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Red Alert 3 won't start

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#1 Driessch2e

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Posted 02 December 2020 - 04:52 PM

By using:


Open C&C online: check; 

Hook red alert 3 check;

Open Red Alert 3 by the desktop icon check;


Then it won't start.....


If I close C&C online it will start Red Alert but then I can't login.


So.. What it is going on ? :) 


#2 Tarrock

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Posted 04 December 2020 - 09:55 PM

same problem to me -> no solution jet

#3 xads


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Posted 09 December 2020 - 07:43 AM

As we've seen no error which is a bad sign please make sure that youre doing the hooking process correctly

1. If you have cnc online open, close it before doing anything else.

2. Not necessary, but in some cases it helps, disable your antivirus.

3. Open steam/origin, and create a shortcut for your game.

4. Open CNC Online and hook your game, then close the launcher.

5. Now double click the shortcut you created, it should take you to the cnc online launcher, and go from there.

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