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Model exports from 3ds max and modeling questions

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#1 qwop_guy

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 12:29 AM

Hi all, 

I recently go into modeling and need some guidance on properly making changes.

I can make changes to a model, and export it successfully, it will open in OE however the part of the model I edited is just missing completely.


In this case, I was making changes to a guardsman model, here is what I did:


Opened the Ref.scene file in the reference folder of the model and made edits to guardsmen_body. I moved some vertices around as it seemed the easiest way to make change to the model, and exported it successfully.

I didn't make any other changes to the animation files in the animations folder.

I can open it in OE however the guardsmen_body is missing.


Am I editing the wrong file? Do I have to make changes to every guardsmen_body file in every animation .scene file to mirror the Ref file so the model shows up in-game?

If that's the case, what is the easiest way to merge the new body onto the exiting bone structure of all the animations, or is there an easier way to make model changes and I am missing it entirely?



#2 Moreartillery

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 07:10 AM

Look at the the OE messages window and post what it says here.


Also, try exporting the model to OE before editing it. Alot of models have this issue and its important to know whether or not your changes caused it.


Am I editing the wrong file? Do I have to make changes to every guardsmen_body file in every animation .scene file to mirror the Ref file so the model shows up in-game?


Edited by Moreartillery, 02 September 2021 - 07:27 AM.

Developer of the Cinematic Battles mod.


#3 qwop_guy

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Posted 02 September 2021 - 11:16 PM

It was working in OE perfectly before I altered the model itself (I made some minor animation changes). Here is the output from the warnings: 


Edit: It looks like only the parts I modeled are missing in OE, such as the body, chest, and a couple heads.

