or tanks. (Cost: 125 power)

  • Void field Tier 3 Deflects incoming projectiles in a medium radius around the necron lord for a duration medium cool down (Cost: 150 power)

  • Sempiternal Weave Tier 4 Makes ONLY the necron lord temporarily invulnerable & can still attack for a duration long cool down (Cost: 375 power)

  • Translocation Beacon Tier 4 up to 4 squads can teleport to his location long cool down (Cost: 350 power)


New Line Unit:

  • Deathmarks - tier 1 Only one squad can be built - 2 infantry popcap does good damage to light vehicles and infantry. Scales with warrior upgrades. Ability: Phase shift must be researched at summoning core for 75 power, has 1 teleport with a short radius. (Cost: 150 power)


Race Changes:

  • Scarab HP increased to 350 instead of 225

  • Scarab 3 sec immunity for capping removed

  • Warriors now cost 25 power with the first two warriors Free

  • Warriors now start off with 3 instead of 4

  • Warriors HP slightly increased to 550 instead of 530, Disruption field level 1: 580 instead of 570, Enhanced disruption field: 885 instead of 870

  • Necron HQ now generates 10 power

  • Necron tier 2 power research now cost 375 power up from 350 power

  • Necron Gauss Turret DPS decreased to min 220 instead of 235, max 270 instead of 285, min.D 20 instead of 25, HP increased to 1325 instead of 1125

  • Necron LP3 DPS increase to min 265 instead of 250, max 290 instead of 280, min.D 7

  • Wraith production time decreased to 35s instead of 45s

  • Immortals range DPS decreased to min 80.0 instead of 89.7, max 165.8 instead of 174.7, min.D 3.5 instead of 4.5 

  • Immortals now require an upgrade for increased range DPS at Summoning core costs 100 power. After upgrade Range DPS increased to min 90.0, max 180.0, min.D 5

  • Tomb Spider micro scarbs now have a toggle to fly & can also engage ground units

  • Deceiver No longer creates an entire monolith but instead must target a real active monolith to create a hologram that lasts for a duration. It can not be repaired.

  • Deceiver gets the new Time vortex ability, which desentagrates targets in a medium radius, Ctan lighting is another new ability which effects a large area that slows enemies and does damage overtime.

  • Deceiver old abilities have been removed

  • Nightbringer animation redone, with increased movement

  • Nightbringer path is limited only to the regular necron lord, the Deceiver path is limited to Imotekh the greater necron lord.


Replaced Models / Updated Models:


  • Pariahs are now replaced with the Necron Lychguard

  • Wraith now replaced with canoptek wraith


New FX:


  • Immortal Heavy Gauss rifle now shoot in medium bursts of energy

Bug Fixes:

  • Double Monolith Bug

  • Deceiver sync error bug




New Line Units:


  • Rubric Marines - tier 2 can not be put into a rhino - 3 infantry popcap only one squad can be built Abilities: Fog of War - a deadly mists surrounds an area small radius when active range damage is decreased by 30%. Witch-light - Increases attack speed, eyes glow (Cost: 190 req / 100 power)

  • Havoc Squad  tier 1.5 requires armory only 2 can be produced 2 infantry pop cap (Cost: 200 req / 10 power) 


Race Changes:

  • Slave builder unit walking speed now increased with forced labor

  • Raptor Melee DPS increased to min 52 instead of 49, max 63 instead of 59, min.D 6 instead of 5

  • Chaos Khorne berzerkers Building DPS increased to low 6.0 instead of 5.0, medium 4 instead of 3.3, high 3.0 instead of 2.4.  HP slightly increased to 800 instead of 610

  • Cultist Grenade DPS decreased to min 55 instead of 62, max 65 instead of 75, min.D 10 instead of 15, 3 weapons can be equipped up from 2

  • Barracks build time slightly decreased to 50s instead of 57s HP decreased to 1900 instead of 2200

  • Armory build time slightly decreased to 40s instead of 45s, HP decreased to 2900 instead of 3100

  • TBA (To be announced) Chaos Taylon dirty bombing run is now an ability which the ch6os lord can call down, effects a medium radius, & slowly kills a target location, has a long cool down,


Updated Model:

  • Horrors

  • Chaos Space Marine


Imperial Guard:


New Line Unit:

  • Bullgryns - tier 3, 3 infantry pop cap only one squad can be built (Cost: 200 req / 70 power) 

  • Skitarii Vanguard ranged Unit - tier 3 unit choice between kasrkin squad or Skitarii Vanguard. Does bonus damage to any squad that came into contact / melee for a short duration only 1 squad can be built takes 3 infantry pop cap (Cost: 250 req / 150 power) 


New Weapons:

  • Power Fist - tier 2 required tactica optional wargear for commissioners (Cost: 70 req / 50 power) 


Race Changes:

  • Bunker Weapons - 3 slot Range increased to 30 instead of 25

  • Tech-priest HP decreased slightly 290 instead of 310

  • Commander build time increased to 30s instead of 25s

  • Commissar build time increased to 25 secs instead of 20 secs

  • Guardsmen Grenade DPS decreased to min 95.0 instead of 113.0, max 140.0 instead of 147.0, min.D 8.0 instead of 10.5

  • Guardsmen build time Increased to 25s instead of 20s

  • Imperial Guard global capping time decreased

  • Kasrkin squad now get 2x grenades

  • Imperial Guard Bomber removed



Dark Eldar:


New Hero Unit

  • Lhamaean - tier 2.5 made from HQ 2 infantry pop cap only one can be built Abilities: Death Kiss: Medium radius poisons a area & decreases moral (Cost: 80 req / 150 power) 


New Line Unit:

  • Wracks tier 2.5 unit 4 infantry pop cap produced at the Hall of Blood (Cost: 200 req / 80 power) 



  • Dark Eldar now can build webways (uses the old model), these dark webways are weaker then eldar webways, vehicles can not move through them with the exception of jetbikes

  • Dark eldar builder unit will be required to build structures instead of auto building

  • Dark eldar builder unit has the dark matter constructor ability (auto builds buildings) HP is halved by 50 percent.

