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Issue: Re-enter and verify your Registration Code

invalid key verify registration red alert 3 key red alert 3 code re enter key re-enter key

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#1 opplus

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Posted 01 August 2020 - 10:27 PM

Hey heey,


I'm having problems with registrering my red alert 3 key in the CnC launcher.

I'll try and describe in steps what i've done so far.


1: Bought the CnC: Ultimate Collection from CDkeys.com

2: Redeemed the key i got from CDkeys.com in Origin

3: Installed the games in a seperate folder on my D: drive


4: Installed the latest pathc for Red Alert 3 (patch1.012) using the guide on cnc-online.net

5: Installed cnc-online client (It automaticly installs on my C: drive)

6: Hooked the game, using the "hook" function in the cnc-online client (did so automaticly)

7: Launched Red Alert 3

8: A request pops up for my registration key

9: Type in the CnC: Ultimate collection key i got from CDkeys.com

10: Then it asks me to "Carefully re-enter" the key

11: Tried re-entering and it doesn't work

12: When i exit it tells me "That my key is invalid


13: Tried opening the game properties in Origin and use that key

14: Same result as mentioned before


NOTE: I've also tried installing the CnC Launchers from Bibber's website and then launch the cnc-online client with the same results


Really wanna play online :) hope it's a quick fix, and i've just missed something. Haven't really played around with this stuff a lot.

#2 DeathLog2k7

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Posted 09 September 2020 - 10:03 PM

I have the same issue.

I bought the game on g2a.com (C&C Ultimate collection) for Origin. I tried RedAlert3 before applying the latest patch, and it worked fine. Now i am asked for the code ...

#3 DeathLog2k7

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Posted 09 September 2020 - 10:17 PM

Have a look at



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