What was the name of the game that preceded Warhammer40K:Dow? It featured the same races, buildings etc. It certainly existed because I remember playing it years ago.
Posted 11 January 2022 - 02:40 PM
There were no wh40k RTS prior to Dow but there were some turn based - final liberation maybe?
Thanks but that has primitive graphics whilst the one I remember had proper graphics much like Dawn of War.. The scenery had lots of hills usually with a structure on top and movement was confined to valleys. Skull probes played a large role. I think it was turn based. You could choose your race. I think it was before DOW unless DOW went through some massive changes.
Got somewhat obsessed about finding it!
Posted 12 January 2022 - 10:22 AM
Edited by Moreartillery, 12 January 2022 - 10:23 AM.
Developer of the Cinematic Battles mod.
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