  • Dark eldar builder build time decreased to 8s instead of 10s

  • Dark eldar builder build cost from 75 req to 90 req

  • Mandrakes build time slightly decreased to 25s instead of 27s

  • Scourges Range DPS decreased vs infantry to low, medium, high, h.medium 15.9 instead of 16.9, h.hi 11.0 instead of 11.8, Cmdr 9.5 instead of 10.1. HP increased slightly to 400 instead of 320

  • Corrosion ability now decreases armor of units in the cloud by 10% instead of 8%, cloud radius increased

  • Piercing vision ability now cost 20 soul power instead of 40, decreased cool down time to 40s instead of 60s

  • Raider speed increased slightly to 45 instead of 42

  • Raiders now come pre-loaded with warrior squads

  • Raiders are no longer transports (due to the use of webways)

  • Dark eldar do not have fleet of foot

  • Archon Vampire ability must be researched at Haemonculus' Laboratory. Once researched all melee attacks give archon a small HP boost & does bonus damage overtime to targets while in melee.

  • TBA (To be announced) Raven fighter is now an ability that is called down from the HQ with a medium radius, with a medium cool down.


Replaced Models / Updated Models:



  • Dark Eldar Kabal Fortress (HQ)

  • Dark Eldar Dark Foundry

  • Dark Eldar webway 

  • Dark Eldar Soul cage

  • Hall of Blood (Barracks)

  • Plasma Generator

  • Slave Chamber

  • Haemonculus' Laboratory

  • Wych-Cult Arena

  • Thermo Plasma Generator




  • Dark Eldar warriors


Bug Fixes:

  • Archon vampire ability fixed




New Line Units:


  • Fire Warriors Breacher Team - tier 2.5 unit 4 infantry pop cap only one squad can be built Abilities: Photon grenades that damage in a medium radius, medium cool down. Tactical Formation Increased melee & range attack speed & movement. (Cost: 230 req) 

  • MV71 Sniper Drones & Firesight Marksman - tier 1 unit 2 infantry pop cap only two squads can be built Abilities: Scanner a small radius that reveals the fog of war - tier 2 ability must be researched at path to enlightenment. Auto detects stealth units. (Cost: 170 req / 70 power) 


  • KV128 Stormsurge - tier 2 heavy weapons platform (Turret). The first two do not count toward pop cap. Abilities: Missile barrage, must be researched. (Cost: 260 req / 150 power) 



  • Stealth Suit build time increased to 15s instead of 10s

  • Stealth Suit jump packs no longer need to be researched

  • Stealth Suit no longer stay stealthed when decapping from the west side of a strategic point

  • Builder walking speed increased to 17 instead of 16

  • Vespid build time increased to 35s instead of 30s

  • Vespids now have a toggle to fly, can target location to slam into ground reverting back to a ground unit, ability has a cool down. Causes knock back and damage.

  • Kroot Leap now causes knock back

  • Commander HP increased to 1300 instead of 1000

  • Firewarrior Range DPS decreased to min 59 instead of 62, max 68 instead of 73, min.D 2 instead of 3, HP increased to 380 instead of 340. Improved Metallurgy research: HP increase to 400 instead of 374

  • Firewarrior build time increased to 27s instead of 24s

  • Kroot build time decreased to 20s instead of 24s

  • XV88 battlesuit replaced with the KV128 Stormsurge the first 2 do not take up infantry pop cap

  • Barracuda Gunship now cost 4 vehicle cap, only 2 can be built, the size of the model has been increased



Replaced Models / Updated Models:



  • XV88 battlesuit replaced with the KV128 Stormsurge 



Sisters of battle:


New Line Unit:

  • Crusaders - tier 2 unit only 3x can be built at once 2 infantry pop cap (Cost: 100 req / 20 power) 


New Weapons:

  • Chainsword wargear for Missionary - requires armory (Cost: 40 req / 40 power) 


Race Change:


  • Sisters Squad DPS increased to min 12 instead of 10 

  • Celestian HP decreased to 400 instead of 430, Melta DPS decreased to min 60 instead of 70, max 70 instead of 80, min.D 1.5

  • Celestian Grenades DPS decreased vs buildings / light armor to Low 400 - 500 instead of 450 - 562.5, med 500 - 685 instead of 600 - 750, high 250 - 285 instead of 300 - 375

  • Inferno Turret DPS increased to min 40 instead of 34, max 43 instead of 38, min.D 3 instead of 2.5

  • Mine DPS increased to min150 instead of 140, max 175 instead of 160, min.D 38 instead of 30, moral 115 instead of 100

  • Mine HP increased to 600 instead of 500

  • Sisters of battle transport vehicle DPS increased to min 45 instead of 40, max 50 instead of 45, min.D 3 instead of 2.5, pop cap increased to 2 instead of 1

  • TBA (To be announced) Lightning fighter now is a ability called lightening run which effects a medium radius, lightning fighters do a fighter run. this can be used from canoness. This has a medium cool down

Attached Files

Edited by NecronLord, 18 June 2018 - 09:08 PM.

#2 fuggles


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Posted 13 June 2018 - 09:41 AM

Have you ever tried Dow: Pro? That was always the hardcore competitive balance mod, at some points obnoxiously so. On the off chance you did get to make anything official I would rather the engine was expanded and new races added, admech or imperial knights.