20:55:11.06   OBJECTEDITOR started at 2021-08-30 20:55
20:55:11.06   OS NT 6.2, 0MB Physical Memory
20:55:11.06   RUN-OPTIONS 
20:55:11.06   WORKING-DIR C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dawn of War Dark Crusade\ModTools
20:55:11.06   USER XXXX
20:55:11.10   objecteditorinit.c/88:!WARHAMMER 40K OBJECT EDITOR -- Starting...
20:55:14.06   objecteditorviewinit.c/51:!Initializing SPOOGE (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dawn of War Dark Crusade\ModTools\)
20:55:14.06   deviceconfig.c/88:!Unable to find device tweek file [spDx9_config.txt].
20:55:14.13   treetransform.c/543:!SHAD -- Parsing [shader.txt] compiler script.
20:55:14.13   treetransform.c/551:!Unable to parse translation file.
20:55:14.13   MATHBOX -- Version=5, Cpu=unknown:f=6,m=14, Mode=SSE
20:55:14.13   SPOOGE - Driver[Dx9 : Software TnL] on adapter[0], version[4,32]
20:55:14.16   SPDx9 -- Driver Name = nvldumd.dll  Device = \\.\DISPLAY4  Desc = NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
20:55:14.16   SPDx9 -- Driver Vendor = 0x10DE  Device = 0x1F50  SubSys = 0x18911043  Rev = 0x00A1
20:55:14.16   SPDx9 -- Driver Version  Product = 0x001E  Version = 0x0000  SubVersion = 0x000E  Build = 0x1C00 (7168)
20:55:14.16   SPDx9 -- Driver GUID = {D7B71E3E-5C10-11CF-F36F-9F380EC2D335}
20:55:14.25   SPOOGE -- 4095.00MB available texture memory
20:55:14.25   SPOOGE -- 4095.00MB available texture memory
20:55:16.35   SPOOGE -- 4095.00MB available texture memory
20:55:16.35   SPOOGE -- 4095.00MB available texture memory
20:55:16.35   SPOOGE -- 4095.00MB available texture memory
20:55:16.36   SPOOGE -- 4084.00MB available texture memory
20:55:16.36   objecteditordoc.c/1063:!Sync'ing to latest revision before opening for edit!
20:55:16.36   OE -- Opening model 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dawn of War Dark Crusade\ModTools\DataGeneric\My_Mod\art\ebps\races\imperial_guard\troops\guardsmen1.SGM'
20:55:16.40   'guardsmen1': WARNING -- Motion 'thrown_long_3' has an absolute modifier, has events, and does not ignore transitions -- it may skip events!
20:55:16.41   'guardsmen1': WARNING -- Motion 'thrown_long_1' has an absolute modifier, has events, and does not ignore transitions -- it may skip events!
20:55:16.41   'guardsmen1': Motion 'flag_plant_start_1' has more than one animation:
20:55:16.41   'guardsmen1': Animation: flag_plant_1
20:55:16.41   'guardsmen1': Animation: vis_flag
20:55:16.41   'guardsmen1': WARNING -- Motion 'thrown_long_2' has an absolute modifier, has events, and does not ignore transitions -- it may skip events!
20:55:17.28   BurnerImp -- Ready to Burn
20:55:17.28   BurnerImp --
20:55:17.28   BurnerImp -- Burning C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dawn of War Dark Crusade\ModTools\DataGeneric\My_Mod\art\ebps\races\imperial_guard\troops\guardsmen1.ebp
20:55:17.28   WHE Plugin -- [C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dawn of War Dark Crusade\ModTools\DataGeneric\My_Mod\art\ebps\races\imperial_guard\troops\guardsmen1.ebp] -> [C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dawn of War Dark Crusade\My_Mod\Data\art\ebps\races\imperial_guard\troops\guardsmen1.whe]
20:55:17.28   Number of files burnt: 1
20:55:17.31   surfacecompiler.c/140:!Too many passes ?
Shader original : [(add (mult (add (selecta light: colour:constant) colour:constant,black) (selecta texture:rgb,uv0,tile,linearmipmappoint colour:constant,black)) (mult colour:constant,black colour:constant,black))]
Shader optimal  : [(add (mult (add (selecta light: colour:constant) colour:constant,black) (selecta texture:rgb,uv0,tile,linearmipmappoint colour:constant,black)) (mult colour:constant,black colour:constant,black))]
20:55:17.31   surfacecompiler.c/140:!Too many passes ?
Shader original : [(add (mult (add (selecta light: colour:constant) colour:constant,black) (selecta texture:rgbamask,uv0,tile,linearmipmappoint colour:constant,black)) (mult colour:constant,black colour:constant,black))]
Shader optimal  : [(add (mult (add (selecta light: colour:constant) colour:constant,black) (selecta texture:rgbamask,uv0,tile,linearmipmappoint colour:constant,black)) (mult colour:constant,black colour:constant,black))]
20:55:17.32   surfacecompiler.c/140:!Too many passes ?
Shader original : [(add (mult (add (selecta light: colour:constant) colour:constant,black) (selecta texture:rgb,uv0,tile,linearmipmappoint colour:constant,black)) (mult colour:constant,black colour:constant,black))]
Shader optimal  : [(add (mult (add (selecta light: colour:constant) colour:constant,black) (selecta texture:rgb,uv0,tile,linearmipmappoint colour:constant,black)) (mult colour:constant,black colour:constant,black))]
20:55:17.32   surfacecompiler.c/140:!Too many passes ?
Shader original : [(add (mult (add (selecta light: colour:constant) colour:constant,black) (selecta texture:rgb,uv0,tile,linearmipmappoint colour:constant,black)) (mult colour:constant,black colour:constant,black))]
Shader optimal  : [(add (mult (add (selecta light: colour:constant) colour:constant,black) (selecta texture:rgb,uv0,tile,linearmipmappoint colour:constant,black)) (mult colour:constant,black colour:constant,black))]
20:55:17.32   surfacecompiler.c/140:!Too many passes ?
Shader original : [(add (mult (add (selecta light: colour:constant) colour:constant,black) (selecta texture:rgbamask,uv0,tile,linearmipmappoint colour:constant,black)) (mult colour:constant,black colour:constant,black))]
Shader optimal  : [(add (mult (add (selecta light: colour:constant) colour:constant,black) (selecta texture:rgbamask,uv0,tile,linearmipmappoint colour:constant,black)) (mult colour:constant,black colour:constant,black))]
20:55:17.32   surfacecompiler.c/140:!Too many passes ?
Shader original : [(add (mult (add (selecta light: colour:constant) colour:constant,black) (selecta texture:rgb,uv0,tile,linearmipmappoint colour:constant,black)) (mult colour:constant,black colour:constant,black))]
Shader optimal  : [(add (mult (add (selecta light: colour:constant) colour:constant,black) (selecta texture:rgb,uv0,tile,linearmipmappoint colour:constant,black)) (mult colour:constant,black colour:constant,black))]
20:58:45.35   SPOOGE -- 4083.00MB available texture memory
20:58:45.35   SPOOGE -- 4084.00MB available texture memory
Application closed without errors

Edited by qwop_guy, 02 September 2021 - 11:19 PM.

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