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H001 - Mismatch - Valid

maphacker maphack h0001

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#1 thanasis7

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 07:39 PM



apologies if I do not follow the protocol correctly.


I would like to report player from Zero Hour Generals nickname "H001" as maphacker.


1) Mismatch in the end, (he chat in public: ok i cant win, so nobody can)

2) Mh detection by gentool: I am adding the print screen

3) no radar van

4) rules violation : I dont actually know if this is your matter, becaue these are our generally consented rules: No Demo bikes.. and demo up, he used them

5) You will not see it in replay, but entire game was under the "specific mh lag" 


The replay file is the last replay (0000000), so maybe it is wise to rename it...


Thank you very much for keeping the community peaceful.



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#2 -NickName-

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Posted 25 January 2022 - 08:50 AM



Thank you for reporting. H001 is someone that already appeared on my radar, the mismatch was new though.


However, after this report, he also mismatched a game I was playing in. Is it possible you upload the screenshot(s) of the announcements? I can't see them in here, only image is the lock under fog.


Anyway, for now I can already conclude that H001 mismatched at least once, and I will use this accusation to give the accused player a platform where he can come up with an explanation for all of this.


A report of Mismatching in a game played in Zero Hour has been made against H001 (Revora Member HAMAD1122) and the adjudicator has found the report to be valid.
The report and the decision may be found at Gamereplays here: H001 - Mismatch - Valid
I give H001 three clear days to explain himself. If I do not hear from him within that time, the report will be confirmed and a sanction may be imposed. The explanation and any mitigation may be given here or in the report topic on GameReplays.

#3 thanasis7

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Posted 25 January 2022 - 05:49 PM



It did not came to my mind to make a screenshot from the mismatch. So I checked uploaded screens from my GT folder, unfortunately, it was not there.. https://www.gentool....7_775E6D851E08/ the same is for my colleague in the game, the hardsergeant. His pictures are also missing last moments.


In my case, I had delay in the game after the mismatch. That means I stay long seconds in the game after a mismatch. So I watched the replay you can see the usual mismatch "doing nothing" - if you understand me. The mismatch occured approximately at 44-45 min of GT time - units do nothing. no-one surrenders. screen goes strictly to the postmatch menu.


So, there were just three players: me, hardsergeant and the maphacking h001. H001 is lacking Gentool link from obvious reasons, so only me and the hardsergeant we have the folder. 




If you compare his replay and my replay, you will see exactly the same ending. I mean - in case of sudden disconnection of me for example - the ending of the replay from hardsergeant point of view must have been different: I should have dissapeared from the map.


But we have both the same ending. 


No-one dissapears and mismatch is done in the moment of hopeless situation for h001. I would not recommend to watch the both replays (2x 45min), because I think that investing that many time into this is really dubious.


I watched at least my replay and it was painful watching enough to see the obvious maphacking moves (banned in pro rules TNT rebels ambush explosion in power plants he never explored) of course without radar... the overall selection of his choices throughout the game how he reacts on the happening from very distant places he couldnt see is clear.


While watching there were more moments when Gentool selected him as maphacker more than 1 time, so I am adding one more sceen. Unfortunately the mismatch I can support only from my explanation. 


The possible option is the testimony of the witness HarD[SergeanT-, because he was activelly reacting in the chat after the mismatch. So he will remember the situation very well.


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