But anyway, casually chucking in 'HD models and textures' like that rather seems to undersell the amount of work involved. UA are good, but not fans of infantry and synch kills, which is why they have built a truck load of tanks. I'd love them to finish the centurion, or dragon knights for instance. The majority of your changes would take about a day in corsix.


Keep going, see what happens.

#3 NecronLord

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Posted 13 June 2018 - 02:23 PM

Hey fuggles, 


thanks for the feedback, i have tried DOW pro however, that is outdated, & hasn't really fixed the core gameplay, basically a balance mod which was good for what it did, but this project is aiming to include some new content that coincides with much needed balance changes. The amount of work to re-skin the current Models to HD isn't to much but its still a great deal of work, i am aware of that. But also we want to properly fix the bugs and animations that were given in Soul storm.

Edited by NecronLord, 13 June 2018 - 02:24 PM.

#4 Guest_<===CHAOS===>_*

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Posted 14 June 2018 - 07:10 PM

This is not improving the balance of the game, I think a lot of the proposed changes will actually make the game much less balanced. Must decide whether you want to make a mod for fun and new ideas, or for re-balance.

#5 NecronLord

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Posted 14 June 2018 - 10:58 PM

Hey Guest,


So what you're saying is adding new content isn't going to balance the game? This is why this is important to get the community feedback, we are not just making a mod for fun, we intend to balance out the game as well as add new content, we will not box our selves in by just making a balance update. Thanks for the input though it is noted. It would be great if you could give more input that was more constructive lets say to the proposed balance changes based on the current meta. I also want to add that these proposed changes actually fill in much needed changes, they weren't just for fun. The current meta of soul storm is broken. The changes that say increase or decreased don't have the actual values proposed but are a base to call out what needs to change.

Edited by NecronLord, 14 June 2018 - 11:11 PM.

#6 Guest_Braulio_*

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Posted 15 June 2018 - 01:28 PM

Stating that the mod is free and then setting up a "budget" it is the first tell the mod is either a pure fantasy or a fraud.


Then you begin to read the changelog and you see it is filled with more fantasy changes that are not needed.


The OP wants someone to work ON HIS mod rather than himself setting it up and work like a man, because he is not an "idea man" just someone who can do something everyone does in a daily basis - writting.


This is a failure from the start.

#7 NecronLord

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Posted 15 June 2018 - 02:04 PM

I am paying out of my own pocket, as a tribute to the community, your negativity is unreal, you can remove your self from this post. 

#8 Guest_Braulio_*

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Posted 15 June 2018 - 02:17 PM

The comunity doesnt need tribute, they need only fixes. 

Also most of the bugs you say you going to fix (monolith fix etc) require the actual SDK core tool files from Relic. Lets not forget the "hero" units who dont exist in actual canonicity of warhammer 40.000.


So no I am not gonna remove myself from this post I want straight out answers and not dodging bullet answers.

#9 NecronLord

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Posted 15 June 2018 - 02:35 PM

If its a failure from the start then why are you still here? Who are you to decide what the community needs, you post in this thread with an already pissy attitude, saying this can't be done, i bit about my background i own a design studio, i am a design director, i've worked on games like Red alert, and starcraft. There are work arounds to the core SDK tools. To be clear nobody is dodging anything, like i said early if you have nothing constructive to say then remove your self from this post, or you'll be ignored plain and simple. 


As for the heroes that you claim don't exist, here they are:


Eldar - Kyrie (Autarch) his name came from Dawn of war 3 the actual hero it self is in the W40k lore

SM - Venerable Dreadnought 

Necron - Imotekh the Stormlord

DE - Lhamaean


These heroes like the Venerable dreadnought for balance purposes will be treated like a hero because its not an ordinary dreadnought, The eldar Autarch was given a name taken from dawn of war 3.

Edited by NecronLord, 15 June 2018 - 02:37 PM.

#10 fuggles


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Posted 15 June 2018 - 05:11 PM

I mean there is probably an argument that you could make the mod already using existing models and corsix to prove it works.

#11 Guest_<===CHAOS===>_*

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Posted 17 June 2018 - 03:58 AM

I know the meta reasonably well, I have a lot of experience in DOW with about 2.5k hours invested in it. I'm not amazing at the game, but I still understand a lot of what is wrong with it. i wrote up a list of possible changes that you should think about. I think a big issue is a lot of your changes seem to be styled to dow 2, which isn't suitable for dow 1 due to low unit HP and fast damage output. If you have any questions about what i suggest, ask my over steam by adding Sir <===CHAOS===> Inferno   as i do not have an account for this website. Also, I may be able to help you update the UI for the game (such as taskbars, unit icons, building icons, mouse pointer) if you are interested in making it look more modern, but this is also a very simple task that anyone can do if they explore the game files. if you need this feel free to add the inferno account and i'll show you some of the screenshots of my updated chaos UI. anyway here are the ideas I thought of:


