*votes for the classic 8 pixels high infantery*
In TD you could fit 5 men in 1 grid box. A brid box was about the same size as a medium tank. A mammoth over filled a grid box and a bike filled half of one.
Everything in TD was small. The only big things were the mammoths and the war factorys thay came out of. You should try to keep everything to scale, not just the infantery.
Infantry Scaling!
Started by Detail, Jan 12 2004 01:42 PM
10 replies to this topic
Posted 12 January 2004 - 12:46 PM
Well, in TD the infantry was very small, this gives more realism and allows for big rushes of infantry's to look very chaotic and brutal.
Should we make the infantry like that, or just keep they're size as they are in Generals?
Should we make the infantry like that, or just keep they're size as they are in Generals?
Posted 13 January 2004 - 11:26 AM
Actually we are keeping it all in scale, but infantry is just another thing.
We just took a warfactory , scaled the mammoth with it and now we always take the mammoth tank and scale our units in GMAX according to the mammoth.
But people might not like the Tiny-8-Pixel-Persons, so i figure i'd do a poll
We just took a warfactory , scaled the mammoth with it and now we always take the mammoth tank and scale our units in GMAX according to the mammoth.
But people might not like the Tiny-8-Pixel-Persons, so i figure i'd do a poll
Posted 17 January 2004 - 12:36 AM
i think i'd have to see them in gave first... :so:
Posted 19 January 2004 - 09:06 AM
Roger that, Since I've got a few buildings uvwmapped (but unskinnned) allready ingame, Ill take some screenshots for comparison" ;)2
Posted 27 January 2004 - 04:08 AM
I voted to see them in game first... but generally speaking I'm all for increasing infatry size by a little, since its hard to pick out an indiviual infantry at times. On the other hand why not make vehicles a bit bigger to allow for easier scaling of infantry? its not as if the vehicles in Gen are big or anything.
Posted 29 February 2004 - 07:55 AM
I'd like to see a size somewhere in between the two.
Posted 20 March 2004 - 10:38 PM
The mod WW3 CTA, use small infantry, UGLY , small infantry is strange and hard to view
Please use Normal infantry
Please use Normal infantry
Posted 21 March 2004 - 04:28 AM
I can't get CTA to work properly, I guess I never took the time to sit down and figure out how to work the mod swapper properly. But I would like to see some ingame screenshots first though.
Posted 11 April 2004 - 04:29 PM
I agree with everything the kid says.
#11 Guest_Guspaz_*
Posted 31 May 2004 - 06:03 PM
TD's units weren't THAT small, if you played the original (not Gold version). Perhaps you could match that size and not the size they were in TD Gold, as the original was how the game was meant to be played.
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