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print(), aitrace() and what not...

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#1 kreative

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Posted 28 January 2005 - 03:46 PM

Has anyone been able to implement some feedback onscreen while testing the ai?
I noticed the topic abobout aitrace, but that just left me with a nice "ai fatal error" and crashed the game....

I've been working a bit on the ai, and it's going quite well, but I would really need some way to debug it. So that I can se what the ai does.
Iv'e noticed there's a print() function several places in the ai code but I can't seem to "activate" it.

Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.


#2 thudo


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Posted 28 January 2005 - 06:48 PM

Kreative! Wow.. man.. nice seeing ya drop by! Hows the AI total re-code going? How far are you through it?

Btw, you've seen this thread right?


Further, are you talking about getting an aidebug.log dump of the AI's functions as your playing a game?

Essentially it looks like this:

File: cpu_manager.ai
self.debug = false
Set this to True

File: cpu_manager.ai
function CpuManager:Print( x, y, text )
	-- the selected color of the text:
	local colour = {255,255,192}
	dr_text2d( "aidebug"..self.player_id, x, y, text, colour[1], colour[2], colour[3] )

        -- log debug output to file (turn self.debug=true to activate!)
        ailog("e:\\aidebug.log", text)

Add the above near the same location. Change the "e:\\" to whatever location you want to save the .log file as it writes to the drive.

Finally, add this too to utility.ai:
--AI log dump to text file (activate in cpu_manager.ai when self.debug = true)
function ailog( logfile, msg ) 
  local log log = io.open( logfile , "a+" ) 
  if player_id == nil then 
     log:write("AI"," ", tostring(msg) , "\n") 
     log:write("AI"..player_id," ", tostring(msg) , "\n") 



As mentioned in the above link, Larkin is able to take it a step further and get to record a timeline so one can tweak based on a time reference.

Edited by thudo, 28 January 2005 - 06:49 PM.

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#3 kreative

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 08:42 AM

I tried the steps provided with aitrace, but I just get a fatal error.
What I do now is just play with an ally and keep an eye on his moves.

The project is going quite well now though, but I still need to set some new rules since I'm basing my AI on my mod.

However, I hope to create it in such a way that others will test it aswell.

#4 thudo


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Posted 29 January 2005 - 10:49 PM

Please keep us informed, kreative. Since early Jan I've been totally entralled by your work to fully and completely re-write DoW's LUA AI structure. Looking so forward to seeing how you can make it far more readable than what it currently is.
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