Elf new Hero:
2x jump that disrupts & causes damage medium area radius Medium cool down
Tier 1 smite sounds unfair, disruption would mean DR can kill whole squads, eldar don't have knockback for a reason. Jump should be 1.5. Imagine vs IG, this would kill so many weak models.
Bone singer Wraithtomb cooldown increased (((only available on two bone singers)))
this second bit seems bad, keeping track of which bonesinger has the tomb on will be difficult in a high micro game
Dark Reaper build time increased
rly bad idea, the timings will be so off. vs necron, cron will have all points before eldar can harass. vs chaos,
chaos will be harassing base with raptors too early. chaos can simply outmass so much easier
Dark Reaper squad now comes with 4 units instead of 3
i guess this is to justify longer build time, but it is probably better to keep the current build time and only 3 models. Maybe ake reinforce cost 10 more req
Webway Gates now generate a fleet of foot radius
no keep FoF as toggle, else you remove all fun from playing eldar
Webway Gates can now teleport
teleport a webway gate to another webway gate? this wouldnt be used in normal play but sounds like it could create some abussive strategies with turrets
Fleet of foot is no longer a toggle on infantry units
no :[.  worst thing on this list
Webway Cloak can now cloak units
maybe change this to work like smoke field from rhino? each use does NOT stack. decrease accuracy of enemy by -15%. full cloak sounds broken in the late game
Eldar vehicles can now pass through into the webway
this is a joke, right?
Eldar nightwing removed
but why? it's eldar's anti air unit, and isn't pointless.
New Hero Unit:
Venerable Dred - tier 2.5 unit requires machine pit 3 vehicle popcap only 1 can be built. Ability: Plasma Cannon discharge medium radius medium cool down
SM already have 3 very powerful commanders. They have the most commanders in the game and should not have more. this makes the normal dreads redundant.
sm are probs strongest t2.5 race and adding another powerful tank would be unfair on other races. sm vs chaos would be very unfairly balanced, for example.
Perhaps change this unit into a set of upgrades? tier 4 upgrade already increases the HP of tanks, maybe add a line of text saying "dreads become venerable, HP up"
maybe plasma can be a tier 3 or 4 weapon upgrade for dreads, and the ability can work a bit like tau commander snap shot and deal high DPS to single unit.
Land raider Machine Spirit Ability now grants a temporary invulnerability, has a long cool down
invulnerable OP, this could be broken
lascannon squad - tier 2 unit comes with squad of 3 with a set up time 4 infantry popcap
make this require armory or tier 2.5? skull probe means sm is not vulnerable to tank rush
Scout build time increase, Range DPS decreased
you'll need to speed up cap time slightly to balance this w/ other races such as IG or ork, else sm gets behind on eco, but this is very good idea to prevent all in scout rush
Liberian smite radius increased  
no, this ability is OPAF already. I would even say to increase the cooldown time by 1.5x
Scout sniper damage increased, range increased
tau and elf would suffer so bad in team games, this would ruin the fun for many players. Sniper is debatably too strong at current stats. Here is video to show you a matchup which would be very hard vs sm with these changes
Assault / Space Marine Squads now produce with 3 marines instead of 4 out the barracks
this sounds silly
Assault Space Marine now use leap which causes damage & knock back upon landing
yet another tier 1 smite. this is more fair than the elf one, but is suited for dow 2 not dow 1.
Assault / Space Marine HP slightly increased
they already have big HP for tier 1. + they have 2 upgrades for HP later. in tier 1 sm would demolish ork and chaos with this change
Landspeeder can now bypass any terrain, the jump ability has been removed
this idea of "bypass terrain" essentially makes all these tanks air units, but they are land vehicles. this may make more sense, but in gameplay this is poor idea. keep speeder as they are. perhaps slightly increase the build time?
Force Commanders Orbital bombardment radius slightly increased, DPS increased
surely this ability is strong enough already? it can instant kill any race's generators which is their prime use, not vs infantry.
Terminators teleport time decreased dramatically
now this IS broken. try playing into breach vs an sm player, he can already jump into base, kill lp, and jump home, ruining the enemy eco. their teleports can already be spammed, with this upgrade you will be using them like vespids...
enemy will not be able to tie up termies, and they can jump arround enemy base freely with this change.
Warbiker Mob - Fast attack tier 1 unit requires at least two war banners, 2 popcap, only 1 can be built can also decap, is produced from HQ
sounds like ultimate apocalypse mod to me. you would need to be very careful with how you implement this unit, it must not have too high dmg or range. it shouldn't have good damage to buildings or else it could be too powerful harass tool
DeathDred - tier 3 unit 3 vehicle popcap
surely this is just a reskinned killa kan? ork does need something extra for tier 3/4 to make them able to combat IG, but this seems bland
Ork Boyz Melee DPS increased, HP decreased
slugga boys? they would melt to any enemy damage. i think this will make ork too weak vs eldar as the slugga will die much faster than they do now
Stormboyz Melee DPS decreased
only slightly
Killa Kanz now can be upgraded with a missile launcher
it can do this already?...
War-banners now gain a taunt ability that lasts for a duration if it isn't destroyed upon charging up, the ability grants a temporary speed boost and damage increase to nearby units. 
While the banner is charging the banner is vulnerable and takes on bonus damage.
This actually sounds really interesting
Shoota Boyz now can throw grenades after being researched
this should have low explosion radius and low damage seeing as shoota have huge DPS already
TBA Burner Bommber now is an ability that affects a large radius, with a long cool down, from the flash gitz.
maybe from mad dok or warboss instead?
new commander abilities:
Tesseract Labyrinth Tier 2 Creates a Pocket dimension that throws a selected target into oblivion has a long cool down
does this mean instantly kill 1 unit? that shouldn't be usable vs tanks or commanders
Void field Tier 3 Deflects incoming projectiles in a medium radius around the necron lord for a duration medium cool down
so this is basically just phase shift but deals damage too..... hm. necron lord is already unkillable so: phase shift + phylactery + void field, this guy would never die
Sempiternal Weave Tier 4 Makes the necron lord temporarily invulnerable & can still attack for a duration long cool down
imagine this with immortals in the army, i think that is broken. units cant tie the immortals up as necron warriors will kill them fast in the short range, and they cant kill the warriors because they are invulnerable.
meanwhile the immortals kill the enemy HQ or other important building. not to mention this with the resoterd monolith, can heal it with scarabs whilst it still shoots and can't be damaged. 
combine this with phase shift, and void field/phylactery and necron lord is pretty unkillable. maybe make this ability usable on 1 allied unit, and not usable on the necron lord?
Translocation Beacon Tier 4 All warrior & immortal units can teleport to his location long cool down
so i think you haven't thought abotu how these ability can be abused in combination.
lord jumps into enemy base
1) translocation beacon, teleport army into enemy base near HQ
2) attack buildings
3) when enemy responds, make army immune with sempiternal weave
4) enemy most likely losses his HQ and part of army
5) solar pulse or phase shift, delays damage to your army for longer time
6) deciever to distract enemy from fighting your army
7) army teleports home, suffering no damage due to the complete abuse that enemy had to withstand
Deathmarks - tier 1 Only one squad can be built - 2 infantry popcap does good damage to light vehicles and infantry. Scales with warrior upgrades.
make them tier 3 commander squad
Scarab build time decreased, HP increased
unfair early game advantage, in all maps necorn can go for 5 scarab eco boom
Warriors now cost 75 power with the first two warriors Free
so I did some tests to see how this would impact gameplay
necron starts wth 300 power
necron needs atleast 5 gens placed at the start, this costs 200 green, leaving 100 power
que 1 NW, only 25 power left. no chance you will be able to get the necron lord at this rate, and he is very important unit in many matchup
i think make NW cost 25 green and to have only 3 models when they are built, as a lot of players wont want them reinforced like much at the start of play
Necron HQ now generates 20 power
normal HQ = 20 req
10 power == 20 req (more or less)
this would be a bit too strong for a techy necron in team games, especially with the faster builder spawn time
Necron tier 2 power research now cost 450 power up from 350 power
ouch. this is how it used to be but the devs reduced it. 350 power is a HUGE investment, as tier 4 could be got instead. 450 is a bit too pricey imo
Necron Heavy Gauss Turret DPS increased, HP slightly increased
heavy gauss already strong, it shouldn't be upgrade at all
Wraith production time decreased
this is a joke right?
Tomb Spider micro scarbs now have a toggle to fly & can also engage ground units
ths is really cool idea
Deceiver gets the new Time vortex ability, which desentagrates targets in a medium radius, Ctan lighting is another new ability which effects a large area that slows enemies and does damage overtime.
so many new abilities for an already powerful unit? if you add new abilites, make them morale style for Deciever to fit with the theme
Deceiver old abilities have been removed
why not change how they work instead of removing them?
Pariahs are now replaced with the Necron Lychguard
NO! leave the memory of the pariah alive :(
Tzaangors tier 1.5 requires armory Melee squad only 1 can be produced 2 infantry pop cap
chaos has enough melee infantry already? please fix khorne bezerker by improving HP and doing a bit of dps to buildings instead
Slave builder unit walking speed now increased with forced labor
no one would use this ever, better to use on buildings
Chaos Lord unit build time increased
no way is this fair. he is necessary vs some races, and already has huge build time
Cultist Grenade damage Increased, Range decreased
I'd suggest decrease damage slightly, keep range, and allow for 3 weapons on a cultist at start instead of 2
Cultist HP increased
but why
TBA Chaos Taylon dirty bombing run is now an ability which the chaos lord can call down, effects a medium radius, & slowly kills a target location, has a long cool down,
is this really necessary for chaos?
Updated Model:
ask people from UA mod and daemons if you can use their models. chaos marine looks amazing
here is example screenshots so you can see:
Skitarii Vanguard - tier 3 unit choice between kasakin squad or Skitarii Vanguard. Slowly damages units once in melee only 1 squad can be built takes 3 infantry popcap
no one would ever pick melee unit over kaskrin, ever.
Bunker Weapons - 1 slot range DPS increased, 3 slot Range increased
this isn't necessary, they already deal great damage to infantry
Commander build time increased
Commissar build time increased
really? i don't think these are unfair build times as is
Chimera Range DPS increased
a joke right? XDD
Imperial Guard global capping time decreased
no they have fast like orks already
Imperial guard can call in 2x squads of guardsmen armed with plasma this requires a tactica and tier 2.5. the ability is called from the HQ. Must have a field of view.
um wtfff... broken? 2 free units?
Lhamaean - tier 1 made from HQ 2 infantry popcap only one can be built
so this is basically dark eldar harlequin. in tier 1?.. so they can now have 3 commanders in tier 1. maybe make this tier 2.5 where dark eldar is weaker
Wracks tier 2 unit 4 infantry popcap produced at the Hall of Blood
should be t2.5
Dark eldar builder build cost from 75 req to 90 req
sounds brutal if they lose the builder to scout rush
Mandrakes build time decreased
only very slightly, if at all. they have fast cap speed so this is a bit of an unfair advantage
Scourges Range DPS increased slightly, HP increased slightly
this should be ranged dps (((decreased))) vs infantry
Corrosion ability now decreases armor of units in the cloud by 15% instead of 8%, cloud radius increased
this seems a bit too high
Dark Eldar Archon Vampire ability removed
fix it, dont remove it
Archon gains the Dance of death ability that lasts for a duration
wtf how will this work with incubus, and also, how will you make this not look stupid for the archon model?
Bug Fixes:
Archon vampire ability fixed
but you said you will remove it?
Extra notes:
need more strength tier 2.5
need less strength in tier 1!
suprised you did not mention these, DE hillariously unfair in tier 1
Stealth Suit jump packs no longer need to be researched
No! this will mean they can take the map far far far too fast. they can jump to middle of map on panrea, for example and get huge advantage.
Commander HP increased
not necessary, a good player wont let it take damage
XV88 battlesuit now cost 1 infantry pop
in a hypothetical situation this is abusable, maybe for quick start players this is unfair
Barracuda Gunship now cost 4 vehicle cap, only 1 can be built,
maybe limit it to 2 or 3, it is a very necessary unit
Sisters of battle transport vehicle DPS increased, popcap increased
I know very little about SOB, but i dont think this needs DPS increase
Sisters Squad DPS increased
only slightly
Extra notes:
why don't you mention balancing celestians vs necron? the cellestian grenades should do a lot less damage vs buildings light armour (necron generator) and cellestian should do slightly less damage
congrats if you read that all and i hope it helps

