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troop carriers

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#1 wilmet


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Posted 15 November 2004 - 07:29 PM

just wondering...will there be APC like units apart from the landing crafts that can only go on water ?
sort of like the bren unniversal carrier or M3 halftracks for example.
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#2 Andre27


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Posted 15 November 2004 - 07:42 PM

Not sure what you're asking..
* Do you want to know if there will be APC's?
Yes or at least their ww2 counterparts since the "true" APC didn't appear till after WW2

* Do you want to know if there will be landingcraft?

* Will there be Troop Transport ships?
No, not possible with the Ra2/YR engine.

As for the Bren and the Halftracks, Information will come your ways shortly.

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#3 wilmet


    muscles from brussels ?

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Posted 15 November 2004 - 08:00 PM

yeah , i realise that they weren't called APCs in those days , that why I said APC-like.
units that can carry infantry I should have said.
thanks for the info anyway :p
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#4 Rygar


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Posted 15 November 2004 - 08:19 PM

the scout units are used to carry troops in the battlefield
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#5 wilmet


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Posted 15 November 2004 - 09:11 PM

it just seems to me like the BA64 or the humber wouldn't be able to carry very many men... :p

Edited by wilmet, 15 November 2004 - 09:42 PM.

apologising to the world on behalf of my country for the existence of Brussel sprouts and Jean Claude Vandame

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#6 Major_Gilbear


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Posted 15 November 2004 - 11:32 PM

Well, most sides used trucks for motorised transport actually.
These were usually the same trucks that towed artillery, hauled supplies and were often converted in other units (such as half-tracks, or artillery platforms like the famous Katyushia).

Mechanised Infantry as we think of now wasn't around at the time, and armoured units for carrying troops were usually for limited operations and special roles.

In DDay, the scout units all have some troop capacity, and are really intended to ferry about small numbers of troops for special operations. Like moving Engineers, or escorting towed artillery for instance.

For SP, there will be troop trucks, though there won't be in any in MP (to the very best of my knowledge anyway).

#7 cr@zyiv@n



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Posted 15 November 2004 - 11:57 PM

Not to be a pain, but I was wondering, the graphic (VXL/SHP) of the landing craft shows an empty landing craft, but as it is loaded, will the graphic still remain empty ?

This is not a sin, I know RA2/YR has it's limitations and it's hard-codedness, but I was thinking about it and wanted to ask it...

Making it covered would be unrealistic too I realise now, as the men inside would have no clue of what was going on...

#8 Major_Gilbear


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Posted 16 November 2004 - 10:03 AM

They will look empty.

The only unit that can look "full" (I think) is the Harvester. And landing craft weren't usually covered either, sorry.

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