Hello, I would rather have done this privately to try to avoid the accusation of causing drama as this isn't my intention and I had no way of contacting those involved so I'm happy to do this publicly to show my sincerity. I apologise with how I acted back in 2018 and in particular to Thudmiser who I upset greatly I wasn't aware of what I had said but it must of been pretty terrible if to this day it's still a sore topic. I promise after this communication you will not see me or hear from me again I just simply wanted to clear my conscious and move forward. I make no excuse for how I acted and I do not expect any sort of forgiveness for what I have done. I think I realised it might of been a bit brazen of me to get onto the Discord and ask for tester access again but I genuinely didn't think what I remember saying was particularly too bad other than maybe being hypercritical. I'll continue to play the mods you guys develop because I do enjoy them a lot and I think the whole team has worked very hard on them particularly to get them to the state that they are currently in is fantastic and I wish you all the best.
I hope this post can put this to rest finally and I wish all of you a bright and happy future. Don't worry I will not try to communicate with anyone nor join the discord again if you do not wish for me to.
Edited by Faithless, 23 June 2022 - 05:46 PM.