Hey Guest,


So what you're saying is adding new content isn't going to balance the game? This is why this is important to get the community feedback, we are not just making a mod for fun, we intend to balance out the game as well as add new content, we will not box our selves in by just making a balance update. Thanks for the input though it is noted. It would be great if you could give more input that was more constructive lets say to the proposed balance changes based on the current meta. I also want to add that these proposed changes actually fill in much needed changes, they weren't just for fun. The current meta of soul storm is broken. The changes that say increase or decreased don't have the actual values proposed but are a base to call out what needs to change.


#12 NecronLord

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Posted 17 June 2018 - 02:56 PM


I know the meta reasonably well, I have a lot of experience in DOW with about 2.5k hours invested in it. I'm not amazing at the game, but I still understand a lot of what is wrong with it. i wrote up a list of possible changes that you should think about. I think a big issue is a lot of your changes seem to be styled to dow 2, which isn't suitable for dow 1 due to low unit HP and fast damage output. If you have any questions about what i suggest, ask my over steam by adding Sir <===CHAOS===> Inferno   as i do not have an account for this website. Also, I may be able to help you update the UI for the game (such as taskbars, unit icons, building icons, mouse pointer) if you are interested in making it look more modern, but this is also a very simple task that anyone can do if they explore the game files. if you need this feel free to add the inferno account and i'll show you some of the screenshots of my updated chaos UI. anyway here are the ideas I thought of:


Elf new Hero:
2x jump that disrupts & causes damage medium area radius Medium cool down
Tier 1 smite sounds unfair, disruption would mean DR can kill whole squads, eldar don't have knockback for a reason. Jump should be 1.5. Imagine vs IG, this would kill so many weak models.
Bone singer Wraithtomb cooldown increased (((only available on two bone singers)))
this second bit seems bad, keeping track of which bonesinger has the tomb on will be difficult in a high micro game
Dark Reaper build time increased
rly bad idea, the timings will be so off. vs necron, cron will have all points before eldar can harass. vs chaos,
chaos will be harassing base with raptors too early. chaos can simply outmass so much easier
Dark Reaper squad now comes with 4 units instead of 3
i guess this is to justify longer build time, but it is probably better to keep the current build time and only 3 models. Maybe ake reinforce cost 10 more req
Webway Gates now generate a fleet of foot radius
no keep FoF as toggle, else you remove all fun from playing eldar
Webway Gates can now teleport
teleport a webway gate to another webway gate? this wouldnt be used in normal play but sounds like it could create some abussive strategies with turrets
Fleet of foot is no longer a toggle on infantry units
no :[.  worst thing on this list
Webway Cloak can now cloak units
maybe change this to work like smoke field from rhino? each use does NOT stack. decrease accuracy of enemy by -15%. full cloak sounds broken in the late game
Eldar vehicles can now pass through into the webway
this is a joke, right?
Eldar nightwing removed
but why? it's eldar's anti air unit, and isn't pointless.
New Hero Unit:
Venerable Dred - tier 2.5 unit requires machine pit 3 vehicle popcap only 1 can be built. Ability: Plasma Cannon discharge medium radius medium cool down
SM already have 3 very powerful commanders. They have the most commanders in the game and should not have more. this makes the normal dreads redundant.
sm are probs strongest t2.5 race and adding another powerful tank would be unfair on other races. sm vs chaos would be very unfairly balanced, for example.
Perhaps change this unit into a set of upgrades? tier 4 upgrade already increases the HP of tanks, maybe add a line of text saying "dreads become venerable, HP up"
maybe plasma can be a tier 3 or 4 weapon upgrade for dreads, and the ability can work a bit like tau commander snap shot and deal high DPS to single unit.
Land raider Machine Spirit Ability now grants a temporary invulnerability, has a long cool down
invulnerable OP, this could be broken
lascannon squad - tier 2 unit comes with squad of 3 with a set up time 4 infantry popcap
make this require armory or tier 2.5? skull probe means sm is not vulnerable to tank rush
Scout build time increase, Range DPS decreased
you'll need to speed up cap time slightly to balance this w/ other races such as IG or ork, else sm gets behind on eco, but this is very good idea to prevent all in scout rush
Liberian smite radius increased  
no, this ability is OPAF already. I would even say to increase the cooldown time by 1.5x
Scout sniper damage increased, range increased
tau and elf would suffer so bad in team games, this would ruin the fun for many players. Sniper is debatably too strong at current stats. Here is video to show you a matchup which would be very hard vs sm with these changes
Assault / Space Marine Squads now produce with 3 marines instead of 4 out the barracks
this sounds silly
Assault Space Marine now use leap which causes damage & knock back upon landing
yet another tier 1 smite. this is more fair than the elf one, but is suited for dow 2 not dow 1.
Assault / Space Marine HP slightly increased
they already have big HP for tier 1. + they have 2 upgrades for HP later. in tier 1 sm would demolish ork and chaos with this change
Landspeeder can now bypass any terrain, the jump ability has been removed
this idea of "bypass terrain" essentially makes all these tanks air units, but they are land vehicles. this may make more sense, but in gameplay this is poor idea. keep speeder as they are. perhaps slightly increase the build time?
Force Commanders Orbital bombardment radius slightly increased, DPS increased
surely this ability is strong enough already? it can instant kill any race's generators which is their prime use, not vs infantry.
Terminators teleport time decreased dramatically
now this IS broken. try playing into breach vs an sm player, he can already jump into base, kill lp, and jump home, ruining the enemy eco. their teleports can already be spammed, with this upgrade you will be using them like vespids...
enemy will not be able to tie up termies, and they can jump arround enemy base freely with this change.
Warbiker Mob - Fast attack tier 1 unit requires at least two war banners, 2 popcap, only 1 can be built can also decap, is produced from HQ
sounds like ultimate apocalypse mod to me. you would need to be very careful with how you implement this unit, it must not have too high dmg or range. it shouldn't have good damage to buildings or else it could be too powerful harass tool
DeathDred - tier 3 unit 3 vehicle popcap
surely this is just a reskinned killa kan? ork does need something extra for tier 3/4 to make them able to combat IG, but this seems bland
Ork Boyz Melee DPS increased, HP decreased
slugga boys? they would melt to any enemy damage. i think this will make ork too weak vs eldar as the slugga will die much faster than they do now
Stormboyz Melee DPS decreased
only slightly
Killa Kanz now can be upgraded with a missile launcher
it can do this already?...
War-banners now gain a taunt ability that lasts for a duration if it isn't destroyed upon charging up, the ability grants a temporary speed boost and damage increase to nearby units. 
While the banner is charging the banner is vulnerable and takes on bonus damage.
This actually sounds really interesting
Shoota Boyz now can throw grenades after being researched
this should have low explosion radius and low damage seeing as shoota have huge DPS already
TBA Burner Bommber now is an ability that affects a large radius, with a long cool down, from the flash gitz.
maybe from mad dok or warboss instead?
new commander abilities:
Tesseract Labyrinth Tier 2 Creates a Pocket dimension that throws a selected target into oblivion has a long cool down
does this mean instantly kill 1 unit? that shouldn't be usable vs tanks or commanders
Void field Tier 3 Deflects incoming projectiles in a medium radius around the necron lord for a duration medium cool down
so this is basically just phase shift but deals damage too..... hm. necron lord is already unkillable so: phase shift + phylactery + void field, this guy would never die
Sempiternal Weave Tier 4 Makes the necron lord temporarily invulnerable & can still attack for a duration long cool down
imagine this with immortals in the army, i think that is broken. units cant tie the immortals up as necron warriors will kill them fast in the short range, and they cant kill the warriors because they are invulnerable.
