When creating a new race, AI needs to be reprogrammed. This work is very difficult and easy to fail.
It may not activate successfully when loading the AI of a new race. It is very important for experts to release a general AI compilation tutorial or AI template.
Have you made a separate template for the new race?I can't work properly by applying other people's AI.The AI template of race can improve the speed of making race.
Generally speaking, I copy the space marine race files and use notepad++'s find and replace tool to change all the function names. Alot of the functions in marinebuildbasestrategy.ai can be committed out with --[[code=auto:0]], Try removing functions from a working race to see what isn't needed. And you'll need at least one unit (probably the builder) in unitstats.ai
You'll need infantry tactic and vehicle tactic in loader.ai but you can remove the other tactics.