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C&C Zero hour Multiplayer game will minimise, i hear the game but it won't re-open

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#1 leokao5

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Posted 27 January 2024 - 03:43 PM

I have Ultimate Collection, got it by  using EA app.

running C&C using gameranger

gentool running.


less than mid-game time, so attacks will have begun, the game will just minimise and I cannot open it again... i can still hear the gameplay, and if i press escape i can hear the game menu pop up sound however I am looking at the desktop with all my icons, and the game icon is on the tasbar but i cannot open it. 

when i press the game icon on the taskbar, everything on the desktop stops responding, as if I had entered back into the game however i'm still starring a the desktop screen.


I hope there's a solution for that.


I have windows 11, 

RTX 3070ti 8gb

36gb ram ddr5


what is wrong??

Edited by leokao5, 27 January 2024 - 04:04 PM.

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