1) hmmm i spose it does give them to much of an impact on the land battles but havent ships been designed to help influence land battles because its not always possible to have planes in numbers to support ground attacks i.e falklands campaign deystroyers guns and missles were used otdrive the enemy out of ports for easier occupation.
2)i agree with the coastline skirting but if you limit thier range they will move as close as they can so abit catch 22. in any case doesnt seem bad to me but may look a wee bit silly.
3) i agree with this tottaly but may i suggest letting artilary fireing on ships as this is a very good way of getting ships to fuck off and stop bombarding the shore.
4)yup i agree with this
5) ok this is very flawed i played BOP relgiously with mates it went into late stage game they sent the equivalent of 80 planes against my navy of about 30 ships in that area. and suffice it to say those aircraft got PWNED they lost 75 air craft repeadetly attacking my navy and i lost a mere 10 ships.
it was takeing 4 planes to get 1 confirmed kill on one ship give or take and as they returned home they were mostly shot down again. it made it economically impossible to win. so you would ahve to improve air craft ability against ships dramtically maybe reduce it from 4 planes to 2 planes per ship.
6) by this you mean carriers and nuke subs? carriers are not that good trust me although they own groups of tanks the nuke sub is to good lol. they will be powerful units if you give them a real long range. basically it cost 4500$ in planes to take down one ship costing 1300$
7) yup i agree sounds good
naval ships unbalanced on maps?
Started by
, May 25 2005 03:48 PM
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