meanwhile the immortals kill the enemy HQ or other important building. not to mention this with the resoterd monolith, can heal it with scarabs whilst it still shoots and can't be damaged. 
combine this with phase shift, and void field/phylactery and necron lord is pretty unkillable. maybe make this ability usable on 1 allied unit, and not usable on the necron lord?
Translocation Beacon Tier 4 All warrior & immortal units can teleport to his location long cool down
so i think you haven't thought abotu how these ability can be abused in combination.
lord jumps into enemy base
1) translocation beacon, teleport army into enemy base near HQ
2) attack buildings
3) when enemy responds, make army immune with sempiternal weave
4) enemy most likely losses his HQ and part of army
5) solar pulse or phase shift, delays damage to your army for longer time
6) deciever to distract enemy from fighting your army
7) army teleports home, suffering no damage due to the complete abuse that enemy had to withstand
Deathmarks - tier 1 Only one squad can be built - 2 infantry popcap does good damage to light vehicles and infantry. Scales with warrior upgrades.
make them tier 3 commander squad
Scarab build time decreased, HP increased
unfair early game advantage, in all maps necorn can go for 5 scarab eco boom
Warriors now cost 75 power with the first two warriors Free
so I did some tests to see how this would impact gameplay
necron starts wth 300 power
necron needs atleast 5 gens placed at the start, this costs 200 green, leaving 100 power
que 1 NW, only 25 power left. no chance you will be able to get the necron lord at this rate, and he is very important unit in many matchup
i think make NW cost 25 green and to have only 3 models when they are built, as a lot of players wont want them reinforced like much at the start of play
Necron HQ now generates 20 power
normal HQ = 20 req
10 power == 20 req (more or less)
this would be a bit too strong for a techy necron in team games, especially with the faster builder spawn time
Necron tier 2 power research now cost 450 power up from 350 power
ouch. this is how it used to be but the devs reduced it. 350 power is a HUGE investment, as tier 4 could be got instead. 450 is a bit too pricey imo
Necron Heavy Gauss Turret DPS increased, HP slightly increased
heavy gauss already strong, it shouldn't be upgrade at all
Wraith production time decreased
this is a joke right?
Tomb Spider micro scarbs now have a toggle to fly & can also engage ground units
ths is really cool idea
Deceiver gets the new Time vortex ability, which desentagrates targets in a medium radius, Ctan lighting is another new ability which effects a large area that slows enemies and does damage overtime.
so many new abilities for an already powerful unit? if you add new abilites, make them morale style for Deciever to fit with the theme
Deceiver old abilities have been removed
why not change how they work instead of removing them?
Pariahs are now replaced with the Necron Lychguard
NO! leave the memory of the pariah alive :(
Tzaangors tier 1.5 requires armory Melee squad only 1 can be produced 2 infantry pop cap
chaos has enough melee infantry already? please fix khorne bezerker by improving HP and doing a bit of dps to buildings instead
Slave builder unit walking speed now increased with forced labor
no one would use this ever, better to use on buildings
Chaos Lord unit build time increased
no way is this fair. he is necessary vs some races, and already has huge build time
Cultist Grenade damage Increased, Range decreased
I'd suggest decrease damage slightly, keep range, and allow for 3 weapons on a cultist at start instead of 2
Cultist HP increased
but why
TBA Chaos Taylon dirty bombing run is now an ability which the chaos lord can call down, effects a medium radius, & slowly kills a target location, has a long cool down,
is this really necessary for chaos?
Updated Model:
ask people from UA mod and daemons if you can use their models. chaos marine looks amazing
here is example screenshots so you can see:
Skitarii Vanguard - tier 3 unit choice between kasakin squad or Skitarii Vanguard. Slowly damages units once in melee only 1 squad can be built takes 3 infantry popcap
no one would ever pick melee unit over kaskrin, ever.
Bunker Weapons - 1 slot range DPS increased, 3 slot Range increased
this isn't necessary, they already deal great damage to infantry
Commander build time increased
Commissar build time increased
really? i don't think these are unfair build times as is
Chimera Range DPS increased
a joke right? XDD
Imperial Guard global capping time decreased
no they have fast like orks already
Imperial guard can call in 2x squads of guardsmen armed with plasma this requires a tactica and tier 2.5. the ability is called from the HQ. Must have a field of view.
um wtfff... broken? 2 free units?
Lhamaean - tier 1 made from HQ 2 infantry popcap only one can be built
so this is basically dark eldar harlequin. in tier 1?.. so they can now have 3 commanders in tier 1. maybe make this tier 2.5 where dark eldar is weaker
Wracks tier 2 unit 4 infantry popcap produced at the Hall of Blood
should be t2.5
Dark eldar builder build cost from 75 req to 90 req
sounds brutal if they lose the builder to scout rush
Mandrakes build time decreased
only very slightly, if at all. they have fast cap speed so this is a bit of an unfair advantage
Scourges Range DPS increased slightly, HP increased slightly
this should be ranged dps (((decreased))) vs infantry
Corrosion ability now decreases armor of units in the cloud by 15% instead of 8%, cloud radius increased
this seems a bit too high
Dark Eldar Archon Vampire ability removed
fix it, dont remove it
Archon gains the Dance of death ability that lasts for a duration
wtf how will this work with incubus, and also, how will you make this not look stupid for the archon model?
Bug Fixes:
Archon vampire ability fixed
but you said you will remove it?
Extra notes:
need more strength tier 2.5
need less strength in tier 1!
suprised you did not mention these, DE hillariously unfair in tier 1
Stealth Suit jump packs no longer need to be researched
No! this will mean they can take the map far far far too fast. they can jump to middle of map on panrea, for example and get huge advantage.
Commander HP increased
not necessary, a good player wont let it take damage
XV88 battlesuit now cost 1 infantry pop
in a hypothetical situation this is abusable, maybe for quick start players this is unfair
Barracuda Gunship now cost 4 vehicle cap, only 1 can be built,
maybe limit it to 2 or 3, it is a very necessary unit
Sisters of battle transport vehicle DPS increased, popcap increased
I know very little about SOB, but i dont think this needs DPS increase
Sisters Squad DPS increased
only slightly
Extra notes:
why don't you mention balancing celestians vs necron? the cellestian grenades should do a lot less damage vs buildings light armour (necron generator) and cellestian should do slightly less damage
congrats if you read that all and i hope it helps

