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#1 Paranoid


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Posted 12 July 2004 - 04:36 AM

Well, in the staff section of the site, each staff member has there own profile. I need the following things from you guys that you want to be in the profile:

Occupation: (what your doing for the mod, mind you, Im sure I can figure this one out myself :mellow: )

Age: (Optional)

Location: (Option)

Little about the member: (Just whatever you want to add, how long you've been modding for example, pretty much whatever. I will copy these word for word from what you post, i wont do any spell checking for this section, so, yeah, just warning you)


#2 Deathmage100

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  • Location:Pleasant Valley NY, about 1 1/2 south of Albany NY
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Posted 20 August 2004 - 05:11 AM

well you know my occupation, so i dont need to write that

my age is 19

my location is Pleasant Valley, New York, about 1:30 minutes north of NYC.

and my other info: Im a college student at a college called Paul Smith's College, and im currently taking courses in Outdoor recreation, but im taking computer gaming and design courses at my local communtiy college during the summer. and im a seroius programmer and modder for games like Rise of Nations, and C&C : Generals. and im a cmoputer geek, that like to plat games on his Alienware Aurora PC, that cost me 4000 dollars. (thats all)

PS - kyle, sorry i havent been around lately, ive been doing summer college courses, and i totally forgot.
Trevor Smith aka "Snipe2"

The Boogie Monster In The Closet

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