Hey Guest,


So what you're saying is adding new content isn't going to balance the game? This is why this is important to get the community feedback, we are not just making a mod for fun, we intend to balance out the game as well as add new content, we will not box our selves in by just making a balance update. Thanks for the input though it is noted. It would be great if you could give more input that was more constructive lets say to the proposed balance changes based on the current meta. I also want to add that these proposed changes actually fill in much needed changes, they weren't just for fun. The current meta of soul storm is broken. The changes that say increase or decreased don't have the actual values proposed but are a base to call out what needs to change.



Now this is what i like to see, the community getting involved. I will review and add you to on steam


Updated: I love your proposed changes and they do make a lot of sense, most i agree with on, i will update this based on your input and if you know of anyone else who might have a different opinion please share this post with them. Also it would be great if you could help out with icons and UI. you can add me on steam Necron|ord is my name.



Edited by NecronLord, 17 June 2018 - 09:01 PM.

#13 ZmajOgnjeniVuk

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Posted 28 June 2018 - 09:21 PM

Have you ever tried Dow: Pro? That was always the hardcore competitive balance mod, at some points obnoxiously so. On the off chance you did get to make anything official I would rather the engine was expanded and new races added, admech or imperial knights.


But anyway, casually chucking in 'HD models and textures' like that rather seems to undersell the amount of work involved. UA are good, but not fans of infantry and synch kills, which is why they have built a truck load of tanks. I'd love them to finish the centurion, or dragon knights for instance. The majority of your changes would take about a day in corsix.


Keep going, see what happens.

Fuggles hi, 
I was randomly going through the thread and saw you mentioned centurion. 
If you are referring to SM Centurion exo suit, I have finished one for my now dead mod. When I say, finished, I mean the 3D model is done, however, it has no textures. You can find it here if you are interested.

#14 fuggles


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Posted 29 June 2018 - 05:15 AM

That's awesome! Is it wrapped or viewable in game?

#15 ZmajOgnjeniVuk

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Posted 29 June 2018 - 12:36 PM

That's awesome! Is it wrapped or viewable in game?

Nope, never came to that point, it needs to be unwrapped. For issue of being viewable in game,dont know to be honest, I never was good in that part of the modding, so I guess you would knot better. It has no bones or animations, so I guess only static gray model would appear.

Edited by ZmajOgnjeniVuk, 29 June 2018 - 12:38 PM.

#16 Kekoulis


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Posted 29 June 2018 - 01:59 PM

That's awesome! Is it wrapped or viewable in game?

Is this the model you told me?


Mankind has seen the light,the light of Slaanesh.

#17 fuggles


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Posted 29 June 2018 - 06:01 PM


#18 thudo


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Posted 03 July 2018 - 06:34 PM

Perfect for IF especially the Assault variants + Sergeant although UM would not say no. :smile2ap:

Advanced Skirmish AI Team Lead for the coolest Warhammer40k PC RTS out there:

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#19 NecronLord

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Posted 04 July 2018 - 05:20 PM

Can we stay on topic here this thread is not the topic or conversation about that, lets not derail this thread. You could have easily messaged each other.

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